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Citrus discussion 30 Mar 10:39
joined Feb 18, 2018

One of my favorite, earlier "collaborative re-envisionings" is the whole Ep 6 journey that starts by snatching up Mei at school (Harumin is the Greatest), the extended, gloriously dynamic and rousing bike scene--with better dialogue!, and a brief moment where it looks like Mei freaks out (read: bonus character dev), and then the satisfying rework of the whole Farewell-to-InaneFather-with-Tacky-Shoes; great choreography; streamlined and beautiful use of space. (That and a few others sorta made up for the ball-dropping rush-passes they did on the quieter, pivotal scenes that I was highly anticipating, but here's hoping for improvements in S2.) Also, good consistent use of less generic establishing shots; making those character-centric parts of the Metropolis and outskirts more memorable over time. e.g., The season finale's shot of Yuzu's, non-descript, home town intersection (also the very first shot in the premiere/series) = fast cut to Matsuri's playground scene for more bonus character dev; so quick, easy, and no need for extraneous words or audio. The CG does distract me a lot though, mostly for the animation of the ultraconformist, uniformed, robotic hordes, i.e., "How long did the artists take to churn out those tedious minute variations and setup each scenario, how versatile are the base models, and how often are the assets expected to be reused per season?" There are scenes where the model usage for long shots are pretty yuck, so, more questions about production crunching and outsourcing, too...

Another point you don't mention about the anime and that surprised me, was that the realistic world-building, despite the inconsistent storywriting (which the anime producers couldn't get around since they must be faithful to the source material), might have decisively contributed to the overall feeling I got from the anime series (but not from the manga) which is of "this is a romance story about 2 girls falling in love, happening in real life; variations of it are happening on these same places right now as you watch this". Maybe only because of that or perhaps due to other factors as well, although of course the manga is yuri, oddly enough I would not classify the anime as "yuri" because it doesn't have yuri vibes to me. I would classify it as simply a romance anime where the main couple happens to be 2 girls.

Citrus discussion 30 Mar 10:29
joined Feb 18, 2018

Holy shit I have just lost my will to live

Yet another casualty.

Citrus discussion 28 Mar 23:38
joined Feb 18, 2018

I am not aware of other yuri manga that has drama + comedy like Citrus to be honest. I guess they are usually either heavy drama (NTR, Octave maybe), low-key drama (Sasameki Koto, Girlfriends) or slice of life kinda thing (Kase-san comes to mind). I haven't read a lot of yuri though so I'm probably wrong.

Saburouta is actually very smart; she dropped the ch. 36 bomb while people were watching the anime, knowing full well if this isn't going to make people buy the next chapters nothing will. I would have nothing to add to your analysis.

And talking about the anime: it's made me like the Matsuri/Tachibana sisters arc much more. Also the "world-building" aspect was pretty good, I was surprised how they even show us the part of Tokyo they live in etc and show real locations (it's Toyosu in Koto-ku for those who didn't catch it). And the dub is surprisingly better than the sub in my opinion, maybe because the sub makes what they say seem too formal while in the dub they talk like actual teenagers.

Citrus discussion 27 Mar 19:52
joined Feb 18, 2018

Apart from this aspect, to what extent is the general Citrus narrative different from the myriad preceding yuri works--specifically, the successful, similar ones? Or is Ch 36's intentional drama bomb the most noteworthy feature in 9 volumes/~5 years of typical Slice of Life/School Angst/Yuri Romance?

Citrus reads more like a shoujo manga to me. Change Mei to be a male and you have every brooding, distant and handsome love interest in shoujo ever. With Yuzu being the usual klutz protagonist. Doesn't mean it's not fun though!

But with this major tonal shift, i.e., emphasizing harsh reality, any random details that crop up in the aftermath will need to have far more critical weight because this is now past the point of no return; if the essential, incremental development is still underwhelming by the end, that will be the biggest reveal about the author and her intent.

I think the "ZOMG WHAT JUST HAPPENED" reactions were both due to: (1) the sudden timeskip and people empathizing with Yuzu and Mei's pain and (2) to the skeptical readers, the fear that Saburouta and her past lame plot writing is strong indication that she will f*ck up the story, indeed, to the point of no return. Because she amped the drama and seemingly changed the tone yes, but I suspect she won't know how to deliver a conclusion convincingly. When I read ch. 36 I was literally like "oh man, RIP Citrus".

