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joined Sep 26, 2020

I went and reread all the Milk Morinaga stuff and I gotta say angst and anxiety are themes that run through all her work (except maybe Gakuen Polizei, which I've never finished because it's really not very good IMO). Morinaga-sensei has read a lot of Rumiko Takihashi and she loves to use misunderstandings and peoples' inability to communicate and lack of self-awareness to keep the motors of her series running. I think it feels a little harsher here because the scenario is more grounded and the protagonists are (theoretically) adults. But these two are nowhere near as messed up as the protagonists of, say, The Secret Recipe, who consistently made me want to give them both noogies.

Kisses was a lot better than I remembered it being, but my favorite of hers will probably always be Hana & Hina After School. Hina is maybe my all-time favorite disaster lesbian. Cool beauties who are secretly total dorks are my kryptonite.

joined Sep 26, 2020

Sal Jiang likes her big and tall ladies, and I really like the edge her stories have. Did she ever finish Black & White? And is anybody going to pick up Ayaka is in LOVE*LOVE*LOVE with Hiroko?

joined Sep 26, 2020

<angrily puts on kigurumi>

joined Sep 26, 2020

There are 12 stage plays (with 2 more in the planning stages), 2 novels, an anime, a mini anime, 3 volumes of this manga, and a mobile game.

Assault Lily started as a line of dolls with a backstory and lore for each character. The lore has been expanded and updated by the creator almost daily since 2012. The franchise is, to put it lightly, quite expansive.

Stage plays!? 12 (14) of them!

joined Sep 26, 2020

This series is bad for my heart. Yuu's sister has tremendous top energy and she seemed pretty obviously to be toying with Ami.

If those two don't end up together at the end I will tear the planet in two with my bare hands.

I'm a huge fan of Yatosaki Haru's personal style of manga. I loved The Girls' Arcadia, and I'm enjoying these series immensely!


joined Sep 26, 2020

The humor and pacing of this reminded me a little of Tamen De Gushi, which then made me a little sad because it got nerfed. I hope this one doesn't get nerfed too, because I like that style of humor a lot.

joined Sep 26, 2020

I wish the team would wrote down who published the manga, or the original anthology which is better. I cannot support the mangaka even if I want to.
It seems to be dated, the MC uses a flip phone. 10 years old manga??

According to baka-updates, it was published last year by Yuri Hime @ Pixiv, and is complete at 1 volume. I remember seeing the volume show up on Amazon because it's got a striking design.

I really like this story. It's got a chill, contemplative vibe very different from U-Temo's other stuff I've seen. It's not a million miles from Ah… and Mm… Are All She Says. I'm interested to see where it goes.

joined Sep 26, 2020

I feel like it's significant that of all the Yoshitomi Akihito yuri series I've read, the only unambiguous couples I've seen have been side characters in Sisterism. I don't mind all the head games, it's the glacial pace and the coyness of the writing that is making this series feel interminable. I still love the art, though. And the girls are cute.

joined Sep 26, 2020

The Courage to be Disliked has sold something like 2 million copies in Japan. As someone who's read the book like five times, this fact astounds me, because Adlerian psychology is very different from Freudian or Jungian and pretty hard to get my head around. It's also not at all well known within the Western psychiatric community. So seeing somebody like Tamamusi using Adlerian's ideas (correctly, as far as I can tell) is both cool and weird.

Liberta discussion 14 Apr 18:22
joined Sep 26, 2020

Bonnari could only stay in the shadows for so long… (Even Tatsubon's ecchi / hentai works have that same earnest, weirdly wholesome energy, even when they're at their lewdest. My main complaint with his porn, if I have one, is that the humor can be a little juvenile and he shares Ayane and Mira's fondness for fluids.)

Slow Start discussion 14 Apr 16:23
joined Sep 26, 2020

She's had a rather active role of making me have to type out TL notes for every pun she makes

Tama-chan's not a true yamato nadeshiko if what she says is easily translatable.

joined Sep 26, 2020

Anyone else subscribed get an email with a mass chapter dump?

