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Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

I miss when this manga wasn't about Kase-san being terrible.

But Kase's always been a skirt peeping deviant.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

This is interesting news, first I heard about Takashima illustrating a new series, though its a LN and not a full blown manga.

It's a fairly old series, but has only recently gotten licensed.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

To be fair, who doesn't like gay witches?

Straight villagers?

Goggled Anon
Yuru Oyako discussion 27 Nov 18:30
joined Oct 15, 2014

Somebody needs to show this to Taiyaki. And explain it if she doesn't get it.

OMG, yes! And then share her reaction back to us!

Update: Taiyaki's now seen the fanart and her reactions are as follows:

It's Yuru Oyako fanart!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MILFってなんだ???と思って調べてみたところmom I would like to fuckの略で熟女のスラング表現らしいけど、ゆるおやこの場合本当に文字通りそのままの意味で超笑ってる
Upon thinking "What does MILF mean???", I looked it up and found it's an abbreviation for "mom I would like to fuck". It's apparently slang for a mature woman, but in Yuru Oyako's case, it would be taken literally, which I found really hilarious.

Yesterday I was talking with Ayumi-san (someone from The Yuri Times) about what to do for the English title of Yuru Oyako, but now I feel like "M,ILF" would be good,

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

page order issue on ch20

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Excuse my ignorance of the scanlatiosphere, but is this an active working group or a hivemind of "whoever happens to be around"? Would I be committing some kind of an offense or faux-pas if I picked up a series once translated by this group that hasn't been updated in two years now?

It's basically a thread on 4chan's /u/ board that anyone can contribute to, whether as a translator or a typesetter. If there's any dormant series you wanna inquire about, do swing by the currently active thread. Depending on the series, it might be something that has translations but nobody to typeset it.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Okay, it's long overdue, but I've finally fixed a critical TL mishap on ch10 that had long eluded me (up on MD, submitted to Dynasty) that explains a lot of confusion around Ataru. tl;dr Ataru was never straight. She just never made a move on Sakuma because she assumed SHE was before she ended up with Wanko.

joined Oct 15, 2014

I forgot their names, so I had to look them up

I actually screwed up short-hair's name in that one. It's Ou Mirei, not Oumi Rei as I initially presumed.

joined Oct 15, 2014

I don't even see the point of continuing that conversation, it's just going in circle.

Yeah, it's rapidly approaching "why doesn't the supervillain just shoot the hero with a gun" territory. And this is a series where the supervillain has actually shot someone with a gun.

last edited at Nov 20, 2020 4:17PM

joined Oct 15, 2014

"Want to be strong? Learn to fight alone."

It's a /u/ manga. Not an /e/ manga.

Sorry Googled Anon, but I unironicaly had to google what E anime is. Ecchi. I don't get it. What ecchi has to do with this saying?

Basically /e/ is the 4chan board for solo girls. The point I'm making is that this is a yuri tokusatsu manga that goes to show how much stronger heroes can be with the power of friendship/teamwork/lesbianism. (eg. X eventually loses she's she single and grumpy). Complaining that the yuri heroine needs help from the other yuri heroine to win the day is like complaining that none of the Power Rangers ever try to beat the monster of the week on their own.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Anyone who understands what the fuck is going on in this chapter please let us know.

Basically a lot of anime host radio shows to promote them, which often feature the cast, sometimes acting in character. One of the notable examples is the Hidamari Sketch radio show, which sparked the whole Terry Asumi meme. As for this chapter in particular, Kyouko seems to be trying to do her job properly while Mirei is messing with her (that, or they're both intentionally putting the yuri business into practise), while Wanko is being Wanko, flubbing up as per usual but getting her act together at the end.

joined Oct 15, 2014

"Want to be strong? Learn to fight alone."

It's a /u/ manga. Not an /e/ manga.

joined Oct 15, 2014

"hyper trans on" Every main character is trans, sorry authors word.

Trans as in "transform".
Fun fact: The raws for this chapter actually say "Trance Up" for Moe's microphone mcguffin, but after this contradiction was brought up on Twitter, sometime clarified that "trans" is likely the intended spelling.

Goggled Anon
Yuru Oyako discussion 17 Nov 22:51
joined Oct 15, 2014

A lil something I requested from /u/'s drawthread. I'm ashamed of how proud I am of this joke.

joined Oct 15, 2014

These two could literally be masturbating in the same room while moaning each others' names and they still wouldn't get it.


joined Oct 15, 2014

Being an Antinoid lets you blow shit up with your lesbian gf, get validation regardless of whether you're a nerd, a weeb or a shipper, and also allows you to have daughters with said girlfriends.

Evil makes a compelling argument...

Pretty sure Honey's reason for switching sides (besides being hopelessly gay and getting fired for being hopelessly gay) was that her job was terrible? Melt mostly has it good cos of all the Strike Antinoids she made to bully X.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Nothing quite says "justice" like getting your mum called in.

joined Oct 15, 2014

I've been working for the past couple days trying to help bring back interest in Succubus ja nai mon. I downloaded the torrent from nyaa that had the raws of chapter 5 to 8 and created an entry for the series on loveheaven raws to make them easier to access for people interested in scanlating it. Someone has graciously decided to donate volumes 2 and 3 to me (for certain reasons I can't purchase them myself although I would if I could) So anyways I'm hoping a group can come along and resume work on it. Unfortunately I have no experience in scanlation, which is why I'm asking for help. With this we could be caught up. I won't be able to pay but I would provide the raws for all the available chapters from vol 2 and 3 for any group willing to work on it. Here's the manga on lh:

I've actually got up to ch8 translated over on /u/ (just needs typesetting), so if you've got more RAWs we'd definitely love to have them.

last edited at Nov 7, 2020 12:50PM

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

This group known as The Yuri Times is working with various artists, particularly Taiyaki, to provide official (paid) translators for their works. Details for applying here.

*Must love yuri.
*Be 18 years or older.
*Experienced or inexperiend
*Can keep on schedule
*Can smoothly communicate in Japanese.
*Can handle typesetting (or arrange someone else to do it yourself)
*If hired, can translate one or two pages for free to test skills.
*Conditions differ depending on the artist.

last edited at Nov 5, 2020 10:56PM

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

I'm actually disappointed that it's not Liberta.

joined Oct 15, 2014

There is a pre-serialized version on Pixiv that's, how you say, less mutually unrequited.

... I don't suppose anyone has translated that?

I've got a translation over in the /u/ TL thread archive.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

"So what did you dress up as for Halloween?"

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Just to check, is spelling "seat" as "sead" a typo or a character quirk?

joined Oct 15, 2014

I can’t take it. I’m going to write chapter 11 myself and make them confess to each other.

There is a pre-serialized version on Pixiv that's, how you say, less mutually unrequited.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Can anyone recommend a manga with a high t:u ratio?

Am I an idiot for not getting what this means? Is it cause I haven't read enough yuri?

t= thirsty and u=useless, so I'm guessing they want manga about lesbians who are both incredibly useless and incredibly thirsty at the same time.