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Image Comments 05 Jul 23:11
joined Apr 30, 2020


Image Comments 05 Jul 23:11
joined Apr 30, 2020

Ah the paired rings. DeepC wife will always be there.

Arknights! 05 Jul 09:53
joined Apr 30, 2020

Rye posted:

I don't like this speed. What is Yostar doing? Trying to catch ups after all? We are not getting any compensation for the Annihilation weeks we might lose because of this speed. Eh, maybe we'll just get dead weeks after this?

Yea, same. I really don't like it. And giving us dead weeks would defeat the purpose of rushing events, so I don't think they're going to do that.

Yostar does whatever lol. I'm still not over them moving the Beeswax + Chiave banner to the Grani event rerun.

We may not get dead weeks cause I'm not quite sure when Nian reruns. Supposed to rerun along with CC#4 ("mid-July") which was the case in CN, but Archetto's banner won't end until the 20th. Maybe there will be overlap or maybe Nian will start immediately after Archetto. If there is overlap, then that makes it likely for Dusk banner + event to start at the end of July when CC#4 ends aka no breaks in this banner train. It is the usual for events to start at the end of the month. But nothing confirmed other than the dates for Archetto banner and that CC#4 is "mid-July".

Also, today is my 1 year anniversary of playing AK! Got medal and all.

Congrats! I actually thought you were a day 1 player.

New Annihilation map today. Took me a couple of retries. Still hate the Freezing gimmick.

Image Comments 03 Jul 00:48
joined Apr 30, 2020

Eyja is about to get "heated" and "eaten"

last edited at Jul 3, 2021 12:48AM

Image Comments 03 Jul 00:47
joined Apr 30, 2020

And a face full of the queen's abs!

Image Comments 03 Jul 00:46
joined Apr 30, 2020

And then they find the SetsuYuu doujins

Image Comments 03 Jul 00:46
joined Apr 30, 2020

Cute croc cuddling

Image Comments 03 Jul 00:44
joined Apr 30, 2020

Low-key surprised there isn’t more of these

Being a shojo means it will likely end on a het ending tho it's nice to hope for a Maria ending.

Image Comments 03 Jul 00:43
joined Apr 30, 2020

Aww I didn't notice before but Aloe is in the background. Now I'm even sadder.

And the one behind Watame is Suzuhara Lulu...

It's raining again.

Kanata breaking down in tears reading her letter was too much.

Image Comments 03 Jul 00:40
joined Apr 30, 2020

Crossick is such a blessing

Image Comments 03 Jul 00:39
joined Apr 30, 2020


Image Comments 03 Jul 00:39
joined Apr 30, 2020

Good. Childhood friends winning.

Arknights! 02 Jul 06:00
joined Apr 30, 2020

Beyond Here event announced. It will have Archetto in the banner. Starts immediately after Mansfield Break and ends when CC#4 starts. Animated PV

With Eyja's swimsuit announced in CN, the BBQ team can finally have a beach date as long as Ifrit doesn't end up making sheep bbq. All we need is the release of Gavial's swimsuit and she can join with Tomimi.

joined Apr 30, 2020

Coco's graduation and final stream. Teared up when Towa cried and then Kanata broke down crying... then it rained. heavily. in my own room. KANACOCO!

She even premiered this song immediately after.

Image Comments 30 Jun 14:05
joined Apr 30, 2020

^I'm glad to know they're fine. I do prefer they kept making Kancolle stuff but I do understand getting burned out on one series. I haven't kept up much with Kancolle either.

Image Comments 30 Jun 06:05
joined Apr 30, 2020

I really love this artist's Kancolle pairings. I don't think they've been active in a long time tho.

Image Comments 28 Jun 22:12
joined Apr 30, 2020

Praise Negom!

Image Comments 28 Jun 22:10
joined Apr 30, 2020

Crossick gives me life! I love seeing that moment in 3D. Sukoya real strong to carry Tomoe.

Image Comments 28 Jun 21:14
joined Apr 30, 2020


Image Comments 28 Jun 20:23
joined Apr 30, 2020

Oh characters from the new season. I don't follow the Pokémon anime anymore so I didn't recognise them.

Image Comments 28 Jun 20:21
joined Apr 30, 2020

Looking elegant. Tho I can't quite tell the design of what I assume to be a formal dress that Saria is wearing.

joined Apr 30, 2020

I do love me an order of McTeio. McQueen definitely did not appreciate getting the indirect kiss stolen by her "grandson" lol.

joined Apr 30, 2020

I really wish Xiao Lu was with Tongtong, but anyway got the gay awakening which is good. Go Tongtong! Awaken to the gay! Hoping she goes for the counterattack when she comes back. Also Xiao Lu subtly boasting about having a gyaru gf.

Silly tong tong of course they're friends they're in fact SUPER FRIENDS

I still find this so funny. I hope we do this again next year.

Arknights! 28 Jun 17:20
joined Apr 30, 2020

I really like Saria's jailer costume so I had to buy it.

