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joined Jul 26, 2016

That was some tremendously gay s u b t e x t

joined Jul 26, 2016

I would also like to take this moment to remind everyone discussing the legality of sexbots in this setting that we don't actually know whether they specifically are illegal or not - the only thing we do know is that it is illegal to sell human-shaped robots.

Robo-tentacles ftw?

joined Jul 26, 2016

I know plenty of people who get emotional support from their friends rather than their lover/spouse.

This is a case where she considers the emotional support friend to be a romantic rival, though. There's an issue with her believing she understands Asahi's feelings better than Asahi herself, even if it's presented as true in the text, but being insecure to the tune of feeling second best isn't a good foundation at all. I think she was pretty mature to walk away.

I think even Asahi would believe that the people around her would understand her own feelings better than herself since she doesn't have a clue about them!

Pretty sure even Hinako has a better idea. And we know what kind of disaster sandwich that girl is.

joined Jul 26, 2016

This toaster is alarmingly well-programmed in some respects.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Is everyone ready for patch 2.1 release? Baal and her wife Sara are going to be the first banner in the patch.

Her Excellency boutta Musou ALL the primos

joined Jul 26, 2016

As I said, Subaru is written as an honest person. And who is, by Japanese standards, uncommonly direct. Foe-shipping is very common in fandoms, and that's fine, but in real life it makes little sense.

She's also lying by omission about her unrequited crush just as much as Fuuka is. Honesty is relative, and I'd remind you Fuuka is actually extremely forthcoming about her business - even if unloading onto Hinako was, as Subaru bullseyed, her kinda running her mouth in panic. (Something Subaru shortly afterwards managed to imitate herself, followed by a hasty verbal saving throw.)

Neither, of course, is terribly keen on revealing that to the specific objects of their affections (although Fuuka finally decided to bite the bullet and go down in a blaze of glory to get it over with). By no means the only quality they share, that.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Isn’t subaru like 16? Idk about that age gap for all the Fuuka/Subaru shippers out there.

She's mentioned to be due to college entrance exams the next year - which the sisters had a 'bit' of a fight over back in ch12 - so should be 17-ish. Asahi's about 29 and Fuuka's more or less the same as she mentioned they were classmates.

As far as I can tell, the only thing they have in common is that they care about Asahi, which is pretty weak chemistry for a relationship.

...I'm not sure we've been reading the same series here. Aside from how much the two bounce off and understand each other, a reminder that Fuuka's just about helped change Subaru's diapers back in the day - when she says the kid is "like a little sister" to her she means it.
Which of course gives Subaru a wee bit of an additional hurdle to clear because bet your ass that's going to make it emotionally difficult for Fuuka to come around to the idea. Probably doesn't help that Subaru's currently in an age bracket that's by default kinda reflexively off-limits for Miss Teacher on account of basic professional ethics...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Can we take a moment to appreciate how she instantly No Sells Asahi's attempt at being dumb and stereotypical out of guilty conscience?

...probably knows the lady well enough to have been expecting that. Somewhat misguided sense of responsibility is kind of Asahi's thing after all.

joined Jul 26, 2016

A moment of silence for Fuuka, who died with honour ;_;7

joined Jul 26, 2016

My cringe sense is tingling...
- Yuu, probably

and I can't believe Kaoru is fucking dead :o

Image Comments 28 Aug 07:19
joined Jul 26, 2016

^unless that's a snarky nickname derived from eien - the Miko certainly seems like the sort who'd come up with such

VAMPEERZ discussion 27 Aug 02:32
joined Jul 26, 2016

Man being a lebsian in 1830s Middle East sounds like hell.

Traditional peasant societies were and are cartoonishly oppressive to anyone who doesn't conform to the norms everywhere, any time. There's a reason the relative anonymity of cities has always been an attraction, to the point that as soon as it becomes practically feasible the agrarian countryside basically empties of young people.

Image Comments 26 Aug 21:00
joined Jul 26, 2016

^TBF this is the Myceneans, not the Classical ones who wandered in and started squatting on their ruins.

SHY discussion 24 Aug 18:16
joined Jul 26, 2016

Seeing that in newest chapter she goes on a date with a boy then it can't be said anymore.
Shame, I liked the series, I knew author would never deliver on-screen yuri in to not be marked as "niche" yuri manga stigma, but I hoped at least we wouldn't be forced to see boy x girl dating chapter in it for Shy.
Oh well it was good when it lasted, now I can drop it in peace.


...wait, you're serious? Way to not understand anything about the chapter then.

Image Comments 24 Aug 16:24
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^^"On second thought, let's not go to Troy. 'Tis a silly place."

Citrus + discussion 22 Aug 13:41
joined Jul 26, 2016

But really though, what the hell arc are we in?

What is an arc? A miserable little pile of secrets!

...tbqh I'm starting to question if there even is one anymore here.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Last extra chapter have Kasumi and Sakurako kissing so i guess we're finally Yuri guys`

I wonder how many people here had money riding on that :v

Image Comments 21 Aug 12:30
joined Jul 26, 2016

^an attempt was made.

Image Comments 21 Aug 10:39
joined Jul 26, 2016

Two-handed pistol shooting stances didn't even become a thing until like the Fifties. 'Fore that basically everybody shot one-handed regardless of what massive smokewagon they were toting, and that was the universal training standard - originally because the assumption was the other hand would be busy holding reins, a sword or a spare pistol (reloading pre-cartridge guns in close combat not exactly being a viable option) later mostly out of sheer inertia and because it did the job.
See also point shooting and the background context from which people like Cooper and Weaver developed the modern two-handed systems after the war.

last edited at Aug 21, 2021 10:42AM

Image Comments 20 Aug 21:44
joined Jul 26, 2016

lmao that absolutely punchable leer

joined Jul 26, 2016



Heaven or Hell? Let's rock!

Citrus + discussion 20 Aug 14:26
joined Jul 26, 2016

I doubt that Matsuri actually has a lover, given how she's usually lying just to mess with people or to get something she wants. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if she was referring to Harumi. I mean, I GUESS you could say that they've been dating for a while, given how much the author teases us with them.

It would certainly be very... Matsuri to take some creative liberties in describing that relationship. Rounding up 'a little' so to speak. :P

Image Comments 20 Aug 13:18
joined Jul 26, 2016

- the Thebans

joined Jul 26, 2016

Unrelated but it's been a while since we've heard from Shizuka and Mio. Hope neither of them have done anything illegal. <_<

"Never to be taken for granted, as with lesser pairings" to paraphrase an Excel Saga back cover. o3o

joined Jul 26, 2016

In my game, Fisto never made it to the brothel. He was destroyed on the way by a gang of killer grannies in pink frilly dresses who apparently had nothing better to do than roam the desert and attack with rolling pins everything that moves.

That was some wild wasteland fo'sure.

Jet is hell of a drug o3o