I enjoy this series way too much. I agree the Fue is clearly depressed. Though she may just have a low labido, she has nearly every symptom of depression. I don't think that she is asexual though I don't really believe that any complex life is "asexual" unless due to a chemical imbalance.
For the person that said this was an over analysis consider the rest of the story: Asuna is hyper sexual, Meru has low self esteem and is bulimic due to severe bullying, and Saachan suffered domestic violence in an abusive relationship. The author went into depth on the feelings and mentalities of each character in response to their circumstances, as well as the effect it held on their personality and lives. This is an EXTREMELY psychological story.
I can sympathise for all of the characters, other people may not like them but i find them all interesting. Even the dark and twisted ones are well done.
Gotta feel bad for Ruki tho. I don't think I'd ever want to see someone again if they said thank you to an I love you. I'd rather get an I hate you. Either Saachan is really cold and disinterested, straight, or not letting her in (still damaged from the abuse.)