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joined Jun 17, 2021

And that is how you clear up a misunderstanding, expert level.

Having read through all of the comments about this and the previous chapter just reinforces my notion that a lot of Dynasty Reader commentators don't like stories at all. "oh no, there's been a story crisis, not realistic, I hate this, I hate the author, I hate it when [insert their own prejudice against storylines here]."

I have an intense dislike that all ya'll can't just trust the author. If the story goes bad, complain about it then, don't complain about completely normal plot points the instant a story decides to have even the slightest bit of conflict. I was as mad at Tsukushi at the end of the last chapter as anyone, but I was mad at her as a well-written character we've gotten to know over the course of this whole story. Totally not out of character at all for her to be so dumb as to not notice that failing to react to a kiss (for whatever reasons she had) could be construed as dislike and avoidance of the whole thing.

Suffice to say, the way you all turn on a writer the second things don't go exactly the way you want them to is pretty gross.A tiny bit of understanding and trusting the writer who has already given you 30+ chapters you enjoyed wouldn't be too much to ask.

last edited at Mar 8, 2024 5:16PM

joined Jun 17, 2021

Gosh, I love dubcon. And with 65 comments before mine on this first chapter, I'm sure all the dubcon haters will be out for blood, haha.

joined Jun 17, 2021

I love that she even has a scummy way of coming out to her mum.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Yo, at this point, the author seems to just be straight up trolling us. :D "Look, it's just a filler chapter about Baiser and Kiwi messing with Tres Magia again... psych, it's actually the start of the Dark Magenta arc! ...except psych! It's actually about Alice having a robot kid with Utena, and she is now part of Enormeeta! Arc over, see you next time!"

...I am not complaining, just pointing things out. :-)

That is a wonderful explanation of how all our expectations were railroaded, haha.

It was indeed a fun ride.

joined Jun 17, 2021

I have no idea why everyone is getting so angry at the poor girl. She tried to talk about it, it really isn't her fault she was interrupted both times. It is possible that the apology may cause some misunderstanding, but that should be solved the next time as well since obviously she's not going to just run away now.

Um, maybe because you don't have to accept that you've been interrupted? The chapter ends with her just sending Hinoka home like she's disappointed in her. Poor Hinoka, that must be devastating.

Despite me being able to accept that Tsukushi is confused, it doesn't change the fact that she hurt the girl who went out on a limb and kissed her. You don't need to have an interruption-free moment to just say "we'll talk later."

joined Jun 17, 2021

That was a bit unexpected from new girl. I was expecting her to try to move in on the relationship, not straight-up steal some blood, haha. Looking forward to the reveal here.

joined Jun 17, 2021

People have been asking why these girls would like Akane in the first place, but it seems to me to be because she lacks common sense and the ability to say no.

The only thing that Itou was missing was just the asking part.

joined Jun 17, 2021

I love how this whole manga is terrifying and sad. Such an intriguing story, and I just want to know what's going on and I want everyone to have a happy ending.

joined Jun 17, 2021

My loud "ohhhhhhh" when Momo's fetish was reveled, haha.
Could work out for all three of them?

joined Jun 17, 2021

I love it so far.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Well, um, look. I'm conflicted. This is nice and all, but I really do hate being given the run around of coincidentally missing one another all the time.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Classic "I'm so ugly I can't be cute takes of glasses what do you mean I'm gorgeous?!" Trope. Same with freckles.

She didn't think she was ugly though. She knew that she wasn't stylish and purposely wanted to accentuate her cuteness. Which she did. Big success.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Sometimes I wonder what people think "a story" is.
No romantic resolution = "nothing happened"? You'll find that a lot of things happened in this story.

It's like when I was reading Komi-san, and everyone and their dog was like "nothing ever happens in this manga" and I was like ... what the heck are you reading a manga about a girl who wants to make 100 friends for if you think her making friends is "nothing happening".

People don't seem to be able to appreciate a story without romance these days.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Just casually reading chapters 32 and 33, thinking about the person who was really upset when they introduced a new character like ... 6 new characters ago, haha.

joined Jun 17, 2021

What a beautiful chapter. The progress had me tearing up.

joined Jun 17, 2021

To me, a friend is also someone who will be willing to say "I don't think that's right of you", and, in the end, it is an adult women with an unusual relationship with a teenager.

