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Murasaki discussion 10 Jul 20:43
joined May 24, 2022

Typically steer away from "wtf am I reading" tagged things, but so glad I did not today! This manga is amazing! Saying the art is beautiful doesn't begin to cover it, and the philosophy of the manga strikes me. The art is just as evocative, provactive, as dance is to the characters.
I loved this most recent chapter too, the third member joining the contact dance... beautiful. Truly taking a step forward into more wonderful expression

Only thing I can complain about it the unsurprising, worn out, fatphobic narrative.

joined May 24, 2022

The ending would've been worse if the author tried to tie everything up in the end. Better it be axed and end with the love lost, but declared, than rushing a happy conclusion where they're reunited. I find a rushed resolution more unsatisfying. Keiko's contemplations, and her final uncertain daydream feel much more in line with the rest of the manga.
Good post Armitage444. I appreciate this manga too

joined May 24, 2022

Initially I felt satisfied with how the filming and final product were depicted, but I see the potential there that's been missed.

Personally though, I really enjoy the ending. Handholding, that squeeze... That was good. I don't need to see the confession, I know it's gonna happen; what I loved seeing instead was that affectionate moment as the two left the station.
When both characters and the audience know the confession is coming, and roughly how it'll be received, do we really need to end on that? Maybe sometimes it's a nice bow to wrap up the series, but in this instance I prefer the smaller moment of connection between Hajime and Kei. The reconnection that assures both of them that everything between them is alright, and it's gonna be alright.

joined May 24, 2022

Ahhhh this can't be over! Just one more chapter plz.

Also, interesting analysis Temp. If getting a gender studies degree gives me the ability to make forum posts like that, maybe I should consider it lol. I too find myself rejecting labels in favor of "Me," or despising any labelling more specific than "lesbian" or "trans woman," while in many ways being on a strange edge of those terms. They both clearly describe me, but in many people's minds (and I don't mean those that are transphobic) "lesbian" would exclude me, and "woman" would be entirely accurate. In reality, lesbian feels fully accurate (thanks to its lack of precision) while "woman" is a strange but convenient social imposition. Who am I? Well, I'm Me, I am who I am; though I may go by a specific name, it is but a name.
I got a little off-topic from the manga here, but oh well :3

last edited at Jun 28, 2022 10:31AM

joined May 24, 2022

I sort of hope that this won't be too long of a series. Mostly because this gimmick, while cute, can get a bit tiring, or the only way to prolong it is to introduce unnecessary drama. There's also a chance that the author will skillfully drag this out in an entertaining way. Which I'll happily accept.

I think there are a lot of good ways to prolong a story with this premise past the point of mutual love and a steady relationship, but at least half of them don't fit with the tone of this manga lol.

I remember feeling a little mixed about last chapter, but this one has re-excited me! Hurray for dates, delicious and nutritious oasis fruit.

joined May 24, 2022

What a tease... My heart skipped a beat when I opened the chapter. Before I read on, I checked what ended the last chapter, and came back to see it wasn't a confession...

Good development this chapter though; more heart beats were skipped! I do wonder though, are there actually bed-style seats in any Japanese planetariums? All the American ones I've been in just had reclining row seats. Either way, it's a bit corny.

joined May 24, 2022

I saw this new release and immediately went to read all of the main series. So good! Really hope a kind and wealthy benefactor appears to get the rest translated, but this sequel one-shot is good for now :)

Gotta agree with the "ok, a plot device sure...please never do that to your partner to teach them a lesson." I'm excited to see the story that leads up to this one!

joined May 24, 2022

I'm just surprised that the breakup at the start was with a girl, I feel like pretty much every adult life Yuri I've read with a breakup at the start is always a straight relationship.

Yeah, it's half the reason I read past the first chapter. It signaled to me the author wasn't just going to pussyfoot around a cliche story. Now I'm hoping that I'm not proven wrong, and they get the courtship phase over with sooner rather than later.

Sidenote: I'm firmly in the "all landlords are bastards" camp, but... I'm a sucker for a pretty face just like Suga.

In 11 chapters, each time there was a hint of drama, it was resolved in at most a chapter and it turned out to be no real drama.

Yeah this worries me, for the type of story I was hoping for.

last edited at Jun 1, 2022 11:20AM

joined May 24, 2022

Beautiful writing, Temp. I too am looking forward to where this series goes, though with a less poetic internal monologue, heh :)

joined May 24, 2022

I don't think the poly ending came out of no where (even if I was expecting it the whole time bc I found this through the tag), but Amane's love for Kou did come out of no where. Without letting the story finish things properly with another volume (as is what should have happened), it makes more sense for it to be Kou x Nene + Nene x Amane, more than the triad it ended up as. The story didn't really develop kou x amane at all, but it did portray how the three of them would be open to a poly relationship (more so Kou and Nene, the length of the story left Amane's end a little more fuzzy, only to be dictated to us in the last few pages).

Overall, I liked the story a lot. Maybe it's just because I've read a lot more monogamous yuri and gotten used to it, but a poly angle opens up a lot of options for unique, interesting, beautiful stories. I think the story used that to its advantage. Not to mention thats the exgirlfriend and manipulator plots were done quite well imo (aside from a rushed conclusion)!

last edited at May 26, 2022 12:07AM

joined May 24, 2022

Like um... I need a sequel.

A sequel for people who can accept Haru and Midori's romantic relationship without labeling it as pedophilia....because it's not.

Kinda the reason why Haru moved in with her aunt, cause she knew she would need to become an adult in order to live together with Midori, rather than be treated as a child that needs to be taken care of by the person she has come to love.

Oh my god, you put this so well, I'm convinced! If I were in charge, there'd only need to be 2 more chapters for this to feel resolved in a much more satisfying way.

Anyway, I've sort of been on a non-romantic partnership kick lately, with "Lillie's, Voice, Wear Wind" as my last stop (I won't get into my slight gripes here). I'd like to say that I think the urge for people to place their love firmly in mother-daughter or romantic is misplaced. It's a love that with age may very well sprout into romantic love, but is definitely separate. The characters don't label it for a reason: it's a deeper love than mere friendship, it's more equal than parent-child, but it's not (yet?) a shared romance.

I think one way to take the story is that the younger Haru may have felt the need to grow up—especially apart from Midori—because she understood that while they both held each other close, Midori could not think of her in a romantic way because of her age.

Another way is that Haru felt she had to grow up to get past what you describe: Midori feeling obligated to distance their relationship behind a parental/mentor lens, on display in her inability to ask Haru to stay. In this scenario not because of a crush, but because of the aforementioned unlabeled partnership love.

I've had similar experiences myself as a kid who matured quickly. Entirely on the friendship side to be clear, not romantic.