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joined Dec 18, 2021

Adding lines to a quoted post that the original user never actually wrote. Using a sock (such bravery). Accusing a well established regular (who is also a woman, and gay) to be a homophobe. Nice going there, person lacking in common sense. You do know that the staff can track down your IP and connect it to your main account, right?

A lot of this going on, huh.

*Rolls eyes*

My final take on this is that, as it is, they would make great friends and there's absolutely no need to make it a romance at all costs.

Mitsuki has no friends at all, Aya has no friends who share her taste in music, so, once the misunderstanding gets resolved, I can envision them become BFFs, not a couple. But it's not impossible they become a couple, since the mangaka is a yuri author. So there's that.

Some manga here were more explicitly romantic, but they only deserved the Subtext tag.

And we're on Dynasty, so people would ship appliances and make them fuck if it was suggested they are female, so whatever.

I feel you. I wish it was a story of friendship. The way things are playing now, there are so many problems and I pointed them before. If this was a story of friendship instead of a story of romantic seduction, I'd very much like it and be happy to read it.

joined Dec 18, 2021

"All seduction is based on deception."
In the words of Sun Tzu, or his playboy cousin, I don't remember anymore.

Hahaha. Was that a Michel Régnier reference?

But srsly you people talking about how tricking others to seduce them is bad don't seem to understand how the Japanese think about these things... which in a forum of manga fans is fairly bizarre to say the least.

Nobody remembers one Tenou Haruka?

Especially manga Haruka, hm?
Usagi: "Haruka, are you a boy or a girl?"
Haruka: "Oh sweetheart... boy, girl, what's the difference?"
(then she grabs Usagi and gives her a KISS that mindblanks her for five minutes... she only snaps out of it when her friends arrive and ask what's she's doing just sitting on the ground with a besotted look on her face)

Well see this is another example of what I was talking about. There are at least two problems with SU's angle: first she refuses to give a clear answer to a simple and honest question as if it wasn't of obvious relevance; second, hello unsolicited sexual touching! Ever heard of asking first?

joined Dec 18, 2021

Tricking someone pretending you're the gender you're not is uncool at best and downright nasty at worst. In a romantic fantasy where a happy end is the iron-set goal, the fooled one, after the reveal, will always decide they don't care about gender anymore because love is more important. But in any minimally realistic setting this treachery will hurt the victim horribly and bring only heartbreak and bitterness.

joined Dec 18, 2021

Translation is at chapter 30 and Yuna never returned.

She was in chapter 29…

Yeah in a one-panel flashback, lmfao.

joined Dec 18, 2021

They have couple's gatherings, trips and even pissing contests to determine whose love is more true.

When did this happen?? O_o

3 couples had a staring contest where they measured how long they can stare at each other without looking away.

Lmfao, and I was trying to figure how these girls had competed for who can pee farther xD
There's a HUGE difference between a staring contest and a pissing contest

joined Dec 18, 2021

OMFG even people who meet Elsa for the first time in their lives just need to take a look at her and they say "oh yeah girl you got the big gay for Evie you're head over heels for her you're so fricking obvious" because really you'd have to be dumber than a brick not to get it.

While Evie is still like "what's wrong with Elsa? I don't understand this girl!"

It's that thing about the density of people in denial, you see. Someone posted a link to a scientific paper about that.
Yvonne is in denial and since people like her are horribly dense, well.... there's a reason readers gave her the superhero name Neutron Star Girl.

joined Dec 18, 2021

I don't believe there's any cause for people to dislike Madoromi so much. I think she's a great character.

joined Dec 18, 2021

Yvonne is planning to hitch Elsa to her Leinster cousin, right? Come on, nobody mentioned it yet but I can't be the only one who thought of it!
Remember? Two chapters before we got a lengthy exposition about Yvonne's relatives the Leinsters. There was a Leinster boy who was Yvonne's cousin (her mother's sister's son) and he was about her age and they got along well. When I read it, I asked myself: "Why the info dump? Why should we care about these people?" But I get it now. I'm willing to bet money that the Leinster cousin has the same looks as Yvonne and matches Elsa's description of "her type" perfectly!

I think you're definitely onto something. I've just reread that chapter and you're right: with such an info dump about the Leinsters, it's a given they're going to play a part in whatever Yvonne's about to do. It's called the dramatic principle of the gun of the Russian guy whose name I can't recall.

Looking forward now to when Yvonne shows up with her cousin in tow and says 'look Elsa, I've got you a MALE version of ME for you to date!'

joined Dec 18, 2021

300 million aren't enough to support a Thot!!


300 million yen is less than 3 million dollars and rent is astronomically high idk if this money is going to last longer than five years


Nitpick: 300 million yen isn't quite enough to not work for the rest of your life in a city and also pay for a second person for that same time period unless you also invest it.

You reasonable, well-meaning people are missing an important point: the MC doesn't plan to live 40 or 50 years on that money. It's a plot point already established that she believes she has used up all her life's luck and thinks there's a good chance she will be struck down by lightning tomorrrow.... so she doesn't plan to save for her old age: she wants to SPLURGE and live high on the hog!
I'm certain that the role the 'thot' will play in this story is to help the MC spend money like an oil tycoon and enjoy the good things in life. As for how long the 300 million yen will last—and what will happen when the MC finds herself stone broke—your guess is as good as mine.
My guess: the two girls will fall in love, so thot-chan won't leave the penniless MC (and look for another sugar mommy) as would normally be the case, but will instead stick to her and the two will live happily ever after. Because romantic comedy, right?