I agree with this, it's not remotely insulting or negging for one adult friend to recommend another adult friend not to get intimate with a child. That's just very normal actually. That character seemed very genuine in her concern for the MC.

I feel like we read completely different things. If you are saying "I don't think it's right for you to have an intimate relationship with a teenager." You don't say, hey, you're childish and I think you hanging out with impressionable people will be a disaster.

joined Jun 17, 2021

With the introduction of Takimiya I'm now suddenly torn because, damn girl you should date your cool coworker who is more than enough the successful career woman to make up for your inability to be that lmao.

Urgh, no. She seems like the kind of person to feed into her friend's inferiority complex to make herself feel superior. Fancy telling a friend "don't hang out with that impressionable teenager you're too immature and it'll rub off on her."
Like you have to be a perfect person to have a good influence on a teenager.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Is this ... progress?
Onward we go!

joined Jun 17, 2021

Aw, the end to this chapter was heartbreaking.

joined Jun 17, 2021

I dunno why anime and manga is always so against using swimsuits as underwear, even going without instead of having to wear it under their clothes.
As long as it's dry, there's no problem. It shouldn't be any less comfortable than normal underwear, it'll just sit differently under your clothes.

joined Jun 17, 2021

It's kind of cute that the mangaka decided they needed to change the title just because they didn't want to keep drawing them cleaning.
Like, the sentiment is cute, but a title can be the inciting incident, it doesn't have to be the core theme of the story, haha.

joined Jun 17, 2021

Also this topic were Lesbians has to pretebd to be straight makes my blood boil,

Bisexual people exist.

Yes, but a woman who deeply loves another woman and is socially pressured into marrying a man instead is a terrible example of it. They might be bi or might not be, we can't just assume that label on anyone simply based on their history

And yet, there you go, assuming their sexuality. i wasn't putting a "label" on them, so much as saying that, since we're not told they were uncomfortable and in a loveless marriage, there's no evidence that they were not also attracted to the men they married, regardless of if they would have preferred to stay with their high school sweetheart (and, to add to that, no evidence that the relationship they had as children would have lasted into adulthood anyway, meeting again as adults and picking up the spark is not the same as a long-term relationship).

Ya'll on these comment sections always have to boil everything down to the simplest answer just so you can take offense to it, say you're being open while being really close-minded, refusing to see that anyone could be happy, or anything good could come out of relationships other than the yuri ones which are the focus of the story. It's quite frankly infuriating.

Edit to say: the more I think about it, the more infuriating it is. We're specifically shown in this chapter that while the teacher was wrong to say what she did to the girls, it was simply the catalyst for them thinking about their future. When asked if she wanted her own children, Rei said she probably did. And the close of the chapter is Rei still not committing to a yuri relationship, she still thought it was the right thing that she have and be invested in her own child. So patronising to dismiss people's feelings on these issues just because you might think differently. There are a lot more perspectives in this world that just your narrow worldview where apparently, anyone who is in a lesbian relationship as a teenager must never ever have her own reasons for eventually marrying a man. Never. The way people freak out about anything that has this perspective, you'd think that these ones are portrayed as an instruction manual, and the majority of yuri on this site where no one even considers a man is somehow lesser for it.

last edited at Dec 29, 2023 8:51PM

joined Jun 17, 2021

Also this topic were Lesbians has to pretebd to be straight makes my blood boil,

Bisexual people exist.

last edited at Dec 29, 2023 9:16AM

joined Jun 17, 2021

Can't wait till we're a few more chapters into this and lose the "I'm gonna drop this" crowd. Like, heck, OP male protags with harems are dime-a-dozen, but yuri has to be some kind of masterpiece to be allowed to exist?

I'm all for being like "I'm not into this because of this and that reason", but since when has "I'm dropping this if it doesn't improve to match my sensibilities" ever added to a discussion.
I always want to be "this isn't an airport, you don't have to announce your departure." Can't people keep that sentence to themselves, at the very least?

joined Jun 17, 2021

Everyone treats the ogres like evil creatures - even the ogres themselves - but we've been shown nothing but normal humanity from them: some are good, some are bad, some are just following what they've been told, some are rebellious or just confused. It's so sad every time they're treated as sub-human when they're just like humans.