But hey maybe this will turn out to be the School Days of yuri, if Matsuri's sociopathic tendencies are finally put to good use. Kill Bill-style wedding rampage scene in the end, maybe that's what her shooting game skills were hinting at :P

last edited at Mar 27, 2018 7:54PM

Citrus discussion 25 Mar 22:52
joined Feb 18, 2018

The explanation above is good!

I think when people say they won't end up together, it's more "if the story was real, they might not end up together". But of course they will end up together, just like the hero of the story never dies etc (even though it would be great if they did lol).

In any case at least for me, if my sole reason for believing that something will happen in a story is because it's fiction and "that's the way it will happen or fans will riot" then the story is crap. Because that's not a reason that emerges from the story itself. It's not my job to have faith in the genre or on the "story metaphysics" so to speak, it's the author's job to immerse me in the story :P I actually dislike most yuri manga precisely because things seem to happen for no reason other than because the genre says so. Characters rarely feel multi-dimensional, it's like they are tropes only.

Citrus is kinda mixed on this, the author of Netsuzou Trap should be writing the plot. Saburouta can draw but not necessarily write (my opinion).

Citrus discussion 25 Mar 17:06
joined Feb 18, 2018

Yeah, so Yuzu respecting Mei's decisions rather than acting out of her own desires has been her mistake from the beginning of the series. She hasn't clued in yet that what Mei says she wants and what Mei actually wants are very different things.

Citrus discussion 25 Mar 16:35
joined Feb 18, 2018

I agree Yuzu is an enabler and you can see her mom is the same with the Sho guy (who would marry someone and be ok with that person never being around? Or worse, make an arrangement to take care of someone else's teenage daughter lol wtf).

Which is why when people say, Yuzu should just wait for Mei to come after her, I don't understand what their logic is. The entire series goes on and on in circles because these girls cannot take a stand for what they truly want unless pushed by other people. In a way, Mei is actually a bit better because she at least moves the relationship forward by instigating Yuzu passive-aggressively into leading them to the next level.

So on ch. 36 Mei has basically put all the chips on the table and said what she feels for Yuzu is not some teen lovey dovey feelings but adult love. Her way of communicating the problem is terrible but Yuzu's apparent inaction for months is just as bad. What I am hoping for is that Yuzu will finally clue in that she is not living in a fairy tale (as hinted all along by Matsuri, when she criticized her for giving rings to Mei too quickly). At this point she either acts like the mature person someone in Mei's situation needs her to be, and try to work things out together, or just quit because there is no way Mei will be with her if she doesn't show she has a backbone.

(As for Matsuri and Harumin, I like them because they are true friends to Yuzu and not selfish, unlike both Mei and Yuzu who are so absorbed into each other that they don't seem to pay attention to anything else. I hope they end up together, or at least do not go for Yuzu because that would be underselling themselves...Yuzu is not as good of a friend to them as they are to her).

Citrus discussion 25 Mar 15:14
joined Feb 18, 2018

I completely disagree. The school doesn't make Mei happy, the story makes it clear she endures it as a duty and that's it. So it cannot be her dream, she simply accepted it as her responsibility once the matters with the father were (for now) settled.

In fact the plot WOULD be more interesting if she actually liked managing the school, the stakes would be even higher. Maybe she would then have a more proactive personality though, which she doesn't. Instead she a super meek person overcompensating by pretending she is all tough, and this whole charade can be translated to "please rescue me and solve my problems for me again Yuzu".

So she is just Mei doing what she does best, which is shifting the responsibility and hard decisions onto Yuzu.

Citrus discussion 23 Mar 16:24
joined Feb 18, 2018

I don't want it to happen because I like Matsuri, but it's obvious who the contender is.

Citrus discussion 22 Mar 23:54
joined Feb 18, 2018

Matsuri kills Gramps. You read it here first!

Citrus discussion 17 Mar 16:52
joined Feb 18, 2018

It would be extremely depressing, and also make no sense since they are step-siblings and presumably would meet each other again often for the rest of their lives, so it cannot really end with a goodbye letter and that's it. I think even Mei-Tron knows that lol

Citrus discussion 14 Mar 14:01
joined Feb 18, 2018

A few months ago I started to see this person who just broken with her girlfriend (soul mate) a red flag. Things were going well until she got that phone call from her "soulmate ex" and I knew from the last email that was it. Makes me wonder that she believes in this soul mate and destiny has been set then why did they break up...I don't know hard to convey in words of what I'm trying to get across..perhaps one of those that perplexed me vs belief systems, etc..

