Forum › Posts by TheDudeThatExists

joined Feb 21, 2020

This looks like it could be pretty entertaining.

joined Feb 21, 2020


joined Feb 21, 2020

Damn, that was heart-warming.

joined Feb 21, 2020

Morinaga is kind of becoming my favorite character in this manga lol. I really like the last few chapters very much.

Yuru Yuri discussion 27 Jul 17:44
joined Feb 21, 2020

Kinda lazy, but in a genius kind of way lol.

joined Feb 21, 2020

I for one emphatically do not consider flash-forwards to AdaShima being adorable and domestic and nostalgic to be anything resembling "filler" - that shit is very much The Reason I Am Here lol

Yeah, me too. It's addictive haha.

joined Feb 21, 2020

Haaaah, some things never change, huh Shimamura? Your mother is still a kind-hearted jerk and Yashiro is as mysterious as ever. And of course Adachi will always be Adachi. Lol.

That was certainly not how I expected Volume 8 to start (I thought we might get to see Tarumi's thoughts and feelings or maybe the Library Girl again), but damn, that was very heart-warming to read. Still, I hope we get to see this school trip, I mean that just HAS to be entertaining, especially considering Adachi being still Adachi lol and Shimamura being kind of more self-conscious. But either way I'm STILL excited for new chapters (and even for the side stories) even after more than thousands of pages so far lol. Just goes to show how amazing Adachi To Shimamura really is that it just keeps ya hooked for so long!
But I'm sad, that we didn't get to see old Adache (great name lol) together with Shimamura in an illustration or something. That would have been epicly epic.

Thanks to the team for giving us this great thing so quickly after the end of Volume 7! Really appreciate it!

last edited at Jul 26, 2020 6:58PM

joined Feb 21, 2020

Hell yeah (Yotsubao is best comedy manga (after Nichijou and Yuri Yuri))!

This manga ("With Her Who Likes My Sister" is a weird title though) looks promising so far, started out pretty spectacularly lol.

last edited at Jul 26, 2020 6:13PM

joined Feb 21, 2020

The "Rapping Ponko"-Chapter was absolutely fantastic! They were both spittin' the bars, damn! It was lit and heartwarming (sorry for that joke lol).
I really enjoy this manga, it has very interesting characters and I love how Ponko's facial expression only really changes when something "extreme" has happened, that's nice.

joined Feb 21, 2020

The title of this manga is kind of weird, but I like the two main characters so far in terms of personality and the humor is pretty good too, so I'm interested to see how this will develop.

joined Feb 21, 2020

Now Hino just needs her clown nose and her clown hair lol.

joined Feb 21, 2020

The Shimamura-Dreams were certainly something, great to see that she is kind of excited for the date lol.
The AU-stories were a little bit confusing this time, especially the one with the aliens (I thought that was about Yashiro at first lol), but still a great way to show just how crucial Adashima is for the world, haha, and of course it's amazing, because fate is a JoJo-Reference for Part 5 and 6 especially.
Haaah, that was a pretty cool Volume, the third chapter is still one of my favorite, the two lesbiabz are just too precious and interesting.
The "theme" (I guess?) for the anime sounds pretty epic btw.

last edited at Jul 17, 2020 6:42PM

joined Feb 21, 2020

"Wait, it's all jojo?"
"Always has been"

Best comment of the week goes to you.

joined Feb 21, 2020

Holy Crap, there actually was a fricking JoJo-Reference in this chapter?! I thought Sneik was just kinda kidding in the Twitter post lol.
That's it, this is and forever will be the most amazing Adashima-Chapter because of the speeen and the golden ratio!!

Jk, this was a very sweet chapter again, I really like how Adachi and Shimamura kinda act like in the beginning again with all the teasing and the jokes, it's really heart-warming. Also, Adachi really malfunctioned because of the forehead-thing lol.

The last chapter was a bit better (well, to me "Momentary Peace Is All I Need" was one of the best chapters so far, so that's not really a fair comparison, haha), but this one still made my day and just makes me want to see so much more of their weirdness and wholesomeness! Haa, they never fail to make me kinda happy.

joined Feb 21, 2020

gay n' cool

Perfect summary.

joined Feb 21, 2020

"Live in the moment."
This was a very cute chapter, I even liked it a little bit better than the LN-version. Moke (and Sneik & team) does a really good job.

joined Feb 21, 2020

This was pretty damn stupid, but that's kinda what I like about it so far lol. It doesn't take itself too seriously it seems.

joined Feb 21, 2020

I love these dorks, especially Maho lol.

joined Feb 21, 2020

The antics of these two will never get old.

joined Feb 21, 2020

Fantastic! There's some real development now (not that I really minded the misunderstanding and stuff, it was funny imo) AND the mix between "serious" and "funny" was also pretty nice.
Great chapter!
Also "...willing to become a bad girl."
Oh man, that's an interesting quote lol.

joined Feb 21, 2020

Ayano is the BEST character in this manga and you CAN'T convince me otherwise. Her different "confession"-scenarios absolutely killed me lol.

joined Feb 21, 2020

Do you guys happen to know where the next update?

This is kind of threatening...
I love it!

joined Feb 21, 2020

I really like the art style and had to laugh through all of this little story. Amazing! The student council needs more "screentime"!

joined Feb 21, 2020

Hitoma Iruma is an absolute KING for doing these "alternative universe/what if"-chapters!
Especially the last two just cement in the fact, that Adachi and Shimamura are meant for each other, that both seem to like one another and it's just making me feel something deep down in my cold heart lol.

Beautiful, and I haven't even started with "Feeling Your Smile", that chapter killed both me and Adachi lol, would have never expected Shimamura to actually say it out loud, TWO times, damn. Now I'm really getting excited to see Shimamura's thoughts, especially regarding the start of school. But Adachi's POV will never get old, I swear!

"Then again, if Shimamura was the one doing it, I didn't really mind being shot." is such a fantastic fucking line, even in context lol. The later volumes really have some quotable lines lol.

Thanks, team, the cackling makes me get hyped up, haha.

last edited at May 31, 2020 7:31PM

joined Feb 21, 2020

Adachi's awkwardness level is way too low.


Pretty accurate, ngl. But I think Adachi's horny-level could be a little bit higher lol.

fixed that for you

Hahahaha, yeahhh, now we're talking!
But I liked the original one as well ^^ Shimamura was on point.