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joined Feb 20, 2023

Always a good chapter when you get a couple confirmation

joined Feb 20, 2023

Since they already mad, might as well come out too at that point

Unlike the older sister Makino is stuck living with her parents. And depending on them for allowance money and cram school. She'll need independence first before it's safe to come out.

Oh shit I just realized her dad is technically Mashiro's boss to isn't he.

joined Feb 20, 2023

I love how their dynamic went from comedic misunderstandings to "I see right through you and your bullshit" antics. Honestly would adore a sequel series with this new dynamic

joined Feb 20, 2023

New ship just dropped, Let's Go!

joined Feb 20, 2023

The two friends got a lot of personality in the last few chapters. I love their reactions, especially the short hair girl

joined Feb 20, 2023

Oh shit... OH SHIT!
Ren came out and admitted liking the mom! Its nice getting some development. Can't wait for the backstory.

joined Feb 20, 2023

Kinda feels like we slipped into a different manga the last few chapters. I have no idea where the story is going to go from here

joined Feb 20, 2023

Also, I have a problem with the girlfriend asking her to quit her job so they can hang out more. Like wtf?! That's VERY selfish and controlling. I get wanting to not be an assassin but to ask your s.o. to quit their job for you to hang out more??... wth. (Also, she's a student so she must be busy herself =/.)

I personally think this is genius in the story for her to be a high schooler. This makes her naivete and optimistism make sense as she's still a teen and the closeness with her dad make sense. But more importantly... this is a grown-ass woman dating a high schooler, getting her romance and only reciprocal (unlike with the priest) human interaction from a teenager. This signals the tragedy and creepiness of the character : even if no one had to die, the "desired" outcome would be a fully adult woman who's deeply traumatised and alone consuming a relationship with a teenage girl, which is messed up!

Do we know how old the Rose is? When it comes to the underworld it's not unusual to have characters that dropped out / never went to school because they had to work instead. She definitely looks older than Benika but depending on what the author has in mind I can see the gap being as low as a 18 and 20 situation.

joined Feb 20, 2023

So... did we succeed?

Y'know, I'm still trying to process how they pulled it off, but yes... yes they did succeed. This is probably the funniest whose-in-love-with-who chain I've read, and I'm glad it's so far managing to work out. Can't wait to see how Hiyama fucks it up next chapter

joined Feb 20, 2023

This is brilliant. In 4 panels I'm already willing to buy a whole manga based off this.

joined Feb 20, 2023

Friggin clif hanger aaaagh! I hope it doesn't take another two years to learn what happens next ;_;

joined Feb 20, 2023

Is it just me or has the art been getting better in later chapters?
Also the guy has gone from plot device to shipper-on-deck to now chaos-shipper. Sad to see our girls still misunderstanding each other but at least the guy is a little entertaining now.

joined Feb 20, 2023

Starting to really notice how her feelings have changed in this version as well. :D

It's like the author said to their publisher, "I have a great idea for a manga. I'm going to take the gag plot from a harem romance series, and make it the whole story. I can get 33+ chapters out of it easily, and the one joke will NEVER get old".
Well at least we had some serious forward movement in the yuri love story this chapter. But if the author holds true to form, they're going to either ignore that it ever happened, or reboot the series AGAIN.

Please don't forget that the previous chapters of volume 3 were the web version, while this and the rest will be the magazine version's.

I feel like this series should be broken up into a [serialized] and [webcomic] version because I'm noticing a lot of confusion in the comments and it even throws me off when I jump back in after a few months waiting for updates.

In short though, chart aside, I assume if there are 4 pages it's webcomic canon and if there are much more it's serialized canon?

joined Feb 20, 2023

These two are so cute

joined Feb 20, 2023

Love more Charmer content!
Also I'm pretty sure it's "dry humping" and not "futanari" given the surprised reaction on Hita and Eria's faces to Wynn coming..

joined Feb 20, 2023

It hit me when reading the birthday chapter, did Ayu's family not send her anything?! If they did than Yunari probably wouldve noticed sooner. And it didn't even look like Ayu had communicated with any of them other than her cousin then either. What a subtly sad detail (assuming I didn't miss anything).