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joined Jul 23, 2019

I know people say she has a crush on Kase, but in order to maintain that crush she's ignoring the fact that she knows Kase has a significant other, and she confronts Kase only with petulance, aggression, and bullying.

Fukami knows Kase has a significant other?? When did she find out???

joined Jul 23, 2019

Go go liquid courage!!
In a manga like this one, if the love confession isn't a drunken confession we would have every right to feel cheated.

joined Jul 23, 2019

La actriz que hace de Mon no sé si me convence del todo (¿por qué eligieron a una medio-tailandesa-medio-europea que parece caucásica por donde la mires?) pero Freen, la actriz de Sam, está perfecta y actúa su papel en forma extraordinaria.

ajjsjsjsjsjsjs están re beshas divinas hermosas diosas

joined Jul 23, 2019

The assumption that your teen years are the best, more shining and radiant part of your life—and that as soon as you reach legal majority you become a decaying thing that can only crawl in the rotting morass of adulthood all the way to your death—is very much a common Japanese idea... but it isn't at all a Western idea; more like the opposite, in fact. I'm surprised nobody felt offended by this strip and reacted with anger.

I guess we've all already been mentally colonized by the Japanese. :P Come to think of it, I haven't read any rants against lolicon manga in a long time...

Why would we feel offended?

They call "decaying" people of thirty something. It's a pretty strong word.

I know right? The cult of childhood and teenhood in Japan is simply baffling to Occidentals. Especially in Protestant countries: it goes against the whole tradition of Reformed Christianity. Japan is the only country in the world were a woman of 25 is a decrepit old-timer no man would pay attention to.

If you look closely, Catholics aren't really better. Catholic tradition since the Middle Ages is that children (at least under seven but could be older too) are angels of purity that must be protected from carnal depravity. Calvinist tradition (think New England at the time of the Salem witch trials) is that children are corrupt things that must be exorcised through discipline and punishment, kind of like how Carrie's mom raised Carrie. None of them cares about the Kinsey reports and what they taught us about child sexuality. It's not easy to find a religious type who accepts the sexuality of children as a healthy and natural thing.

Somehow the Japanese, even though most of them haven't read Kinsey, have a better understanding of these things. The naughty lolis of Itou Hachi are more like real children than anything you find in American tv.

At least when it comes to post-puberty teens the mainstream media in the West seem to have accepted the notion that they are sexual in nature, as seen in most teen shows and movies... although anything beyond kisses and petting is cast in a darker light. I think the only genre where teen sex happens consistently and is presented in an unjudging way is the horror genre... too bad the slasher always comes and kills them in the middle of it, lmao.

joined Jul 23, 2019

The assumption that your teen years are the best, more shining and radiant part of your life—and that as soon as you reach legal majority you become a decaying thing that can only crawl in the rotting morass of adulthood all the way to your death—is very much a common Japanese idea... but it isn't at all a Western idea; more like the opposite, in fact. I'm surprised nobody felt offended by this strip and reacted with anger.

I guess we've all already been mentally colonized by the Japanese. :P Come to think of it, I haven't read any rants against lolicon manga in a long time...

joined Jul 23, 2019

Por fin!!! Hay fecha de estreno para Gap la serie televisiva!

Empieza el sábado 19 y airea semanalmente a razón de un episodio todos los sábados por la noche. Después de ser aireado, el episodio es subido al canal YouTube de Idol Factory.

¡Hurra! ¡Qué buena noticia! ¡No puedo esperar! XDDDDDD

joined Jul 23, 2019

You can't do that, young lady!
First you act cool, dashing and princely, and then you show her a cute side?!? That's against the rules!
How hard do you want her to fall for you?

joined Jul 23, 2019

The player who every girl wants, who can seduce and bed any woman in the world, falling for you and renouncing his/her ladykiller ways to dedicate him/herself to care for you and make you happy for the rest of your life?

That's like the oldest, most beloved trope in women's fiction since forever.

There's something I've been thinking from the beginning—why would Nakano pay Miyako to sleep with her? For someone like her, who gets any girl she fancies & is used to fuck for free with whomever she damn wants, paying for sex should be unthinkable. Forking out money to buy Miyako is a humiliation! She wouldn't do it unless she's desperate because all the other tricks have failed already!

This is why I suspect Miyako is special to Nakano and in fact has been for some time.

