Aug, kids here are so naive. Put yourself in the adult's position here. If a kid ran away from home in a situation like this, was clearly traumatized about something, and her friend said "don't send her back there." Would you send that kid back there with an adult who could be abusing her? Use your noggins a bit here.
that´d be correct and actually is correct for stella since she knows pretty much nothing about the situation but marie is another story because she knows that the reason mel run away wasn´t abuse but mel´s master rejecting mel´s feelings
marie knows that the relationships between humans and beastkins are forbidden and have serious consequences
whatever was the reason for master to reject mel doesn´t really matter since master is actually doing the right thing
because if someone were to catch master and mel the goverment would take mel away from her and arrest master and again marie fucking knows it
master is actually taking an pretty adult aproach to the situation she is putting her feelings aside to keep mel with her marie is fully aware of everything she should be aware that master doesn´t rejected mel to hurt her but protect her master actually take the right decision for both mel and her and yet marie is being a little bitch and making everything worse
and you know fuck stella too if master and stella were strangers i´d be understadable for stella to doubt her but they were best friends how can she dubt her without even knowing the details did she think that low of master to the point of thinking that she did something bad to mel without doubting and then say to master " i don´t know jack shit about what is happening but fuck you you´re not seeing mel today and maybe never.....bitch " instead of asking marie what the fuck is happening and then talking with master
stella nominated for best friend of the year
last edited at Nov 12, 2018 3:11AM