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joined Feb 18, 2015

Yet another great side-couple chapter... I'm ready for more with the main couple though... (The one that is left. I feel like the track couple has played out their story line...)

joined Feb 18, 2015

Pretty intense... But less sad than part one... So far. I don't count on it staying that way.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Why is there so many labels for sexuality it makes no sense now a days. If you like someone that should be it or if your asexual and don't like people sexually that’s cool. I don't understand these new terms like pansexual and demi sexual. People like to overcomplicate things nowadays.

Well, gender and sexuality is more complex for some people than others. I know several people who feel standard gender definitions just don't fit for them, so I'm pretty cool about those things, even though I had never heard of most of the terms when I was younger. They are pretty simple, actually, if just look at the prefix:

a - not - as in not attracted.
Hetero - attracted to the opposite
Homo - attracted to the same
Bi - attracted to both or either
Pan - attracted to any - basically means that the gender is irrelevant to whichever type of attraction you are talking about.
Poly - attracted to many but not all - this is used by people who are attracted to people who fall outside of the standard binary genders (trans, gender-fluid, agender, etc...) possibly as well as one or more of the standard genders, but not ALL like PAN. It generally implies attraction to non-binary or transgender people though.
Demi - attraction comes after strong emotional bond. Basically, you have to get close to the person before they become attracted to you in that way.

So when someone suggests that Yuu is Demiromantic, it is suggesting that she needs to have a strong emotional connection before she feels a romantic attraction.

last edited at Sep 6, 2016 5:30PM

Lily Love discussion 05 Sep 23:25
joined Feb 18, 2015

You tell her donut!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Somehow I feel like Yuu's words and actions don'g quite jive anymore. She says she isn't falling in love, yet shortly before Nanami-sempi cornered her in the storage shed, she was lamenting about how despite seeing her they had barely been able to talk. And while she was a bit miffed because she felt she needed to hurry back with the banners, the FIRST kiss from Nanami certainly didn't seem unwelcome. And, in reality, it was only the fact that they were both so busy that had her upset about it at all it seemed.

Now this could be that she has just come to accept that Nanami-sempai kisses her on occasion, and she has mentioned before that she does enjoy kissing her. (In other words, she doesn't seem to be asexual. She does enjoy the physical contact and seems to be attracted to her physically at least. She has frequently commented on her beauty.)

Then there's Maki's commentary on the fact that she doesn't seem to be honest with herself about not feeling lonely because she lacks the capacity for romantic love. It would seem to be the case that she is kind of lying to herself there. But I also think there is a bit of the fact that she figured out a while back that Nanami-sempai doesn't WANT her to fall in love with her that is making her maintain that fiction. She is telling herself that it is fine to go on this way and not move forward, despite the way her face looked at the end of the chapter thinking about the reward she is due to give Nanami after the festival... That didn't look like the face of a girl who isn't capable of falling for the person she is going to kiss...

But maybe that's just me...

Kase-san discussion 29 Aug 14:56
joined Feb 18, 2015

There's been a lot of speculation about what Inoue-san's deal is. I don't understand why what seems to me the most obvious version hasn't been more popular.
I think Inoue-san has never been Kase-san's girlfriend and it's never even occurred to Kase-san as a possibility (in fact the longer the story goes the more I think that Kase-san has never had a girlfriend, it's just been assumed because she's so cool and princely)-- but Inoue-san wants her bad and was about the closest person to her for a long time, so she feels like Kase-san is her property. She's never had the guts to propose and sort of coasted as long as Kase-san seemed oblivious to romance and never got close to anyone in particular. She assumes that Yamada might be a junior version of the same thing, feels threatened by how much Kase-san's been talking about this new kid, but doesn't figure this mere non-athletic person for an actual girlfriend, at least not yet. So she's telling Yamada "I liked her first, I'm senior around here, she's mine, back off." In a rather snide and snippy way.

She may even have been planning to use this special occasion--this run just between the two of them--as an opportunity for confession. And now, from her point of view, there's a third wheel. Might go some way towards explaining how rude she's being.

I totally thing you are on the mark here! The times that we've seen her before, there was never any indication of a relationship beyond friendship and teammates, other than from Yamada's friend. But I could see Inoue having a crush on her that she never had the guts to do anything about, then deciding that with her coming to her college it was time to step it up. I can also see her not seeing Yamada as competition of any sort because of her "sports" mentality.

I could also see her thinking this as all, entirely, about running and Yamada is totally misreading everything because of her friend's exaggerations and Kase's odd behavior about her sempai. (Which you have to admit does seem to exist, at least from Yamada's point of view. Kase frequently gets a really goofy look when she is talking about Inoue sempai helping her out or coming to visit. I have to wonder how much of that is "Yamada vision" though instead of Kase actually acting differently?)

joined Feb 18, 2015

Chapter 3: Pretty sad... But I saw that coming...

