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joined Jan 1, 2022

I really like this one, but it should have a second part! I've seen this kind of thing before, they're supposed to dance around each other for a bit until Matsuri realizes she's hurting Koyuki and is forced to confront her feelings and then they kiss. Where is it!

joined Jan 1, 2022

I am here for this love triangle.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I didn't think just translating and posting a chapter here would raise such a storm.

Well, if I translated it, it's because I think it's really good at what it does.

And the reactions are proof of it. Better hate than indifference.

Thank you so much for the translations! I'm on the edge of my seat with each chapter and that MTL was just dog shit.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I haven't been reading shounen romcoms for some time and so I'm wondering: are aquarium dates as common in boy x girl stories as in yuri?

Or has the aquarium date become a defining staple of the yuri genre?

It would be funny if it had. In the future, when some girl who likes cute fishies tells to her friends that she wants to go to the aquarium, the others would go OH NO R U LEZ??? lol

Well, it happened in Chainsaw Man.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I like the art and concept, but it's hard for me to get much out of these kind of 4 page twitter comics. Everything just happens so abruptly, there's no tension.

last edited at Mar 26, 2023 12:05AM

joined Jan 1, 2022

Wait whoa, im probs going blind but... wheres chapter 8-15????

They're on mangadex. Unfortunately it's only a shitty machine translation though.

Nanase is a good girl, but a terrible girlfriend, She has her priorities all over the place. And its not just the fact that she puts the club above everything else, but she's also quick to turn her back to Yuni for anything. She will leave her in the middle of a conversation if someone from her club calls her. She constantly keeps her at an arm's distance "so they won't find out we're dating", but acts way closer with her other friends, and isn't bothered by skinship, except when it's with Yuni. She doesn't act like a girlfriend, she barely acts like a friend with her lol.

Fuuko is a witch who decided to take advantage of a girl in a clearly vulnerable emotional state, by purposely being everything her girlfriend isn't. She's smart and cunning as hell, she knows what Yuni isn't getting from Nanase and is quick to provide it to fill that void. Her intention from the beginning was to destroy a relationship that she knew was falling apart (from reading twitter), to "save" Hinayu from her oh so very bad girlfriend she always tweeted about. Her goal was to steal Yuni for herself all along.

Yuni is an absolute cunt. Her feelings about Nanase are 100% justified for the most part, but she takes action in the worst possible ways. It's okay to be angry if yout gf stood you up to go play volleyball, it's fine to be upset if she runs away every time she's called by someone else, it's completely understandable to be jealous if she acts close to everyone except you. But god damn she can't help being the absolute worst person in this manga. The kiss and piercing in the manga cafe can be blamed on Fuuko for playing the right cards to manipulate a vulnerable heartbroken girl, but everything after the manga cafe has been her fault and only hers. No money for the train to osaka? She could ask her parents, but compensated dating seems to be a better option in her eyes (because she wanted to date Fuuko). She's in a hotel with Fuuko? She told her to go sleep, but Yuni still went out of her way to have sex with her even after being rejected once. Fuuko didn't do anything this time lol. Nanase's friend confronted her? It was the perfect time for some reflection on her actions, but she went full denial mode and got violent because she didn't want to hear the truth.
She's only been taking advantage of Fuuko as a source of comfort and sex and taking advantage of Nanase as her "girlfriend" but can't be assed to choose one or the other, so she decides to just hurt both at the same time.

God damn I cant wait to see how her life is ruined from here on

Great comment. Both Nanase and Fuuko deserve better than Yuni. Hope she ends up alone.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Love to see One Piece on here. Please post more!

joined Jan 1, 2022

I really liked chapter 15, even with the MTL. I especially liked the part where Yuni gets mad at social media. Some of it was just people online being mean, but the comments about "it's your fault" and "why don't you just break up with her" were spitting facts. She just didn't want to hear it. She's a very selfish, emotion-driven person with no willpower or ability to commit to anything. And when something challenges her emotionally, she just runs away. In that context, I think it's a good thing that Fuuko has been acting so confrontational lately. Yuni had two perfectly viable options: She could've stopped cheating on Nanase and tried to improve that relationship, or she could've stopped half-assing her affections for Fuuko and dumped Nanase. But she couldn't do either, and now she's in this situation. Fuuko might be a manipulative, sexual harassing bitch, but she's 100% in the right to lay things out in the open like this. And she's right to feel hurt by the fact that Yuni wants to fuck her and use her as an emotional crutch but won't break up with her girlfriend for her.