I'd be doing a disservice to Silence if I didn't buy it too.

Nevri's post

Wow that's a lot. Glad to see you back.

Well I guess my main issue with it was that the story was depressing as is and I got invested in Reunion's story, so the fact their downfall wasn't really their fault stung that much more...

...that it feels so realistic and captures actual reality so well, It felt a bit too real for me. At some point reading episode 8 became kinda too much for me, because of how realistically shitty the world is and I just wasn't in mental space for that.

I understand. I knew nothing about the plot when I got into Arknights other than that cool MV with Starset's Unbecoming. And animal girls which is always a charm point. Didn't expect it too get this raw either but too late since I already got invested. I feel like if I had gotten to Honkai earlier, I'd be too invested in it too, but now the things I've heard about its story is keeping me away. Anyway, back to Arknights, all the dark stuff is just making me wish more for happier moments and makes such moments all the more sweeter.

Based on trailer for episode 9, my personal take is that Theresa did possess Amiya body, but at some point she decided to give control back to Amiya and disappear completely, leaving the Fiend's power or w/e that is to Amiya.

Very likely since Theresa did say goodbye after all. Tho, I would love to see Kal's reaction that despite that goodbye message, Theresa comes back anyway lol. It could also be a thing similar to Avatar the Last Airbender's Spirit World where all the Lord of Fiends can communicate to the current one in some way.

And even that arguably didn't amount to much. Like until he removed helmet it was all information we already knew. He respects Rosmontis and is willing to let her join Gurillas, but she's too gay for Amiya to do it. And even the fact he's a feline really didn't mean much outside of being unexpected.

The one with random operators felt like the biggest waste of potential. Like, I get what they were going for, but it was neither informative nor funny. Also Pith showing up only meant anything if you played Integrated Strategies and still all it boiled down to was a easter egg.

Yeah... I guess they were all just easter eggs. Minor bonuses in contrast to the effort it takes to get some of them. Well, originite prime is always worth it lol. But it does feels like just another challenge mode for those stages. I hope that if ever HG tries something like it again, there will be more to it.

On that topic I was really disappointed with that part of story. Like the whole Mephisto got turned into a bird was weird and kinda anticlimactic. Like when I heard about it (and all I knew/saw was stages where you fight him) I thought the twist was like he wasn't human from the get go and he got turned into human from bird or something, which made sense with him being good at singing and being force-fed orginium, but no, he just randomly went into machine that Doctor was in. Like, why? I thought the explanation will be that he was in such bad shape, other reunion members put him there trying to heal him or something and it went horribly wrong. It just didn't make any sense and felt more like they had that idea, but didn't know how naturally get into that point.

Just to be clear, Mephisto really is a bird, a Liberi. As to why he went to the sarcophagus, well yes the game did poorly explain it, but supposedly he wanted to be reborn like how the Doctor lost his memories. He was expecting something similar not getting-turned-into-Lugia. He wanted to forget everything he had done basically running away from his problems. And I really do hope we see him again... preferably playable as a 6 star medic lol

On that topic, another thing that kinda ended up never being properly explained (or at least I couldn't figure it out/follow it) and is clearly a important event that is constantly brought up is what the flying fuck happened exactly the night Talulah got kindapped? What is that whole thing about Ch'en betraying her. And what's up with implication Snake might have messed with Ch'en's mind as well?

Ch'en was supposed to run away with Talulah. I'm guessing the Black Snake wanted Ch'en, too (what a fucking creep), but Wei got to Ch'en first.

So overall got 4 copies of Rosmontis (1 from token shop) so I can't really complain and I have been using her all the time since then. Also immediately mastered all her 3 skills (had mats prepared for S3, had to farm a little for S2 and wasn't in rush with S1, so it took me a week or 2. I do like those kind of skills and I think her's is not bad, but yea, I never used it once so far, but I mastered it just for completion sake) I regret nothing.

applauds Loving your dedication to cute cat daughter. I'm still working on M9'ing my own favorites.

Sadly since I spend my certs on tickets, I don't have 180 certs to buy Schwarz (and still not sure if it's good idea), so I guess I'll see if i manage to get enough before banner ends and if not, then I'll grab my first copy of Glaucus instead (I currently have 122, so it's not like I'm not close).

Ah the dilemma. 60 yellow certs is definitely unlikely from just Recruitment. Goodluck tho. And congrats on Rosa. I'll just get her when she shows up in the shop. Hopefully.

Btw, rejoice Eyja fans! Eyja summer skin. Honestly, surprisingly revealing. But wait there's more! Angelina summer skin and TOMIMI SUMMER SKIN!. Tomimi so cute. Looks like a wedding dress too lol. Trying to get Gavial to marry her.

Oh yeah, new event in CN hints at possible Doctor lore. Face reveal? Crossing fingers on my crazy-ass theory that Doc and Priestess are look-alikes aka Priestess is an AI clone of the Doctor.

last edited at Jun 28, 2021 5:25PM