Kase-san discussion 26 Aug 15:38
joined Feb 18, 2015

Looks like the next chapter is up on the original site... Crepe and Kase-san (Look for it on: Looks interesting, but don't go look if you don't want to see things without being able to read them... :)

joined Feb 18, 2015

I think the Depressing as fuck tag is pretty accurate...

Kase-san discussion 23 Aug 21:47
joined Feb 18, 2015

I get the feeling that Kase needs to tell her Sempai that she is taken... Or Yamada needs to tell her, in no uncertain terms, that she can run all she wants with Kase, but she is HER girlfriend!

And now the sadness of being up-to-date with the manga and having to wait until a new chapter comes out...

last edited at Aug 23, 2016 9:48PM

joined Feb 18, 2015

"who know that such a wonderful relationship that has nothing to do with romantic love would exist." Well there can... But this story will be going somewhere else lol

Exactly! It certainly sounds like she wasn't exactly straight in college and was trying to pass as straight by not being anywhere near her "boyfriend" now that she is in the working world. I expect there will be sparks flying in the later chapters... but who knows...

last edited at Aug 17, 2016 3:17AM

joined Feb 18, 2015

"I like girls who are straight with me."

I can't tell whether this is the worst possible translation or the best one.

Double meanings abound...

This chapter certainly did have a ton going on... It really seems that Yuu has figured out that Sayaka is in love with Nanami. It seemed to me that her wondering what would happen if Nanami were freed from the ghost of her sister and actually were allowed to be herself was tantamount to her wondering if that would mean losing her...

I really can't wait for the official publication of this!!!

last edited at Aug 10, 2016 4:38PM

Hanagui discussion 08 Aug 17:04
joined Feb 18, 2015

That was one of the cutest one-shots I've read in ages! She really does need to totally experience her subject in order to depict in on canvas to its fullest! And, oh my! Did she ever! (I wonder how good the painting would have been if she devoured more of Tsubomi?)

joined Feb 18, 2015

That was a good side story, with a nice bit of main story right smack in the middle of it... I love the older journalist and her young model protege!They are just too cute!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Based on the cover it looks like the younger girl at the end is the other main character... I wonder how life is going to screw her over?

Raubritter discussion 26 Jul 12:30
joined Feb 18, 2015

I'm surprised I hadn't seen that one... It is one of the cuter ones. Happy endings for all!

joined Feb 18, 2015

I wonder if 87 days has a similar meaning to 40 days and 40 nights, which in biblical terms means "a really long time".

Also, did Ah Meng's message EVER go through so she understood that she DID send a message and could tell her that she didn't get it? It seems like that bit of info would have solved all of the problems... Something like, "Why didn't you at least send me a message?" "I did?" "What?" [look at each other's phones...] "Oh... damn... Sorry... I had no idea why you weren't there and he was just going to walk in the rain. I felt bad making him do that..." "Oh... well... I kinda understand that..."

joined Feb 18, 2015

I love the pace these are being translated at. I know that it won't last, but hey, it's fun while it's lasting. I'm,enjoying the story at least.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Chapter 23: WOW! That was pretty powerful... We all knew that Shiramine was dealing with severe parental pressure issues, but I'm not sure if Kurosawa understood that yet. She should have a better grasp of what drives the love of her life now. Also, it was very, very clear that Shiramine has a soft spot the size of that red spot on Jupiter for Kurosawa when Kurosawa was asleep on her shoulder over night...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Trouble in paradise... Not only can they not fully grasp what their feelings really mean, but they are now having jealousy and drama added into the mix...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Reread this one after seeing the new one by Akuta Fumie that came out today (And Then, the Two of Us). This is still one of my favorite one-shots. Just so sweet!

joined Feb 18, 2015

OK... This looks really good! Kind of a vibe similar to Philosophia and The Feelings We All Must Endure, with, hopefully, a little bit less sadness and ... well ... cheating ...

Cinderella discussion 05 Jul 17:33
joined Feb 18, 2015

Well, it looks like a great concept for a story with a sf twist. It seems to be a bit of a futuristic, moon colony setting with some high tech gagets. A bit of a cliche setup with both girls thinking the other is straight, the one concentrating on studies, the other being "boy crazy" to try to draw out the other so she can "give up". I would definitely read it. I wonder where it can be found?

joined Feb 18, 2015

Let's see.. 4koma, het and love triangle. No thanks.

Your loss

That was just about the cutest thing on the face of the earth...

It was very clear that, early on, she was attracted to her. And there was the drunken kiss thing that obviously happened before the whole dating thing started that probably got into both of their heads. The guy clearly saw it for what it was. He was the longest line in the triangle by far!

last edited at Jul 5, 2016 3:58PM

joined Feb 18, 2015

Are we supposed to understand WTF is going on in this at all?