What Yuni has been doing is also obviously cruel to Nanase. Nanase can be an incredibly inconsiderate girlfriend, but at a basic level, she's right that it isn't wrong to love her club and her friends AND her girlfriend. Yuni is too much of a coward to seriously try to fix anything anyway. Like with the volleyball thing. It's inconsiderate to expect Yuni to go see you on her own dime without even getting to spend time with you, but Yuni doesn't even think to say that, she just goes "okay" and then uses it as a convenient excuse to cheat while blaming Nanase, because as much as it's self-destructive and painful to her, she LIKES having her cake and eating it too. A proper girlfriend would've said something like: "I'll go if you promise to find a way to spend time with me and you help me pay for it."

If Yuni ends up with nothing but a lesson about the importance of commitment, Fuuko moves on, and Nanase starts dating her best friend, I would consider that a good ending.

last edited at Mar 25, 2023 12:33PM

joined Jan 1, 2022

I'm reading the other translation rn and it's pretty shit.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Also as someone who is a Fate fan I can tell you Fate/Kaleid gets a TON of hate on social media.

I can confirm this because I am one of the haters. The REAL Illya is 18 years old and evil. I will never acknowledge Fate/Kaleid.

We're only getting half the story here. This doesn't explain Lord's feelings.

I don't know, that ice pick confession was pretty convincing.... Who wouldn't fall for her?

Trotsky, probably.

joined Jan 1, 2022

You could do smutty magic BDSM with older characters, but this specific story pretty much requires them to be teens. Like, even ignoring that magical girl convention is for characters to be in middle school, the story is about their sexual awakening. Which happens in the early teens

It's specifically a BDSM sexual awakening though. I didn't realize I was into that stuff until I was like 20. Utena would work just as well as an 18 year old late-blooming high school senior, and I think the magical girls would work fine as people who are aware of their sexuality but never considered that they might enjoy being dommed by an evil villain. It WOULD go against magical girl conventions, but not so much so that you couldn't get away with just lampshading it and moving on—they'd still be school girls after all.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Yeah it looks like there's gonna be an anime. There's no way it isn't massively toned down, though. Honestly I have a hard time believing it will hold a candle to the manga. Too many people would whinge about it. Still, I guess we'll see.

Pretty certain people on social media will take issue with the series regardless. The main character is an outlandish sadist villain and that's not going to go over well. I'm just gonna do my best to keep my head down and avoid the drama the best I can..

You forget the biggest "problem". Most of the cast are suposs to be middle schoolers.

I'm not sure why problem is in quotes here. It is a problem. Like, I enjoy reading this, but I would never recommend this even to people that I know like manga. It's just a lot, and I don't think it's unreasonable to give this the side-eye. Plus, the Netflix Cuties controversy wasn't that long ago. The BDSM stuff is whatever, the ages of the characters feels like not only a huge barrier to entry, but a huge problem if this gets more widely known.

Yeah, I think most people who aren't huge perverts would be bothered by this. I personally would prefer if they were 18. From my own perspective, I know that I'm not attracted to middle schoolers, and that manga ≠ real life, but from an outside perspective, I'm someone who enthusiastically enjoys a manga about middle schoolers being molested.

I expect that people will make a lot of noise about this (as they did with the aforementioned Interspecies Reviewers and Redo of a Healer) but that not much will come of it. Us perverts will continue to quietly enjoy it while never discussing it with anyone we know irl and ignoring the circular arguments that will happen on twitter. All will be right with the world.

