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Game discussion 05 Oct 01:30
joined May 17, 2014

Any word on a new chapter??

Chapter 3 is being Quality Checked right now, so it'll probably be released within the next few days.

joined May 17, 2014

So I'm guessing this is out of order again... ?

joined May 17, 2014

sigh these comments just make me sad, there is a thing called nostalgia look it up

Yeah that's what I got from this, she just seemed like she was pining for the times when Shinobu was the smaller one of the pair and when she could baby and spoil her a lot; seen as in the present day Shinobu seems like the more mature and adult of the two.

Yup. At the time she had two roles, girlfriend and surrogate mother. A little part of her misses the latter role, even as she cherishes the former and would never want to give it up. The coming of Christmas and their anniversary reminded her of that girl she first fell in love with.

Yeah, people seem to be imagining that missing that previous relationship means she wants to give up the one she has right now. As if it's impossible for people to miss the past and cherish the present in the same breath. Those two sentiments can coexist, and more than anything that seems to be the case here.

I don't doubt that she is content in her current relationship. What bothers me is that the person she is in love with is no longer the person that she once was and she seems to prefer the girl she originally was. It's not to say that she doesn't lover her current version but she has a deep longing for the girl Shinobu used to be. It seems that if Lala could choose it, it wouldn't be the Shinobu currently beside her. I cant blame her but if that was how my lover felt I would be deeply hurt.

joined May 17, 2014

Ah, I've been waiting for this. Something about We're Aiming For Love Now that's so wonderful, especially in the way they rely on each other. It's nice to see a bit more of their backstory.

To be honest, I was expecting Lalah to consider going back to school now that the two of them were fairly secure in their new lives together.

nah, she seemed to eager to ditch cram school and studying for Shinobu's sake.

actually, I was hoping we could have seen both perspectives. we've been given Lalah-sempai's perspective, next I would think should be Shinobu's. however, the way the story ends in side B implies that that is it. end of story.

The original story, in Conditions for Paradise, was from Shinobu's perspective.

That said nice read though it was kind of unsettling. Something how if Lala had to choose I seems like she'd pick the old Shinobu...

last edited at Oct 2, 2014 2:17AM

My Beloved discussion 02 Oct 01:41
joined May 17, 2014

Oh how I live for Scanlator jokes. NOZOERI FTW!

Image Comments 01 Oct 17:47
joined May 17, 2014

The idea of the OVA is so wierd to me. So ppl actually go to a theater to see a 20 min OVA? (Not tht I'm against the idea)

Spike Girls discussion 01 Oct 17:39
joined May 17, 2014

Cute story, glad it didn't go the "you confessed to me so I love you now and my feels for my non protagonist interest meant nothing" route. ^.^

joined May 17, 2014

How tired must you be to drop dead after just writing 'thank you'?

Tsunderes aren't all tht good with words it must have taken a lotttttt of effort :p

joined May 17, 2014

Kotori Panel Bomb at page 2

Thank you for pointing tht out, I missed it. Ah this brought such joy to my life ^.^

joined May 17, 2014

Lol another gorilla. SIF refs are always a win in my heart :p

joined May 17, 2014

Though i love KotoUmi and NozoEli, even Hanayo and the cat made a cameo yet no mention of MakiNico, I feel a bit left out...
Edit: Also, the thing with Honoka at the children's playground was pretty awkard...

last edited at Sep 28, 2014 12:49PM

My Nozomi discussion 28 Sep 01:45
joined May 17, 2014

You'd think Nozomi would be on top the way she goes around grouping people. Maki even called her an S in the LN. Oh well, I'm happy as long as they're together :p

last edited at Sep 28, 2014 1:46AM

joined May 17, 2014

Lol fear of gravity

joined May 17, 2014

Anyone else feel like a MakixNico tag is missing?

My Beloved discussion 24 Sep 18:59
joined May 17, 2014

Oh I liked it, personally I'm rooting for the onee-chan... Idk why really.

joined May 17, 2014

Damn... what an asshole for a father...

joined May 17, 2014

That looked kinda... perv...

And wait.. what the heck's wrong with this chapter?

His eyes were drawn flat without any color or depth. I think it was meant to be more of his emptiness as a person/father after the loss of his wife rather pervert. Like he's dead inside.

And same, I don't get why the girl ripped up the papers, tht was a shitty thing to do...

joined May 17, 2014

Lol its weird tht they'd choose to focus on Maki not being able to wink when she does it the most but still cute story, perfect way to end the day. c:

last edited at Sep 22, 2014 11:35PM

joined May 17, 2014

Oh tht ending, the feels. Obviously it was wrong and couldn't have worked out but I still would have liked it to... It'd be nice if it had a time spike sequel but then that defeats the purpose doesn't it?

Image Comments 21 Sep 02:02
joined May 17, 2014

Lol how they actually sleep

Opapagoto discussion 21 Sep 01:58
joined May 17, 2014

Goddammit! Why does every good story have to end at the worst spots?

Debikano discussion 20 Sep 09:08
joined May 17, 2014

Lol this was soooooooooooooo great!

Poor Papa-san tho, I don't think they ever hung up the phone...

Edit: I don't think the author hates Sayaka, based on the other doujinshi they've done.

last edited at Sep 20, 2014 1:12PM

joined May 17, 2014

Lol tht Madoka Magica Kyubey reference

Heartbreak discussion 18 Sep 00:52
joined May 17, 2014

Idk how I feel but tht credit page tho...

joined May 17, 2014

I feel like this chapter has gotten posted like three times this past month. Am I imagining that? Cuz even with that in mind, I'm pretty sure this series ended like last year almost...I'm a bit confused.

Yes it has been posted before but it wasn't very high quality. We wanted to redo it to our standard.

last edited at Sep 17, 2014 12:25AM