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Yurishiizu discussion 07 May 14:25
joined Feb 2, 2013

i'm an het man, but i prefer yuri with romance and a good plot, instead of hentai w/o sense at all,
am i strange?

Himegoto discussion 07 May 14:22
joined Feb 2, 2013

i love 18+-san, i'd like to try her rumored slap to face with a wad of cash...

joined Feb 2, 2013

this remains one of the best works of the best touhou circle,

but there's an other touhou saga i'd like to see on DR, Yukari vs Ran from tohonifun,
this artist made a lot of good combat dj (more seinen than shounen) but yukari vs ran is a great yuri manga too.

one of your uploader must have that for sure

Pie Chart! 07 May 08:25
joined Feb 2, 2013

What to do, what to do...

true... i'm a passive reader, i didn't care this things before,

@ Orangepekoe : all the djs are indie things, indie = indipendent, like for the music, no?

joined Feb 2, 2013

I thought this was interesting as well. There is the one that wants to be a girl, one that is only pretending to be a girl due to certain family/psychological issues, and one that is just so fucked up I can't even comprehend.

the last one is simply an omo who falled in love with a really fucked up het , ... i think.

Pie Chart! 06 May 14:27
joined Feb 2, 2013

post edit : sorry, original dj is not a tag, but i think is good to differentiate dj about original characters

Yes it is.

i see now, but is not complete, there isn't cross heart, for example,
sorry for the fuss but i liked that manga

joined Feb 2, 2013

this is a great work, it's a shame is a niche genre,

and is pretty dark and heavy too, only one of the 3 story is the usual guy who thinks to be a girl, the other 2 let me without words

joined Feb 2, 2013

sorry for the quite OT, but i need an advice.

i want to read one of the crossdressing manga uploaded recently, but i have few free time these days,
can i ask an advice about a good psicological seinen, not the usual fun trap comedy ?

Bokura no Hentai.

thanks, you understanded perfectly what i looked for, at least that's the impression i had from the first chapter

joined Feb 2, 2013

sorry for the quite OT, but i need an advice.

i want to read one of the crossdressing manga uploaded recently, but i have few free time these days,
can i ask an advice about a good psicological seinen, not the usual fun trap comedy ?

Always funny to see yuri fanboys flipping their shit at the vaguest hint of yaoi. Because that's the disgusting kind of gay you go to hell for, apparently. I wonder how many fujoshi threw such a visceral tantrum when lesbians started appearing in Prunus Girl.

it's sad , but there are a lot of boyslove fungirl that are scandalized about yuri, this is how works this world,

i'm an het guy, i read yaoi with good plot, but i don't like nsfw scenes, this is normal, i think...

last edited at May 6, 2013 1:20PM

joined Feb 2, 2013

Someone considers this non-moe, seriously? :3

very very true...
i remember i was shoked when i saw "non moe art"

this is the more sweet dj i ever seen, and this circle is great

Pie Chart! 06 May 12:49
joined Feb 2, 2013

i'd like more touhou,
and my only fetish : GLASSES GIRL !

and more original dj, like the recent roommates

post edit : sorry, original dj is not a tag, but i think is good to differentiate dj about original characters

last edited at May 6, 2013 12:57PM

joined Feb 2, 2013

noukarin, i need you for my indoor greenhouse !

joined Feb 2, 2013

perhaps i'm saying something stupid, but the dark skin tag appear racist to me,

well, i'm italian, and the ex-president of my nation said that obama was tanned...

Well calling Obama "tanned" is quite weird, but there've been worse things he's been called.
Regardless, the tag is in a way racist, but it is catering to the fetishistic desires of the audience. It's a bit akin to using "ebony" when wanting to find porn involving black people (using the politically incorrect term). It's also a fetish Japanese people have and it's been ported over to the West, for the most part.

berlusconi said also that he gets to much tanning lamp (it was a sly move to make happy his political target and remain filo-american....italy is difficult to understand)

however, i'm ok with that tag, any word become racist in the listener's ears, and i don't think there are racists on this reader

last edited at May 6, 2013 11:14AM

joined Feb 2, 2013

Word of warning: If you read it expecting anything to actually happen, you may be sorely disappointed.

true, i was expecting more development, but i'm not disappointed at least,
a yuri relationship between spoiler removed .... great.

last edited at May 6, 2013 11:05AM

joined Feb 2, 2013

There's one called on the reader which has a kinda similar plot to what you're talking about...but there's also one called Manga no Tsukurikata (link: which is probably what you're looking for. I haven't read it yet, but did hear about it a couple times, and am definitely interested. Not sure about the present scanlation efforts at all, though.

thanks, it's the latest, and if you are interested, read it, it's a slice of life, but very unique,,
i hate begin to read incomplete story, but that was sure a good reading

joined Feb 2, 2013

the wannabe mangaka character make me remember of a very good manga: Manga no "something" (i don't remenber the name).

there was a girl that accepted to go out with an other girl to had life-experience for drawing yuri manga.
someone know this ?

joined Feb 2, 2013

perhaps i'm saying something stupid, but the dark skin tag appear racist to me,

well, i'm italian, and the ex-president of my nation said that obama was tanned...

joined Feb 2, 2013

i saw rokuroichi in editing at yuri project and i couldn't wait it was finished,

it was a great story before, and now it's edited it's better

joined Feb 2, 2013

I wonder about the title of this series. I think the meaning is different from the Japanese original one, is it?

The scanlators did make one page to explain the title

i like this title, it return well the original meaning,
but i'd like to see more often the letteral traslation, to understand more the japanese language

joined Feb 2, 2013

this first chapter is great, and i'm expecting all the book to be like this, like all of shininta's works,

thanks to kawaii for this project

joined Feb 2, 2013

It's funny seeing what everyone likes personally I am a fan of PatchoullixAlice but also PatchyxKoakuma when it comes to Marisa I'm absolutely tired of seeing Marisa Alice with Alice acting like a complete idiot so some doujins have actually ruined that pairing for me D:>

it's true, but when i read dj of some very good artist like personal color, i remember because mari x ali is my favorite pairing

joined Feb 2, 2013

If Germany and France don't agree with each other, nothing's going to fix that mess.

no problem, in italy we are waiting tomoe to fix the mafia's problem, and then she can think of the rest of europe economic....

joined Feb 2, 2013

mokou x kaguya is more fun than keine x mokou, but it seems not true to the games,
but i love the tsundere-neet-kaguya of the fanbase

Mikarun X discussion 29 Apr 02:36
joined Feb 2, 2013

i don't like this,
because i can't read it to the end

joined Feb 2, 2013

Really? Personally I think this is one of the few doujins I've seen that portrays Alice much more like she is in the games; calm, somewhat aloof and not moe moe doki doki for Marisa. I like the more lovestruck blushy Alice as seen in dozens of doujins as well, but this version is a much more accurate depiction of her.

true, this version is more alike, i like the serious alice, tsundere with marisa, but is the pairing that is not right,
but this is the good thing about touhou dj

patchy x koa is ok, but remi ?

last edited at Apr 26, 2013 12:20PM