Not implying that Mei and Yuzu were soul mates and destined to be together against all odds. Just a very good point to the observation thought provoking.

I think the difference here is that Yuzu and Mei are actually each other's partner of choice so to speak, irrespective of whether people around them or us the readers are convinced of the reasons why they love each other or whether those reasons are sustainable long-term. Their difficulties are more related to circumstance and personality issues (mostly Mei's lol), and not that they are tempted to run off with other people or can't stand some aspect of each other.

Presumably if Mei's family accepted the relationship and Mei wasn't so afraid of emotions it would all work out. Even if they might not have a single topic to talk about that they both like, or hobby that they share. It's a direction taken by the author, to make them such opposites with no overlaps, but it does happen in real life I guess. It's just not a direction I particularly like, when combined with all the family challenges. But hey maybe her point is to say that there is some "intangible" quality to their love.

Hope you moved on from that girl! :-)

Citrus discussion 13 Mar 11:19
joined Feb 18, 2018

What does the mother do for a living? (Among many other questions.)

In the anime she is shown to be a construction worker.

As to your first question, the mom seems to know that Mei and Yuzu became close and that Yuzu is now hurting, but as to what she might know or suspect about a more intimate relationship, that's apparently a secret between herself and her can of beer.

Maybe that was her plan all along xD

Citrus discussion 13 Mar 10:42
joined Feb 18, 2018

Something I really don't understand at all is: does Ume even know her daughters are together? Because if she doesn't know, why would she just go along with Mei's request of not telling Yuzu anything about the arranged marriage and that she was moving out? Also, is Mei still attending the school? If she isn't, what excuse for not attending school could she possibly give to her super strict Gramps? If she is, then the whole thing of "if I see you my resolve will crumble" is BS, because they will have so many chances to meet lol I fear all logic will be swept under the rug from now on in this story, there is no way SU can get out of this mess otherwise. That's why when I read chapter 36 I was like "oh no, there goes the plot".

Citrus discussion 09 Mar 09:18
joined Feb 18, 2018

Now, now, don’t exaggerate—the last panel could reveal that the whole thing was a drug-induced hallucination of the guy from Yuri Danshi. EDIT: Who’s married to Yuzu. And having an affair with Mei. Or maybe the other way around.

Tumblr servers would overflow with the number of pictures of Citrus mangas being burned lol

Citrus discussion 08 Mar 10:42
joined Feb 18, 2018

I guess they would rather have Saburo Uta introduce a new character to force another love triangle rather than see Mei and Yuzu resolving one of the main plot of the story.

Rather than introducing a new 3rd wheel or coming up with Yet Another Arranged Marriage plot, the author could simply explore the dynamics of their relationship. That doesn't mean it can't be dramatic (example from centuries ago: KareKano). The impression I have so far is that Yuzu and Mei are together out of lust and some weird co-dependency (Yuzu being the rescuer and Mei the emotionally unavailable counterpart). And not because they are 2 people who love talking to each other and doing things together, and that naturally have challenges to overcome. Like, didn't Mei even tell Harumin that she doesn't know what to talk about with Yuzu? That's a hint right there that something ain't right...So yeah they are crazy for each other, but not sure if the reasons for their attraction are healthy/good enough to justify the relationship being long-term. If this is a romance drama, Saburouta is supposed to convince us of that, but I must say I am not convinced yet.

If the 2nd arranged marriage plot was introduced in the context of them being a solid couple, reactions would have been more positive. Instead, the way it happened it's hard to not think Yuzu needs to cut her losses and date someone else she clicks with. If the manga jumps from them barely knowing how to go on dates and being shy about making out, to suddenly Mei throwing her inheritance to the wind and riding into the sunset with Yuzu with no proper development it's going to be the worst ending ever.

last edited at Mar 8, 2018 10:49AM

Citrus discussion 07 Mar 13:31
joined Feb 18, 2018

But we have a couple of people defending it stating that you have to look hard to see the progress while several others are saying there has been none and I have to agree. Maybe you have to actually be paying attention to notice that nothing has changed. Mei starts out the story putting her family's happiness before her own and we are currently still there 35 chapters later. Mei really hasn't changed, she is making the same decisions with the same justifications and it's disappointing. How can you say there has been progress when we are right back to the same exact issue from the first volume?

