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joined Feb 4, 2015

Bdsm setting wasn't bad idea, but it was way too tame (kinda like 50 shades movie, most hardcore thing was whipping hard, oh noes!). I guess girls from prestigious schools aren't stressed that much ;P

not hardcore enough?

Koneko, why? ;-; I'd forgotten that was a thing...

but why did Ran cut her hair.. I really hate it when long haired girls cut their hair short..

Agreed. Though I don't think this one was too bad.

Ending was okay. Rest of the story was better.

Miss Darth Moe though. Imperial March halted half way through.

On the other hand John K. Peta is too hardcore xD And I don't really like so unrealistic porn ;P

Too hardcore doesn't begin to describe it.

last edited at Jul 17, 2015 5:12PM

Image Comments 16 Jul 12:25
joined Feb 4, 2015

No, seven of us.

joined Feb 4, 2015

The hell did I just read?

The greatest harem story ever.


After Hours discussion 16 Jul 00:41
joined Feb 4, 2015

You'd think living with someone else would encourage them to shower?

Stretch discussion 15 Jul 22:40
joined Feb 4, 2015

and lmao anon you are the queen/king of puns.>

Don't encourage them!

Stretch discussion 15 Jul 22:30
joined Feb 4, 2015

But swimsuit Ran...




last edited at Jul 15, 2015 10:31PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Metallica's version of Whiskey in the jar has yuri? The hell?

joined Feb 4, 2015

Area 11 only played one song off of their upcoming album, but it was pretty good. High hopes.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Started third season, but took a break.

Second one was at the end of the last season.

joined Feb 4, 2015

I've bitched about PLL on the anime thread.

One of the min characters is a lesbian.

First crush she thinks is dead, only for her not to be, only for her to get the crush arrested.
First girlfriend goes to rehab or something, then dies after breaking up and getting back together
Next pseudo one gets jealous of some silly think set up by the bad guy.
Next tried to drown her.

So yuri is in it, yes, but I think my ship sinking coloured me a bit more negatively than I might otherwise be.

Their Story discussion 13 Jul 09:00
joined Feb 4, 2015

Mophead isn't having a good time as of late.

Anime season 12 Jul 18:28
joined Feb 4, 2015

Main guy being a jerk never really seems to get in the way of yuri sinking though.

Their Story discussion 11 Jul 04:34
joined Feb 4, 2015

Oh wow, those key rings look adorable. I want.

Mophead looked crazy this chapter. And dude, people won't lend you stuff after a certain point.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Chinese was the joke.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Oh right, they took pictures of them holding hands and because that's super lewd they must be a couple and not just friends... From what I know it's all rumors and no proof that she's bisexual.

Jesus, what's with this "girls are straight by default" mentality you've been going by lately? Take two minutes to google it, her mother confirmed it, probably the first thing you will find.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Is that even a reason to like her? They always suspect actors are gay, or there's something that implies she's gay?

Heard she was dating a girl.

Alicia Cargile on a google search.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Are you okay T? You seem to have launched somewhat of a crusade against yuri goggles as of late?

joined Feb 4, 2015
  • Lesbian: That most of the time is a side character that is either single, a couple, is killed, becomes part of the harem, evil and rapist, they can too end in het if done right, but most of the time is really poorly done.

I'm imagining the "if done right" bit right, because that would imply it could be.

And Koneko is like, my favourite person.

We need more Yuri is Dead.

Anime season 08 Jul 19:01
joined Feb 4, 2015

What's about that semi-H series about a bunch of girls with superpower who are all kinda in lesbian relationship with each other. Like they had sex and stuffs, casual and romantic for thousands of years or so.

But then they throw in the catch that every girls in that race will have their brains totally collapsed and can't resist the sexual advance of the male creatures of that race (yes, i said male creatures because they look like flying imps, really). Try to legitimate raping lesbians, that's the only way i could see it.

And it's not even full hentai. It's proper anime with sex scenes

Mnemosyne was one of the first anime I ever watched. At the time I thought it was awesome.

Looking back, I remember I was pretty much always wrong.

joined Feb 4, 2015

I think the right word is dramedy, or maybe tragicomedy?

Actual words are boring.

Anime season 08 Jul 01:35
joined Feb 4, 2015

I just read a manga where one of the secondary character is clearly a lesbian (says that she had men but it didn't click but "with a woman it was incredible"), but in the end, bam, timeskip, and she's pregnant and supposedly happy.

I threw up a little.




I got nothing.

joined Feb 4, 2015


Anime season 08 Jul 00:35
joined Feb 4, 2015

But near as I can tell we were talking about a character who was defined by her obsession with another women, who wound up with a guy just because he liked her.

Anime season 08 Jul 00:10
joined Feb 4, 2015

When you need het goggles to see it, you've right to be pissed.

Anime season 07 Jul 23:54
joined Feb 4, 2015

Well we could argue that Yachiyo was never a lesbian, she liked that other character because she saved her when she was young not because she likes womans, most of the series that have a "lesbian" character that ends with a man, the character in question was never a real lesbian, remember guys, when a gay character ends with het, think about all the story of the anime, manga, game, whatever, and ask yourself, was the character a real gay?

Irrelevant; if they're written in a way that makes people think they are, then it's shitty writing regardless. Shitty writing is going to offend people, especially when it messes with their perception of that person.