Forum › Posts by KangaNoodles

joined Jan 24, 2018

We usually dump chapters as they're ready, we were two typesetting (now a new Chad just joined!) and we divided them based on the characters. I have more free time, so I have already other 9 chapters ready, but they're not in the correct order. We decided to dump them as soon as they are done, would you guys prefere having one chapter at a time from now on?

Are you an angel? Who answers back to commentors on dynasty?

joined Jan 24, 2018

..... The letter Uri gave to Neekos mom is for approval to ask Neekos to marry her, cos Yuri ending everyone cheers............
Imoko cries

joined Jan 24, 2018

People here got all mad from the chapter dumps and not being able to comment on individual chapters....... Me here all mad waiting for a few chapters at a time.... Just as it gets angsty too.... Having a heap to read one after the other was fine by me
tears up

joined Jan 24, 2018

"We'll become close very quickly if we hang out nude"

joined Jan 24, 2018

the cover page of chapter 9 is exactly a "distracted boyfriend" meme lol

I thought the same thing xD

It's so uncanny to the point I'm sure that's what the mangka was aiming for

Haru seems more mature than Midori and oftentimes she is the one taking the parent role despite being the kid and on top of that having to deal with her mom's death. Midori has still not out matured her high school self. Not sure if a relationship like that that would work irl, since 14 year olds are not as mature as Haru, especially when they have no parents left to take care of them. It just seems more like a wishful thinking but whatever.

I'm not sure if the author ships them? Or just wants to tell a story about a loss of a person and how they help each other heal. With manga you can't really tell since they never shy away from stuff like underage age gap, incest etc. I'd like seeing Haru doing more stuff with people of her age though. That Rika girl seems to have an interest in her, so if we're gonna have yuri here, hope it's these two.

......... Did you not see them h#*d h@!ds earlier? bumping donuts by next chapter

last edited at Sep 20, 2019 10:46AM

joined Jan 24, 2018

.....if fluids were questions I'd be this manga..... do I actually need to know what liquid she manipulated and shape shifted in chapter 4? This the kinda shit that's made into hentai, weird plot and random hanky panky all over the shop..... maybe next chapter will clear things up for me? piss everywhere next chapter Well.... I heard piss is sterile I guess

last edited at Sep 18, 2019 10:12AM

joined Jan 24, 2018

Dwaaaaw, Gochiusa needs somkind of disclaimer.... CosI have diabetes now and my butt hurts from all that moe.... The mangas and the animes are as good as eachother, each new chapters got me laughing and awwwwing. Looking forward to another season!

AP discussion 17 Sep 09:17
joined Jan 24, 2018

How fucking spectacular is the artwork in this?! Who knew such lovely things could come from water sports........

joined Jan 24, 2018

Praying hands had me thinking a religious and spiritual yuri had finally arrived, turns out to be gay otaku hero worship

just h*ld h*ands you lesbians

...... lol

joined Jan 24, 2018

The novels going on in the comments....... Over analysing a funny silly yuri manga......


Take my advice, never major in English. You will never be able to not over-analyze a work of fiction... or say anything succinctly... ever again.

Meh, as long as you're enjoying yourself. This manga is enjoyable itself without over analysis, everything and everybody has flaws lol (I'd say no one is perfect but perfection is a personal preference)

joined Jan 24, 2018

Whoops, thought this was going to be about an obsessive compulsive character


sprays drink everywhere laughing

last edited at Sep 16, 2019 10:28AM

joined Jan 24, 2018

The novels going on in the comments....... Over analysing a funny silly yuri manga......


last edited at Sep 16, 2019 10:07AM

joined Jan 24, 2018

I think majo mochi is one of my favorite flavors this year. Majos art in on point and mochi usually has a funny awkward story to tell.....

joined Jan 24, 2018

Pfffftbahaha, Sawano did something so pervy she managed to frighten someone as rotten as Onibi claps she was pretty keen to put it on tho..... perv courage intensifies

joined Jan 24, 2018

Anything can be yuri

..... amen

Climber girl can't even keep her donut in her pants, whippin it out at old mate in the first chapter, control your whoremoans!!!!

bumps donuts together
Fufufu ^ those two by the next chapter its so yuri

last edited at Sep 11, 2019 11:12AM

Unfaithful discussion 11 Sep 10:39
joined Jan 24, 2018

DAT twist, what jus happen? where you come from?

joined Jan 24, 2018

Nawww bit of drama to fill in them cavities from all that sweetness earlier in the chapter. Looking forward to the diabetes that follows

joined Jan 24, 2018

...... I knew shizuka was gonna be a total prick at some point, poor Mio.

joined Jan 24, 2018

..... So.... Do the title characters work at an agency that takes children away from abusive parents.... then they go to investigate.... then they all bump donuts? I'm having trouble thinking how this will come full circle.... like a donut

joined Jan 24, 2018

Meh the series was okay, not devoed it's over, bit shit it kinda built up to something for it to have to fizzle out to a rushed ending tho. Almost a prelude for a second run of them practicing to become a four group dance crew but I doubt that'll ever happen. My only regret about it ending early is not enough yuri, it was promising to begin with, if only it had more time to evolve takes off hat places it over chest R.I.P

joined Jan 24, 2018
Hime: ....................... shaves all hair off head

last edited at Sep 3, 2019 9:12AM

Yukino Plan discussion 03 Sep 08:53
joined Jan 24, 2018

This was terrifying as fuck tbh
Look at her smile
That's a damn kuroko koumori smile if I've ever seen one

I yoshed pretty hard at that name drop.... got so hooked on the Mercielago that I have to buy the transd mangas as theyre released tri monthly #mercielagoismyceasar

Comedy yandere Yuri......... nice idea! It's cute and funny but then kinda dark near the end when she reveals her true intentions..... kinda reminds me of my relationship with coffee

joined Jan 24, 2018

How tastefully done was the final lude erbody here was angsting for? Honestly, most deserved Yuri anime ever, this whole manga was thoughtful, unrushed and feels natural all the way through. Looking forward to the final chapter (kinda... it's a shame it's over but damn it was done well) and then looking forward to the rest of it being animated

joined Jan 24, 2018

This seems more than NSFW to me...

.... If you can sift through my previous comments you'd see the full wrath of the NSFW tag giving me a run for my money
sweated so much I ended up rehydrating in a pool of my own sweat
I think it gets the NSFW tag when there's no finger in donut action, those get moderate amounts or lots of sex tags is my theory at least

Mira giving Homura Subaru a run for their money.

Lol I thought the same thing, it's like homura managed to possess Mira to release one glorious hentai manga!

"By the way, the elves in this village get yuri pregnant via magic."

....... lold at that side note

joined Jan 24, 2018

Why do they ax great mangas with plot that has so much potential to go places? It's beyond me how something like this gets the can yet absolute trash carries on volume after volume. The anime was superb and the manga carries itself well even after the anime.... but not popular enough to continue.... this world is cruel and heartless, abandoning these cute girls just trying to make a future for themselves, where is the god of Yuri? Cancelations like this make me question her existence, why am I even still praying to you?!