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Image Comments 23 Nov 03:31
joined Dec 20, 2018

Nice. :D

Image Comments 23 Nov 03:29
joined Dec 20, 2018

Suddenly, sparkles!

last edited at Nov 23, 2021 3:30AM

Image Comments 23 Nov 03:29
joined Dec 20, 2018


Image Comments 23 Nov 03:28
joined Dec 20, 2018

Nice. :D

Image Comments 23 Nov 03:28
joined Dec 20, 2018

Adorable. ^_^

Image Comments 23 Nov 03:27
joined Dec 20, 2018


joined Dec 20, 2018

At the second mixer she does think of attracting (or rather keeping) the guy’s attention in order to protect Akko-senpai, but then realizes that the same thing is likely to happen again.

Just one small correction - Yoshiko-chan, not Akko-senpai. Akko-senpai was forgotten the moment she saw Yoshiko.

You are indeed correct. Girl works fast.

Senpai already had a girlfriend anyway, after all.

joined Dec 20, 2018

At the second mixer she does think of attracting (or rather keeping) the guy’s attention in order to protect Akko-senpai, but then realizes that the same thing is likely to happen again.

Just one small correction - Yoshiko-chan, not Akko-senpai. Akko-senpai was forgotten the moment she saw Yoshiko.

joined Dec 20, 2018

in the anime they give her Satomi Arai as voice

And that says it all, really... I know she has also voiced a lot of excellent characters, but the ones I remember her voice best for are always the over the top obnoxious ones like in Shinka no Mi, Tsuujou Kougeki ga Zentai Kougeki de Ni-kai Kougeki no Okaasan wa Suki Desu ka? or RailDex.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Was honestly one of my favorites on MAL for a while until eventually being pushed out by a growing list of even better series. Would have preferred Aoki-sensei to end up with Houin-sensei myself, despite my usual liking for loli. Probably would have suited the general realism of the story better, at least in my opinion, to the extent that I changed my rating for the series from 10 to 9 after chapter 78, especially since even with everything going on it did manage to avoid showing any actual possibility of age gap relationships until then. But then again, I can see why the author would want the main girl to win in the end.

Ten years later, and I only just noticed the incredible easter egg on this page. It's so cute she'd include a book by the author of Bambi along with Alice in Wonderland.

That third book, though...

last edited at Nov 22, 2021 8:53AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

That's definitely now how I imagined the fortune teller to look like. For one I expected her to be much older.

Same, definitely.

The looks in no way make her any more likeable, though, she's still as obnoxious as always...

joined Dec 20, 2018

That is the cutest ghost costume ever. ^_^

And bonus points for a ghost wearing a ghost costume. :D

joined Dec 20, 2018

but she didn't do it because she liked him the story makes it pretty clear that she just stole him so her crush wouldn't go out with him.

Not quite. While she realizes this mistake later, it's pretty clear that at the time she was too drunk to even know what she was doing. Although she certainly did he crush a favor, keeping her away from a guy who would take advantage of her like that...

joined Dec 20, 2018

That was the most by-the-books magical girl chapter so far, it was just a normal battle in which the good guys win normally including pervy-but-not-really-serious stuff in the bath afterwards. I guess Sulfur was fun, but I hope she doesn't get focus again, this isn't why I'm reading this.

This is exactly what Baiser wants from this, though. As in, it's literally her declared goal as the leader.

SHY discussion 22 Nov 06:59
joined Dec 20, 2018

It’s just a hunch but I feel like Nirvana and company are going to turn out to be villains later on. Hope I’m wrong lol

Whenever someone is declared to be the one to lead us to salvation, I'll just assume that by default, yes.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Still cute. ^_^

joined Dec 20, 2018

Baiser still the greatest fangirl ever. :D

And Vena clearly has plans of his own - and Tres Magia reaching new forms is apparently part of it...

joined Dec 20, 2018

I dont know who has it worse, lol. This girl or Claire. They both have overpowered heroines barging in on their lives

Well, Claire hasn't had to go through all this crap with criminal charges and getting exiled, nor does she have to put up with that damn system. Clearly she's far ahead of this poor girl.

Citrus + discussion 21 Nov 15:28
joined Dec 20, 2018

Nene confirmed to be completely insane... :D

joined Dec 20, 2018

I laughed out loud when Reiko flapped Hikari's hair.

what do you think happens when everyone sees her hair spontaneously go back to normal once Reiko lets it go?

Clearly Reiko will have to keep holding it until school ends.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Helping the poor unloved spiral bread.

Image Comments 20 Nov 13:23
joined Dec 20, 2018

^ While it's obviously not quite up to YagaKimi level, but nothing really can be, I've quite liked it from the start, and considering what Shiori is, I'd certainly consider the cast more interesting than most series here. AnoKiss may have comparable main characters, not so sure about Kase-san, excellent as it is. But yeah, just a matter of personal taste for the most part.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Eh, they're not that bad. Momoka clearly fell for Rin early on and eventually chose to seek love elsewhere, either believing it would be impossible with Rin or just not wanting to risk losing her altogether should the confession go wrong. A rather common trope, but in this case it caused an even wider rift between them due to Rin's past bad experience with her mother. She took the chance when confronted by Rin again, but Rin's rejection at the hotel shook her again, telling her it may have been impossible after all.

And on the other hand we have Rin. Entirely lost in this, not at all knowing how to handle this relationship. Not for a moment thinking that Momoka could actually be serious about it, especially after how she described her previous relationships. Even less realizing, not before Momoka leaves her again and she starts to imagine her with others, that she herself also wants Momoka for herself.

joined Dec 20, 2018

the artist also works on another isekai manga. its het though. has an mc that isekais to the same world while asleep and a elf girl. I thought their art looked familar.

Welcome to Japan, Ms Elf

I can't believe I never noticed despite reading both...

joined Dec 20, 2018

Reiko is more afraid of people than people are of Reiko...

And poor dad truly deserved that headpat. :D