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joined Jan 10, 2022

...Was that gay panic from Maho?

joined Jan 10, 2022

This was cute. Although it was a bit messy.

joined Jan 10, 2022

The only thing that Watanabe does is sour the mood of this story. It wasn't as obvious at the start, at least till we got a side-by-side comparison of the two, especially after the Gyaru girl got her chance to shine.

joined Jan 10, 2022

Okay but that face on the last page. Come on. What am I supposed to feel, because it's hard to worry about these two if I see stuff like that.

last edited at Mar 3, 2022 7:00AM

joined Jan 10, 2022

Different and interesting. Definitely entertaining. Although I think it worked because it was short

joined Jan 10, 2022

So Kuori and Uda huh... I mean, it can be a mature move. Wanting to move on with your life, as well as appreciate the affection of someone else. Trying to be happy, instead of dwelling within a hole of constant torment. Sure, it can create a difficult situation, but well... Life or even love alone isn't usually a simple matter. Of course, it all depends on how it's played out in the story, but it's a nice angle I started appreciating a bit more.
Makes me think of that "Useless princesses" and that side pair it cooked.

That aside, I was really impressed when the manga just outright confronted Nagisa about just dating Mashiro. To be fair it did set up this situation quite nicely, now that I think about it. Having a fellow, sadly less fortunate yet more experienced, gaygal approach one of the main characters about their love life in a straightforward manner, but without it being pushy. Just enough to make her think.

I'm rambling, so I'll stop here. Great chapter as always. This entire manga really turned out to be a fun and wholesome read.

joined Jan 10, 2022

Cute as ever. Also glad that the phone call wasn't anything extremely terrible.

Water Depth discussion 22 Feb 09:01
joined Jan 10, 2022

It was a... Surprisingly heavy read. While I enjoyed it for what it was, I wish there was a bit of a more... Clear ending. Just to wash away that odd feeling. While I usually enjoy open ending stuff, for once I wouldn't mind washing a story down with a bit more definitive and sweet ending.

Distortion discussion 20 Feb 15:31
joined Jan 10, 2022

This pacing... It's like a 90s commercial for a toy aimed at boys...

But hey, I'm game for now. Let's see where this takes us.

True me discussion 20 Feb 08:52
joined Jan 10, 2022

This was a nice read, although it had a few leaps. While I could fill in the gaps with some speculations, the story itself didn't really help with that.

joined Jan 10, 2022

Ah, right. I remember this part of the tea time minigame

joined Jan 10, 2022

It's not Monmo, it's NOMno

joined Jan 10, 2022

I both love it and hate it ;_; Whenever there's a picture of Talulah carrying Alina...
At least give us Talulah as an operator already, damn it!

joined Jan 10, 2022

I love it

joined Jan 10, 2022

Say, I noticed one thing about the last chapter that, unless someone corrects me, really underlines for me a certain "trying too hard" going on. That is, didn't the MC stop being able to see the love arrows after she fell in love? But now, after the time skip, just to reassure us that the triangle/poly is off and there's really no hard or lingering feelings, suddenly she can see the other love interest's lotsa-little-arrows-but-none-really-pointing-at-the-MC.

So, why can she see that, aside from it being convenient for beating us over the head with "It's cool, no lost love to see here"? Did the ability come back and I missed it, or something?

I think it was a "cheeky" way to show that she's belowed. One panel might be "from the past" where she still saw it. Others are just that I think, a cheeky way to "show" it.

joined Jan 10, 2022

So this is it huh? Was this... Uh... Axed? I'll assume it was. Although my issues with this will stand no matter the circumstances.
I won't get into the poly stuff, because people can set up themselves for whatever and feel disappointed. It's that type of story, where you introduce multiple love interests and "someone will get disappointed". Be it people who shipped certain pairs, or wanted a harem route. I personally haven't seen any kind of baits, just an... Well, an awkward attempt to have a "moral" for lack of a better word.

As for my issues with the story? Well now. When I first stumbled upon this story, I really liked the premise. Those arrows were what made it for me. I think a lot of people got curious about that. It's not something super unique, a superpower around love, but it's not that often used and I don't think I ever saw actual arrows pointing from one person to another. While they were used as an initial setup for things, they sort of... Never got resolved. Now, they disappeared because Mei finally fell in love (I mean I assume that in a short-story-short kind of deal) but... That's my point. They never really... They weren't touched aside from them being and then suddenly not being there. I'm not asking for an explanation of the supernatural phenomenon, but at least some kind of foreshadowing that it's because she had issues with romance? I'm not sure what I would expect, but I sure didn't expect it to just... Resolve itself like that. That's really my main grudge with this series.

Like I mentioned before, this really feels rushed at the end there. With the author having a specific couple in mind, but since Rinna didn't deserve to be just a side attraction, let's give her the focus at the end there and just show her as this sparkling fountain of love.

With the initial setup with the president and her sister AND the talk about arrows and helping people out, I really thought this would be a story similar to the one we got in the "Kindred spirit on the roof". With a troubled protagonist, who starts helping others in their love journey, while getting occupied by it to the point they haven't noticed their own arrow or something similar. Their own love, basically. Which I'd go for personally. I don't care if the "love" at the end would be towards one two five or ten people. Instead, we got... Well, this.

Now the story wasn't horrible. If anything, it's just frustrating because it had so much potential. The art was pretty neat. This story has plenty of cute and wholesome moments. I really do hope that this author will make some more stuff in the future, but try something... Simpler? Or at least something they'll be able to control more.

last edited at Feb 13, 2022 12:43PM

joined Jan 10, 2022

That's some quality honey for my tea.

joined Jan 10, 2022

I don't think I blinked even once while reading this.

joined Jan 10, 2022

So uh... Toxic relationship those basically agreed to have?

joined Jan 10, 2022

I always appreciate just how close all the female members of the Nearl family are...

joined Jan 10, 2022

I haven't seen anything about it aside from it coming out, but that new Fire Emblem Warriors got me excited and hopefully, we'll get more of those two ><

joined Jan 10, 2022

Oh no, is that drama on the horizon?!

joined Jan 10, 2022

Obviously, it jumped a bit, but that's given considering it's just a one-shot. Would be really neat if it had a few chapters and a proper epilogue. Regardless, it was a fun and cute read.

joined Jan 10, 2022

I was on edge the first time I read it. It really was a perfect setup for various "sad" turns. I had to glance at the tags to assure myself that this was, in fact, a wholesome story. Even then I just expected it to have one. From the rich girl being a ghost, through the entire bus just not being there/existing at all, and to a bit more grounded things like the rich girl suddenly not appearing in the bus. Hell, I even expected it to have a somehow openly bittersweet ending.
Luckily it all went away at the second read. While pretty simple and basic, it was executed well enough. I enjoyed it. Wholesome/10

last edited at Feb 10, 2022 5:41AM

joined Jan 10, 2022

This really feels more like yaoi than yuri. Maybe the art style that just adds to the odd feeling of the story so far. Although I won't lie, I always preferred the "Why can't I feel love/attraction towards others" trope in my "boys love" stories, so that might also be why it feels more like yaoi to me.
Other than that, apparently, smoking will be a big thing here. Or at least it's being set up to be some kind of a big or slightly bigger thing. The plot so far is just a big word "Suddenly". Matoi suddenly meets this other girl, she suddenly gets a ride from her, she suddenly learns where she lives, they suddenly go out on a date, and then there's this sudden question about having a boyfriend.

I guess we'll learn this manga's angle in the next chapter?