This. Mei is crazy for Yuzu no doubt and has her reasons but I am yet to see any meaningful change in her personality other than (reluctantly) warming up to the person she is crazy about. Which I personally don't see as great development; if she kept being cold even after they start dating it would be too unrealistic. As far as I know she still doesn't care about anyone around her other than Yuzu either. She is like that girlfriend that one of your friends brings in to hang out with the gang, and you see all these red flags in her and want to tell your friend to run for the hills. But you can't, because it's none of your business, so you kinda hint at it and leave it at that lol

In the end the only characters who have evolved are Matsuri and, to a lesser degree, Yuzu herself. Harumin has also seen no development. But hey, maybe next chapter Mei pulls a 360. The fact that it would take her MONTHS to do so is super strange though.

Citrus discussion 05 Mar 22:30
joined Feb 18, 2018

She already won by letting the YuzuMei trainwreck follow its course and going for Harumin instead :P Yuzu scarred for life now, only therapy will help lol

Citrus discussion 05 Mar 12:28
joined Feb 18, 2018

I tried to stay away from this comment section for a while....

I'm kinda glad to see it's still as toxic as Chernobyl's contingency site...

Yeah that's what happens when a character's schizophrenic behaviour turns the MC and readers into blue-balled neurotics xD Only solution at this point is aggressive Yuzutop or Mei being run over by a truck before the wedding.

Citrus discussion 05 Mar 08:08
joined Feb 18, 2018

Hey so is the anthology canon? If it's canon then based on the chapters released yesterday it's now established that Matsuri likes Harumin and that she doesn't know whether Harumin likes her back, likes Yuzu or just doesn't like anyone yet. Harumin is impossible to read.

Citrus discussion 04 Mar 17:09
joined Feb 18, 2018

But the thing is, Harumin went silent and didn't have a counter argument when Matsuri said that and she immediately walk off to avoid the issue which only proves what Matsuri said before, that Harumin always run away from conflict to avoid getting hurt. and if you re-read the part where Matsuri teased Nene that Harumin is her girlfriend and told her that Harumin only thinks of Yuzu as a friend. she had this little text that says "As if" I don't know if she's talking about Harumin ever becoming her girlfriend or the "As if" means, As if it isn't obvious that Harumin has feelings for Yuzu. I mean, why should Harumin avoid what Matsuri said if she only think of Yuzu as her friend and nothing more. Besides,every time Matsuri opens her mouth it's always about romantic or sexual relationship and never about friendship. The way she implied it means they both like the same person (romantically). she could have worded it differently. I honestly think Matsuri would have pursued a romantic relationship with Yuzu, if it weren't for Mei.

Gosh, this manga is so annoying because the dialogues are vague enough that they can be interpreted in whatever way you want LOL I actually read this entire part as something like, Harumin hinting that she is not interested in Yuzu that way, because she would be open to Matsuri herself. The fact that Matsuri starts flirting with her right after and from then on cemented that idea in my mind. Oh well, who knows. The "As if" I understood as, "as if Harumin would prefer Yuzu over me", like classic Matsuri being full of herself just as she used to think she was the obvious choice over Mei :P

But hey that might be my bias because I ship Matsuri x Harumin so hard :P Yet Harumin could definitely be "final boss" if the series extends to 12 volumes, and because she is so nice, Yuzu could be happier with her in the long run. The only bad part about that would be fans not ever wanting to see a broken-hearted Harumin in case Yuzu ultimately left her to go back to Mei. I seriously think lots of people would flip out and stop reading the series, Harumin is too loved lol So it would be a very risky move from the author.

Why will it be a risky move? I actually think a lot of manga and anime fans of Citrus wants to see Mei x Yuzu x Harumin. Harumin is like the only character in the manga who can compete against Mei for Yuzu's affection. We know Harumin is not dense as she wants to appear, it has been implied before that she knows Mei and Yuzu's relationship and maybe that's why she said she has no romantic interest for Yuzu. Matsuri did said that Harumin is a suspicious person.

I think people would be super sad if Harumin ends up broken hearted, she is the only character who doesn't deserve it. Also it would be cool (and original) to have a true friendship between her and Yuzu, rather than something influenced by romance.

