Forum › Posts by Lilisionnach

joined Feb 3, 2021

Damn this one isn’t shying away from anything! I think this is the closest non-hentai ecchi I’ve seen.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Well, that was kinda out of leftfield but at least it wasn’t stupid drama. An actual realistic awkward situation.

joined Feb 3, 2021

She needs to go see an eye doctor and get those glasses updated lenses. Its trivial for glasses to have different prescription strengths for each eye.

Agreed. I have astigmatism as well as having different prescriptions for my eyes and I’m able to wear glasses most days with contacts for activities. I also can’t imagine someone “gifting” me my glasses. That’s such a personal choice and style preference. Not all glasses are made to fit every face with different widths and heights available.

joined Feb 3, 2021


joined Feb 3, 2021

Marion Diabolito posted:

This isn't quite the topic but I couldn't see another thread like it, so ... Are there any yuri manga or doujins where one of the people has a twin sister and they switch out with their partner without telling them? It's kind of a staple of hetero comedy manga.

Futakaku Kankei is the closest one I could think of...but it's more like a comedy errors than an intentional thing that happens, afair.

Thank you!

Here’s a few:

The Twin Fruits
Tae-Chan and Jimiko-San (recent chapters)

joined Feb 3, 2021

Also, that dress really shows off just how stacked Hina is. God damn, girl, leave some titty for the rest of us

I was thinking the exact same thing! I’m glad Yayoi didn’t go cliche nosebleed but I was expecting maybe more of a physical reaction to seeing her in the wedding dress; though I guess her wanting to be married on the spot makes up for it.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Ahh that was cute!! No sensitive spots while in public Sora!!

I think if Yuina does have feelings for Wakana, she’s definitely being smart and giving her some space to process the rejection from Sara before pursuing a relationship with Wakana.

last edited at Oct 28, 2021 11:32AM

joined Feb 3, 2021

Well, it’s disappointing that it appears to have been dropped by the author but that short bit was pretty cute.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Ahhh why end the chapter there?! These two are so cute together.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Ahhh! Such a cute end!! Loved it! Hope we get an extra or two with workforce Hina!

last edited at Oct 26, 2021 11:19PM

joined Feb 3, 2021

The ending was more ominous than wholesome, I mean YOU KNOW something's gonna happen now and it's not going to be cute at all, and that whatever it is, Kanoko was most likely facing it alone and that's what hurts me the most.

Well, we already know, since it was stated previously, that they broke up shortly after their 20th birthday party and it appears to have something to do with her sister. The assumption is that her scar appears around that time frame. Best guess in the comments is that she berated Kanako for being in a same-sex relationship and it caused a fight. Given that we go back and forth with the chapters I think we’ll find out the specifics in chapter 14 (hopefully).

joined Feb 3, 2021

Maron is probably gonna save the day and pass it off as a private study session off campus lol

Yeah or taking a break when the storm hit so they sheltered inside; not completely false since they were indeed sheltering from the storm.

joined Feb 3, 2021

I’m not sure exactly what to make of that slight flashback at the end but wow what a story. Heart rending when you think about the fact that Nacchan will probably always love Kyouko more than her husband but will never make the move to follow her heart.

School Zone discussion 23 Oct 14:07
joined Feb 3, 2021

After all that build up and they just went back to their status quo?

Yeah, I thought the same! What are you doing to my heart author!?

joined Feb 3, 2021

all day on weekend not just 1 msg or a call to your gf ?? then calling at midnight ?? what is she doing all day till midnight ? even profesional athlete didnt training all day like that well it's nanase fault

imagine your gf/wife going out at weekend with someone then didn't saying a word to you all day till midnight calling you just to say good night like they forgot you even exist, the anxiety will be too much.

Yeah, I did competitive sports in High School and we never practiced all day long. The MOST we would do on a single day during the season was 4 hours because coaches realize you need to rest. I also dated in high school and I’d never just not contact my S.O. throughout the day. Even just a “hey, on break from practice, hope your day is going well” is a nice message to get. Nanase just straight up dropping the ball here.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Not a fan of this development. It’s actually turned me off a little from this story. All this betting and conditions just to avoid having a conversation.

Honestly, if I was her band mate I would’ve flat told her no, you can’t treat others this way. A friend using a person as a bargaining chip would immediately turn me off from that friend. They were right, Shiho took advantage of Hima’s inability to let go of trying to resolve this conflict for her own gain and that’s not right.

Also, she doesn’t want to have what would amount to at most a two hour conversation, but she wants someone else to be forced to give up how many hours of their time before the competition even ends? No, that’s not cool.