Yeah, me too, and I took it as an opportunity to reread from the beginning, because it had been a while. I really wouldn't mind more chapters of this! It's like the platonic ideal of Manga Time Kirara, even to kind of reading like a 4-koma. So many gags!

joined Sep 26, 2020

The setup reminds me a bit of Can't Defy the Lonely Girl, in that a lot of fairly nonsensical stuff happens to get the plot moving, and a lot of it doesn't really contribute to the story. It's at best screwball logic. This is less rooted in reality than Still Sick, and the characters are a little less opaque (it took a long time until we were shown what Maekawa's deal was). I dunno, the Akashi + Rankarana combo is still really doing it for me (the licensed localization of Still Sick is not nearly as fun as SAD's, and this is a hill I'm willing to die on). I'm along for the ride wherever it goes.

last edited at Mar 27, 2022 12:14AM

Ikoku Nikki discussion 10 Mar 12:57
joined Sep 26, 2020

How can something so serious make me laugh so hard? Witty banter between writers is totally my thing.

joined Sep 26, 2020

As someone who was in a band for a few years, the funniest part of this chapter is the idea of showing up to practice dressed in anything fancier than, say, sweats.

joined Sep 26, 2020

I think you mean roommate

My brain: Dont dare say it


My brain: Dammit!

Now Im thinking of spider roommate yuri, your fault

Returning Home, I Found That The Spider That Lived In My Room Had Become A Cute Girl & Now We’re Dating?!

That's basically So I'm a Spider, So What? (LN version), but I'd have to go into pretty major spoilers to explain how I make it make sense in my head.

Liberta discussion 17 Feb 02:14
joined Sep 26, 2020


joined Sep 26, 2020

There isn't really a generic Buddhist notion of "school" or seminary, because the way most tendencies of Buddhism are propagated is that students are taught directly by monks and are frequently known primarily by their lineage (as in "x was a student of y who was a student of z" going all the way back to Bodhidharma or even the historical Buddha). It's equally unlikely, though, that a school that produced priests for Buddhist temples would be too overtly Shinto, although for sure, it's relatively rare that there wouldn't be some overlap between Buddhism, Shintoism, and "New Religions" (like Soka Gakkai) in a setting like that, because all of those belief systems are syncretic and much less uptight about mixing than, say, Christianity. Most likely a religious school would be affiliated with one of the bigger, more popular tendencies like Nichiren or Pure Land and would exist primarily to train the next generation of administrators for the larger organizations (represented by the individual temples and monasteries). So Heidi would have been going to one of these to learn how to take over the family business more than to get instruction in Buddhist doctrine.

Ultimately the difference between Buddhism, Shinto, and new religions are distinctions that would be pretty mysterious to the vast majority of Japanese people, even those who profess some kind of Buddhist or Shinto faith. Buddhism isn't really a religion in the same way that Western faiths like Judaism, Christianity, or Islam are (the idea of classifying followers of the Buddha under an umbrella called "Buddhism" is something that was done by Christian missionaries, in fact – until that point there were just monks, abbots and nuns that were part of a lineage / tendency, typically associated with a specific monastery or temple – this is a vast oversimplification, but maybe enough info to be interesting).

Sorry for the rabbit hole; as a semi-Buddhist myself and somebody who's spent a long time teasing apart how this stuff works in practice, I find it really interesting and fun to talk about.

joined Sep 26, 2020

I like these two stories because they feel realistically messy to me. I feel like there was a time in my life where most of the relationships around me (including my own) were more like this than not, even without any polyamory. Also, the more this goes along, the more I get Shuninta Amano vibes from this story, in a good way. Yuni really likes her players.

joined Sep 26, 2020

Those outfits are horrific! Don't listen to him, Nagisa!

joined Sep 26, 2020

Also I liked this story. It's comfortably within Yuni's lane (lady players, OL x OL romance) with her usual cute art and Takemiya Jin / Amano Shuninta-style endings. (Oh, and speaking of Amano, it's OK when Touma-kun does it but it's not OK when Yoshioka does it? Tch!)

joined Sep 26, 2020

Since you asked, the biphobia is the jump from

Heck, in 1 case even a bi girl complained about that.


You can't deny the fact that bisexual girls earned themself a bad reputation

That's a massive generalization unwarranted by the anecdotes you shared, and it's both biphobic and misogynistic.

joined Sep 26, 2020

That's a pretty rude way to refer to your parents, Acchan.

joined Sep 26, 2020

i think this series is neat and i like all these girls thanks knight heron for the translation xo

joined Sep 26, 2020

So much of the sweet and the sour in this one! I prefer yatosaking's college / adult stories, but this has a very similar feel and pace so I don't really mind. And I get why people might find the art style a little off-putting, but as with Inui Ayu, I like how far it is from traditional moe art and how personal it feels. I don't find the girls to be that hard to tell apart.