Mei begs Yuzu for more kisses because she can't contain her feelings for Yuzu anymore. She's completely acting the same way as Yuzu. Mei even starts liking the same thing Yuzu likes. Remember she ate spicy curry because Yuzu like it, even though she can't tolerate spicy food, she cuddle Yuzu and pretended that she's imagining her to be Kumagouru. Yuzu can probably do better but she's in love with Mei and Mei definitely need someone like Yuzu who has lots and lots of love to give for a person like her. Hopefully, she can reciprocate it more openly in the upcoming volumes.

I actually never realized she was only pretending it was Kumagoro. Again, vague storytelling...Anyway as long as she reciprocates openly I am fine with MeixYuzu as endgame.

last edited at Mar 4, 2018 5:09PM

Citrus discussion 04 Mar 09:56
joined Feb 18, 2018

I actually got from the Special that Matsuri understood both Harumin and her like Yuzu as a friend and care a lot for her, not that it's romantic feelings (I really don't think Matsuri ever had true romantic feelings for Yuzu by the way, I guess it was more like "you are stealing my bff with your sexiness so I'm going to try to lure her back with sexual stuff too" kinda thing).

But hey that might be my bias because I ship Matsuri x Harumin so hard :P Yet Harumin could definitely be "final boss" if the series extends to 12 volumes, and because she is so nice, Yuzu could be happier with her in the long run. The only bad part about that would be fans not ever wanting to see a broken-hearted Harumin in case Yuzu ultimately left her to go back to Mei. I seriously think lots of people would flip out and stop reading the series, Harumin is too loved lol So it would be a very risky move from the author.

As for Mei x Yuzu, yeah I know Mei cannot express her feelings etc and been trying in the last several chapters. Again I don't doubt she is crazy for Yuzu in her own way, that much is obvious. But if we forget Mei for a moment and only look at Yuzu, she could easily do better. The only reason Mei "asking for more kisses" is seen as so impressive and "proof of love" is because she is constantly depriving Yuzu of basic affection in the first place.

Citrus discussion 03 Mar 20:49
joined Feb 18, 2018

Mei has had plenty of character development but it's not a surprise her behaviour is still so controversial. It depends on whether she is judged by her actions or by her actions + why she does what she does. If she is judged only by her actions, honestly she is still very far from being as caring towards Yuzu as Yuzu is towards her, and this whole letter thing was of course just even more reason for negative judgements. If I was friends with Yuzu, I would have to tell her to move on and find a healthier person who can reciprocate her feelings more wonder people like Harumin so much.

Citrus discussion 02 Mar 20:41
joined Feb 18, 2018

Hah, you are totally right of course. I guess I am able to conveniently forget Matsuri was the devil incarnated because it was so over the top it couldn't possibly be taken seriously. Heck, I can see how the series will end now: Gramps will turn into a cutie pie too and support the wedding no questions asked lmao

Citrus discussion 02 Mar 16:13
joined Feb 18, 2018

And I'm not saying the relationship is destructive; but simply that unless the manga author transforms Mei's personality completely, there is no way people will get the equal, warm, ultimately satisfying relationship they are dreaming of as the end for this story.

Ah, I think I get what you're saying more clearly now (although I still largely disagree). I don't know how others have been reading the situation, but (and putting real-world psychological dynamics aside for a moment) my feeling has been that once Mei can shed (or at least shift) that giant pile of responsibility/expectations that have been crushing her for so long, she'll be able to return Yuzu's playfulness and affection. (Not that she'll ever be a genki girl, but if at some level she didn't want to break out of her shell, she never would have responded to Yuzu's sincerity and emotional candor in the first place.) I don't think such a development would be an arbitrary character transformation to fit the plot; I think it's what the story has been working toward the whole time.

Ok I get what you mean. The difference is in how we read Mei: I don't interpret Mei as a person being crushed by her responsibilities only; I would, if there hadn't been all the sexual assault/push-pull stuff in the beginning. But because of that initial stuff, combined with her improvement ever since the relationship started, I see her essentially as a non-sociopathic, more passive version of Hotaru from Netsuzou Trap. Someone affected by family abandonment. I guess the question is whether we can hand-wave all that uncomfortable stuff from before as, well who knows, maybe bait-and-switch that was never meant to be part of the story :P