I don't even know why you guys are "arguing".
First of all, elevown has no trouble with english. You're obviously continuing to support your over-analytical self by claiming shortcut words are grammatical errors. And it also shows your ignorance that the internet allows the whole world to be connected. Don't get angry just cause someone has a different culture (which isn't even the case in this thread, you're just being a spelling Nazi).
Secondly, it is not a contradiction that Fujiwara is sad over not having friends and yet has countless confessions. There is a difference between the growing relationship she has with Miu compared to those fan girls that claim to love Fujiwara. Fujiwara is upset that she doesn't have anyone close to her. It seems that it has been that way until Miu came along.
Thirdly, the volleyball club was not distant from Fujiwara in terms of physical closeness but rather intimate closeness. Everyone views Fujiwara as this amazing person capable of being an idol rather than as an equal. That's what she meant by distancing.
I also don't understand why you don't like having lots of confessions for Fujiwara. Please elaborate.
Another thing, why would she be autistic if she thought that some girls weren't being serious with their confessions? There's a stereotype that girls' schools tend to have meaningless relationships between one another as an experimental kind of thing. It isn't strange at all for her to think that some girls weren't being serious, especially when she's surrounded by girls that only scream that she's beautiful. It isn't strange, even in high school, to think that some couple (whether straight or not) isn't that serious.
Honestly, it seems to me like you're purposely trying to rile everyone up.