Doesn’t this turn of events show a bit more of Himari’s flaws of helping others without proper consideration and thought? The story is not solely focusing on Shiho and her unwilling to make up, but how Himari’s attempts at helping turned out to fail because she ends up tunnel visioned without considering all the negative outcomes or how it affects people, including her own self. Yes, Himari’s a good person for trying to help them resolve their bad blood, but good intentions fall flat when you try to force things to happen and just expect things to end up alright.

Shiho may be immature in not wanting to talk, but in the end that’s her own right to. You can’t force someone to have a heartfelt discussion if they’re not ready or unwilling to because even if you do end up in a situation where you successfully force them to talk, it’s more likely to end up badly than well.

Yes, you are correct on all those points. It does all of those things and I don’t think I ever said otherwise nor do I think the author should’ve written it differently if this is the story they want to tell. In fact the author reinforces your point about Hima not looking at the larger context and having tunnel vision when Hima is shown to realize that she hasn’t discussed any of this with her girlfriend, who is also part of all of this and now has to watch her S.O. directly support her competitors.

I’m think I’m just burnt out on this kind of drama at the moment and that’s what’s throwing me off. That and As I was saying, I wouldn’t let a friend do that to another person, but that kind of thing doesn’t make for good drama in stories.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Not a fan of this development. It’s actually turned me off a little from this story. All this betting and conditions just to avoid having a conversation.

Honestly, if I was her band mate I would’ve flat told her no, you can’t treat others this way. A friend using a person as a bargaining chip would immediately turn me off from that friend. They were right, Shiho took advantage of Hima’s inability to let go of trying to resolve this conflict for her own gain and that’s not right.

Also, she doesn’t want to have what would amount to at most a two hour conversation, but she wants someone else to be forced to give up how many hours of their time before the competition even ends? No, that’s not cool.

last edited at Oct 20, 2021 11:20PM

joined Feb 3, 2021

Man, this whole comment section was a journey on its own. I remember reading this before and really enjoying it, and I enjoyed it again the second time through. I actually came looking for it.

@Radiosareobsolete I can kinda relate since I have super sensitive ears and they are a major erogenous zone for me. I’ve never had someone else clean my ears but I can’t clean my own without having shivers going up and down my back; don’t even get me started on my partner playing with my ears. I’m not sure it would apply here since Ritsu apparently cleans her ears all the time, but if you have some significant blockage, it can be painful to remove. Yeah, I can’t imagine being scared to do your own ears if you can clean someone else’s.

joined Feb 3, 2021

This one was pretty good. Honestly, the part where he mentions marriage and Nakayama goes on about him bragging that they get to get married and be recognized with approval by the nation really drives home that divide. I know laws and social norms are changing but it’s tough when you don’t even get to start on a level playing field.

I’m glad she has someone that she loves and that she has accepted her orientation. I hope she’s able to move on and be happy with her partner.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Ahhh so glad I found this! I’ll admit I’m partial to Riri or the kiss demon being the winner, more towards Riri. She’s adorable! Hhaaa this is going to be a great series, I can just feel it.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Bet you she transfers to their school....

Is it bad if I hope she does? Having two badass girls protecting Kageko would be pretty awesome. Also, imagine what having two real life models for her references will be helpful. Oh oh, sidekick for Valkyrie? Or maybe she’ll be the rival anti-hero?

joined Feb 3, 2021

weeeeell.... i don't know what to think about this i didn't dislike it i didn't like it either. and i don't get where is the NTR, MC couldn't have cheated on someone she wasn't dating to begin with, unless i'm missing what NTR means.

Depending on which definition of NTR you’re using there doesn’t need to be a couple relationship started for it to apply. Many NTR stories involve mother/son, childhood friends (guy likes the girl but never initiates), or just plain old crushes that a bully steals. Many people just ascribe the feeling of having that important person “taken” and “a feeling of loss” as being the important factors. At least that’s my understanding.

I actually liked this and also noticed the “again” comment. My only complaint would be how fast she was okay with it, but given that they look exactly alike, maybe it makes it difficult to say no to the person that looks like the one you love.

joined Feb 3, 2021

Ah this looks like it’s going to be good. To those mentioning timelines for chapter 1, maybe sometime in between the start of school and this convo? It was stated that a month has passed since school started.

Also, to go along with @OrangePekoe’s comment, Ticcy is amazing and I was sad that Kiss It Goodbye ended, but I’m super excited for her new work, I think its going to be fantasy based.

joined Feb 3, 2021

As long as there aren’t any “if I win, you have to do what I tell you (transfer to my school), but if you win I leave you alone” I’m okay with this. I always thought those were way too forced to cause drama. Though if it was an equal bargain it might be cool to have Valkyrie 2 transfer to the public school and be part of the friend group.