How about this, the ho takes everything and scrams like the golddigger she is, then lottery woman finds a homely girl who really cares about her and deserves her love, and in this way she learns looks aren't everything.

joined Dec 18, 2021

Or, to stick to yuri, that one with the tired novelist who goes to a pet shop and gets a blonde girl as a dog (can't recall title).

I actually reread this one recently. She's not blonde though, so I'd be very amused if you're referring to a different manga that happens to have the exact same thing happen.

Ah yes that's the one I was talking about. I said blonde because I remembered her with light hair, lighter than the MC's. Guess I should have said light brown.
You're right: it'd be funny if there was another yuri manga fitting that exact description. ツ

joined Dec 18, 2021

The red flags, they're everywhere!!

Pshaw, same old same old. It's not worse than this one.

Or this one.

Or, to stick to yuri, that one with the tired novelist who goes to a pet shop and gets a blonde girl as a dog (can't recall title).

joined Dec 18, 2021

I never can remember which one is Mariri and which one is Mayuyu. Is Mariri the cool (top) one or the dumb (bottom) one?
Now I want to read loads of chapters about the debate club with a fifth partaker, guest member Mayoyo-sempai.

joined Dec 18, 2021

We already have several good poly manga in the reader.
In the case of this series, I say: FUCK POLY, Hii x Haru otp, get Naruko another girl.

joined Dec 18, 2021

"Are you jealous?"

She's Miss Sunflower, not Miss Subtlety.

The sunflower in flower language has many meanings. Happiness, optimism, honesty, longevity, peace, devotion. It's supposed to have the power to bring joy to people like the rays of sunshine. In different cultures it might have slightly different meanings. In Europe it's more like positivity and strength, admiration and loyalty, In Chinese culture they're said to mean good luck and lasting bliss (which is why they are often given at school graduations or to wish for business success). In all cases they look to the bright side of things, send positive vibes, put smiles on people’s faces and make you recall the many gifts in life.
All in all I say fuck subtlety, I'm for sunflower power all the way!

joined Dec 18, 2021

I think they do it at least once in every romcom in the shop. I have read some really old romcoms in my day, hetero for-boys stuff like from 30 years ago, and it's the second or third most used trick when they try to come up with a reason for the cute and popular girl to fall for the dumb nerd mc: she tries to cook something, messes up, but he eats it nonetheless and her heart goes pitter-patter for him. The only ploys that are even more commonplace are "she falls for him after she sees him feeding a stray kitten" and the absolute most popular "she falls for him 'cause one time he did for her some random everyday thing that was kinda nice" which ranks number one in all the charts.

I understand where you're coming from—and I have to agree, the youthful romantic comedies featured in shounen manga magazines are cringy beyond belief and they all seem to have every inch the same plotline done again and again. Worst thing is the hero always defined as a "nice guy" who gets all the popular hotties just because he's "nice" and that seems to be all the needed reason. The school beauty drops a pen, the hero was passing by, picks it for her and leaves—and she immediately starts thinking "oh wow I want to have his babies!" I call this kind of manga wish-fulfilling fantasies for incels. Incels who dream of beating the chads without putting any real effort, who think they're entitled just for being self-proclaimed nice guys.

Sometimes readers complain that yuri manga plots are unrealistic. Syah right, they make me lmao a lot. Next to shounen manga's romantic comedies, most yuri series read like Dostoyevsky. Even the ones who are self-satisfaction fantasies and not to be taken seriously.

last edited at Apr 20, 2022 4:01PM

joined Dec 18, 2021

Calling it: Okiku will possess Meguru, then she and Ryou get their happily ever after.

joined Dec 18, 2021

I hope she tries those other personalities in a future chapter.

Tsundere, sadist queen or loli... hm, I can't decide...

joined Dec 18, 2021

Corrupt (/kəˈrəpt/): (adjective) having or showing a willingness to do wrong, act dishonestly or break rules in return for bribes or personal gains.

joined Dec 18, 2021

wow, hiiragi is the best!

And Ran is useless.

The only way I see this relationship going is Hiiragi falling for a cute French lesbian girl and dumping Ran like a hot spud.

joined Dec 18, 2021

But this time I'm stumped. What could Sena possibly want to talk about?


Don't tell me she's going to say "You extorted money from my bae! Bitch Ima kill you!!"

That would be great. Because consequences. The scumbag has been getting away with everything so far, shit just slides off her. Karmic retribution, hello? Ever heard of that? Her bad actions should have consequences.

joined Dec 18, 2021

I understand that, if someone agrees to have sex with you and then decides to backpedal when you are both already naked and next to the bed, it can really rub you the wrong way... but I feel that telling that person that if she doesn't get in bed immediately you're going to become violent is a bit questionable.

Also, if two lovers slut-shame each other, does it count as slut-shaming at all?

joined Dec 18, 2021

A sweet morning after without any embarrassment, ya love to see it.

(The embarrassment will come at breakfast. Come on, Tatsubon, don't let me down!)

Yeah I seriously doubt Sakurako's room is soundproof.
Which means everyone in the house, her mom, the maids, hell probably even the neighbors and all the people in the block, everyone has heard them.

joined Dec 18, 2021

Why isn't chapter 6 here? It was translated a while ago.
It's been in Mangadex for more than a year.

joined Dec 18, 2021

As of this chapter, I'm now convinced premise is:

Satsuki attempts to save Komachi the heroine... from committing murders! Akira keeps Satsuki grounded. Komachi tries to mess her up.

Then Shiina comes and wins Satsuki's love!

joined Dec 18, 2021

RIP the "Nadeshiko is just a regular human doing kinky robot play" theory.

When was this even a thing?!