Finally maxed out Lancet, now only THRM-EX left.
As a launch player, I am officially jelly. Still need one more Lancet copy and of course THRM-EX is not even halfway there.
Meanwhile ~40 pulls (RIP all reserves, again) from the new banner netted me Archetto, Iris and P3 Beanstalk; weird archetype squad GET, feels good man. (Also some Pinecone and Fla-imean, Platinum dupes, why even but I'm not complaining.)
Congrats! A friend of mine actually got Archetto and Iris in 4 rolls.
Meanwhile for me, 34 rolls for Archetto which is nice but I actually wanted Iris so OF COURSE I wasn't getting her easily. 40 more rolls, TWO off banner 6 stars and finally one copy of Iris out of the six 5 stars I got.
Archetto's E2 mats make me want to cry.
last edited at Jul 6, 2021 3:30PM