(I hope nobody replies that "hah, if she was special to her she wouldn't make Miyako screw other people" because god, that would be sad...)

joined Jul 23, 2019

Big yawn.

joined Jul 23, 2019

Iirc Ena is either a bottom who can top if needed, or a switch who is bottom-leaning in preference, right?

Nanao made the funniest faces all along the chapter, but actually I was more amused looking at Ena's face and the way her expressions change while she interacts with Nanao and little by little learns more about her.

You can guess her thoughts from meeting in the street all the way to the bed. How her evaluation of Nanao gets more and more precise until, in the end, she reaches the conclusion: “Yeaaah... I'm SO topping today.”

When it comes to TSB categories I always liked Xierra's arrangement, here illustrated by the characters of her comic Lovin' Sis:

Ena is definitely a lawful switch.
Unless she's a lawful bottom who pretends otherwise because job? Hm...

joined Jul 23, 2019

What kind of sound effect is that?

joined Jul 23, 2019

¡Reflautas, está reloca!

joined Jul 23, 2019

I mean, of course, they would be interrupted: not only were they about to the proverbial "XXX", but Satou was also about to reveal a crucial plot point. In fiction land, that's pretty much equivalent to yelling "Somebody interrupt us this freaking instant!" :D

It's only natural.
It's also natural that I instantly hate the twit who is interrupting them. Argh!

Also, nice character development from MC, realizing that she likes Satou more than "Maron".

¿Por qué no las dos?
Srsly, nothing wrong with roleplaying. Satou can have as many characters for kinky games with Makino as she wants.

joined Jul 23, 2019

I think there's a small mistake in page 19 last panel.

FIFY. Imo this is more reasonable.

joined Jul 23, 2019

Read this page for more information on the connotations the term "yuri" has in Japan that it usually doesn't in the Western fanbase.


joined Jul 23, 2019

Peepz who are discussing whether Lapis is evil or not should give it a rest: it doesn't matter, as one way or the other the OL has the cure for all her problems. You know how it works:

joined Jul 23, 2019

Tiene suerte Nakano, la disfrutó cuando recién era una putita de estreno. Tuvo la primicia. o3o

joined Jul 23, 2019

Se cayó la estantería.

Also, message number 1500, yo!

joined Jul 23, 2019

Huge huge huge shame we wont see what happens next ugh.

What makes you think there won't be a third chapter?

joined Jul 23, 2019

Y ese fue el fin de Honda Tae, de quien ya nunca más se supo.

Kidding. It's a sure bet they are gonna pass her as the kid who sits in front of Mai and who we the readers had nicknamed Mini-Tae. Turns out there was a reason she was drawn to look just like Tae! Holy Chekhov's gun, Batman!

joined Jul 23, 2019

This author is a beacon of hope for all those struggling with life.

She's a housewife. Her main occupation is caring for her family and doing housework while her husband goes out to work. (In her free time she draws manga.) It's ok, nothing wrong with that, those are her life choices and all's fine with them, power and respect to her! But she's hardly what I call a role model.

joined Jul 23, 2019

I wonder if it's one of those membership cards that have her name "Makino Hanabusa" and a number of stamps, one for each time she used the service. (After reaching ten stamps, she gets one free service!)

If it's like that then, with the card in the hands of her mom, she really has no way of talking her way out of this.

« I go to this hotel place to STUDY because I found that the mood is perfect for STUDY since it's calming and relaxing and I get a better return for my STUDY effort so I should be praised for being so dedicated to STUDY hard! Understand, mom? Whaddya mean you're not buying it?? »

joined Jul 23, 2019

Have you read the credits? Have you paid attention to the text in the top right corner?

Now I'm wondering which commenter in this forum is the addressee of that tirade, lol. Poor kiddo.

It's just an edited version of the Navy Seals copypasta and is merely a joke.

Whatever I'm glad she pointed it out cos I wouldn't have read it if she hadn't. I thought it was a copypaste of the panel until I took a better look.

Kill Switch discussion 03 Jul 23:22
joined Jul 23, 2019

In your example, it sounds like Bud Bundy was specifically looking to have meaningless sex with a bunch of girls; Jeongwon isn't after that at all, she wants a girlfriend, so I don't really see how they're similar.

I believe she means Jeongwon got a whole lot of good sex, meaningless or not, and that's always a solid plus. Everybody likes good sex, never mind what else they may want.

joined Jul 23, 2019

Here, clearly, she thinks her "oshi" is an older boy.

Does she actually calls Mitsuki her "oshi" in the Japanese original?