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joined May 17, 2014

It's cute, but the art's just the slightest bit off. Like a group of adult women dressed up as the Love Live characters.

haha I actually thought that same thing

It felt more like teenage boys cosplaying as µ's to me. Their faces were really masculine. Cute story though.

joined May 17, 2014

why are there so many love live yuri doujin? the show doesn't really have that vibe..

Try episode 2, ep 5, and ep 9 of season 2 for starters. Those are SOOOO gay, and I love. Then look again throughout the series and you'll find it.

joined May 17, 2014

To the person who says they dont believe asexuality exists, there are many people in this world who identify as asexuals.

Maybe your right and I won't denied that. I won't try to stop you if thats how you choose to identify yourself and won't judge you for it, it's just I can't really believe you. It's not something that I can understand. But however I personally feel about the matter really doesn't affect you now does it? I guess it a sense it parellels to religion. I don't believe a god exists either. That is just as arrogant, and I'm fine with both.

Edit: Still doesn't have anything to do with the story

last edited at Nov 1, 2014 5:01PM

joined May 17, 2014

Kyaaa, so cute! Lol Kotori on page 10, and Nozomi on page 11.

joined May 17, 2014

This story was really weird, it felt like it was missing something every other LL! doujin has.... Ah no MakiNico. Onto Your Ring Finger.

Jk jk, it was pretty wierd tho, but not in the worst way.

joined May 17, 2014

I don't really believe that any complex life is "asexual" unless due to a chemical imbalance.

I'm sexual, therefore people who are "asexual" don't exist.

Is it so horrible that a manga character might actually be asexual? It's a thing, whether you believe it is or not. I'm impressed with Shuninta for attempting to depict a relationship involving someone that might identify as asexual, and I really hope she doesn't end up getting back with Asuna for the sake of pairing everyone off. Honestly, while I enjoy this manga, I hope none of the characters end up together.

Also, I'm tipsy and I may be over reacting to this comment. I totally signed up for an account just to reply.

It wouldnt be bad at all. I just don't interpret it that way. If she want depressed then there'd be no argument. But until there's more solid evidence I'm not going to believe it. Like, a lot of the symptoms of depression coincide with inattentive attention deficit disorder (adhd without the h) which is often not diagnosed in females due to the misinterpretation about hyper activity and how girls handle it. However however based on the way she describes her mental state and attitude towards life, ADD doesn't quite fit, though it's not impossible that it could be both. It's the same thing with the asexual theory to me.

joined May 17, 2014

It's gotta suck to be that guy in a threesome, you know the one that only gets to watch.

joined May 17, 2014

I enjoy this series way too much. I agree the Fue is clearly depressed. Though she may just have a low labido, she has nearly every symptom of depression. I don't think that she is asexual though I don't really believe that any complex life is "asexual" unless due to a chemical imbalance.

For the person that said this was an over analysis consider the rest of the story: Asuna is hyper sexual, Meru has low self esteem and is bulimic due to severe bullying, and Saachan suffered domestic violence in an abusive relationship. The author went into depth on the feelings and mentalities of each character in response to their circumstances, as well as the effect it held on their personality and lives. This is an EXTREMELY psychological story.

I can sympathise for all of the characters, other people may not like them but i find them all interesting. Even the dark and twisted ones are well done.

Gotta feel bad for Ruki tho. I don't think I'd ever want to see someone again if they said thank you to an I love you. I'd rather get an I hate you. Either Saachan is really cold and disinterested, straight, or not letting her in (still damaged from the abuse.)

Image Comments 31 Oct 06:45
joined May 17, 2014

^tht booty though

joined May 17, 2014

What a wonderful Halloween treat, so much better than candy~

joined May 17, 2014

This tsundere couple adorable
please get married as soon as possible

Their daughter will be a force to be reckoned with, the ultimate tsundere queen.

Rin Rin discussion 30 Oct 00:43
joined May 17, 2014

The ye old lust guage was the best part. xD

Can't agree with you more. Wasn't tht into the story and tht snuck up on me, pricelss!

Citrus discussion 29 Oct 19:56
joined May 17, 2014

^And what site would that be?

Citrus discussion 29 Oct 06:29
joined May 17, 2014

Meeeh... I'm really into tsundere and all, but now, howcome I'm losing interest on Mei? D; and a bit shifting onto Harumin... >_<
ough that position, what I get is a different feeling rather than a heartbeat ψ(`∇´)ψ

Riiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhttt! I feel like she's so neglected and diserves more attention or better friends!

Citrus discussion 28 Oct 19:52
joined May 17, 2014

I vote for the 3P
Really hope the next chapter doesn't end the chapters usual do.

Image Comments 28 Oct 17:55
joined May 17, 2014

My favorite tumblr gif (didn't know you could post gifs here)

Image Comments 28 Oct 17:55
joined May 17, 2014

I can't watch! They're too innocent!


Well its not Ooshima, but Sekihara is on the same lvl of greatness.

last edited at Oct 28, 2014 8:09PM

Image Comments 28 Oct 17:53
joined May 17, 2014


:E discussion 28 Oct 17:53
joined May 17, 2014

As long as it's a sweet NozoEri there's it has a place in my heart.

joined May 17, 2014

^No, this time it won't be forgiven. Don't forget NHFH had GiB do the Honoka Maki story.
(Edit: Though Yuri in Wonderland did upload the EriUmi pic 6 months ago.)

NHFH will always be the best scanlation group.

And this artist will always kill me with genuine cuteness.

Can't say they're the best since they rip my freaking heart out (and I'm a member of Kawaii Scans) but they are pretty great. Evil but great. Ngl, I do have a deep love for Yuri-ism, can't beat Godoka They do have the best name though. And SAME. I love this artist.

last edited at Oct 26, 2014 11:34PM

Image Comments 26 Oct 21:04
joined May 17, 2014

^LOL. Weddings and babies for all

joined May 17, 2014

Definitely need more NozoEri for what they did last week XD

Hahaha that was cute! Good job and thank you NHFH! still doesn't make up for evil you unlessed last week.

It's Sunday of Sin week, I still have umieri to unleash. I lied about the pocky game being the last, GET MAD.


Edit: Gasp Does this mean you're starting another sinner's week?! You monster!

last edited at Oct 26, 2014 6:40PM

joined May 17, 2014

Hahaha that was cute! Good job and thank you NHFH! still doesn't make up for evil you unlessed last week.

Image Comments 25 Oct 02:02
joined May 17, 2014

Before, I thought I couldn't believe in religion. BUT NOW, you have shown me the light. Long live NanoFate, NanoFate forever. Thanks be to Godoka.

My Beloved discussion 25 Oct 01:13
joined May 17, 2014

7 more chapters huh, Couldn't just let it end on a high note?