About the chapter itself: I like it. I think next chapter will involve Enormeeta sexually tormenting Berserga until Michika teams up with the magical girls and defeats them (right before Berserga's execution). Baiser will enjoy this because a bad guy joining the magical girls out of love is the exact sort of thing she's into.

last edited at Mar 21, 2023 10:59PM

joined Jan 1, 2022

Betray her!

joined Jan 1, 2022

I love this kinda stuff that expands on the little stories in yugioh card art. Now if only I still played and knew these characters beforehand...

joined Jan 1, 2022

"Uweh" has to be one of my top 3 anime girl noises.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I wanted to read more of the watanare light novel, but when I went to the blog, it was private. Does anyone know what happened? Is anyone continuing the translation? Is there another place where I can read the light novel?

last edited at Mar 1, 2023 12:36PM

joined Jan 1, 2022

Does anyone here know what happened to Meatbun Translations? I wanted to read more of the light novel for this, but it seems like the blog has gone private.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I like this kind of very modern character writing. Most of what we know about the author character is about how she uses the internet, and it's informative. She's one of those people who uses the internet wrong, and takes everything personally. I like characters who have major character traits expressed through their internet usage. As a creature of the internet era it makes it feel like the author lives in my reality.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I should always be above you in a romantic sense... Does that even make sense?

I think she wants to top her (???)

That's what I've been going with. All the data points match up.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Areolas ♥

last edited at Feb 23, 2023 12:46AM

joined Jan 1, 2022

I like the glasses girl. I don't think molesting someone is worse than drugging them and then molesting them, and I already like Itsumi. I think I'd find her a lot less amusing if she wasn't doing this to someone who regularly molests people herself.

joined Jan 1, 2022

This is what Walter White should've done instead of selling meth.

joined Jan 1, 2022

Why are anime girls so strange

Because that's how we like it! I love reading comics about cute little weirdos!

joined Jan 1, 2022

I love ch 34. Otaku truly understands the dao of the wingman. I saw some truly cringe things happen in middle school because certain people would try to "ship" their friends without understanding the point Otaku made there.

joined Jan 1, 2022

I can kinda see the "Oh the ending is ambiguous because that kind of ambiguity (and the difficulty of wrestling with it) is one of the main themes" angle, but the story still just feels unfinished. It needed at least another volume to resolve things properly imo. Like, Keiko comes to the conclusion that not being nosy like Honda was the wrong decision because of how helpless not knowing makes her feel once the things that she doesn't know about Asami start affecting her own life, but then nothing ever comes of that. And I thought Honda was a really interesting character because he's a well developed male character in a yuri story, which you don't see much for obvious reasons. He feels very much like a real person, and specifically like a man. The way he acts towards Asami in particular feels very real, where he's genuinely concerned for her and has good reason to be, but is also being too forceful and not respecting her wishes, while being driven on by a deep frustration that he can't do anything to actually help her. It's a classically male set of emotions. (Asami's reaction is also interesting, since she openly hates the way that Honda acts, but is still friends with him on some level simply because until Keiko shows up he's the only one of her peers that acts at all on her side.) It's interesting how they create this deliberate parallel and contrast between Honda and Keiko. Keiko doesn't really try to fix Asami's problems or to pry into what she's thinking, which allows her to get Asami to open up to her in a way she never would with Honda, a fact which she throws in his face repeatedly (to help cover up the fact that she feels the exact same frustration he does, arguably worse, since she really does want to know more about Asami and to be able to help her but is stopping herself on purpose).

The attempted rape by Honda kinda comes out of left field, but at the same time it feels emotionally believable. The thing that sets him off is Keiko pointing out how he never properly tried to connect with Asami, instead trying to force her to act differently or to forcefully solve her problems himself (which doesn't work). This sets off both his feelings of deep sexual frustration and his feelings of deep emotional frustration at the situation with Asami (feelings which Keiko shares). I think him not being able to get it up either that time or the time with Asami is meant to show that, while he's not a moral enough person to say no to his own lust and sexual frustration, his feelings of guilt subconsciously prevent him from actually going through with it. This is another place where getting axed hurts the story. Keiko says that there's nothing he can say to make what he did go away, but for the audience it effectively does go away, since the story just ends without ever bringing it up again. It feels weird that there's no real emotional reckoning with the fact that the story's third most important character is an attempted rapist.

I think the best chapter is chapter 11. There are so many layers to Keiko and Asami's conversation. While for the vast majority of the story we see things from Keiko's perspective, in that conversation I found it just as easy to empathize with Asami. The panel at the bottom of page 16 where Keiko looks like she's about to cry is especially good. It really captures the emotion of the scene: looking at someone who you've been coming to care a lot about but are keeping totally in the dark about your problems as her face screws up with helpless concern over you. I imagine Asami feeling like: "Damn, I'm really hurting her by not telling her anything, but telling her everything would probably just hurt both of us more." I love that sort of emotional dilemma. It's excellent.