Forum › Posts by けやき坂46

joined Jan 30, 2019

@けやき坂46: Talk about missing the point. Denying the existence of non-binary people won't make us go away.

Huh? Read my post again. I feel like you missed my point instead. I am talking about Mogumo and only Mogumo here. Not you or anyone else.

That is a line from the first chapter, and we have seen more in the recent chapters. Correct me if I'm wrong but being non-binary is more than just fashion choices. But right now (at least), Mogumo's identification seems to stem only from their father not allowing them to wear certain clothes.

joined Jan 30, 2019

Eeeeeeh I am sorry but Idk how to feel about this. Mogumo's insistence that they are neither a boy nor a girl seems to be SOLELY because the strict father did not let Mogumo wear clothes they liked. Mogumo never wanted to be a girl (and hence, does not identify as such) and it seems like Mogumo does not want to be a boy only because their father does not want boys to wear "girly" clothes. So, Mogumo is rejecting the "boy" label to wear clothes they like? Idk if that's self-acceptance. You can be a boy and still like feminine clothing.

joined Jan 30, 2019

help me out guys I may be remembering things wrong but I think Adachi mentioned liking a boy once in a certain chapter?

You might be thinking of this line from chapter 6 of the 2nd volume (or page 16 of the 13th chapter of the manga):

I didn't remember the first person I'd felt love towards. It hadn't been someone of the same gender, though. At least, I felt like it hadn't been.

Yeah! I remember this line but can't find the page (no page 16 in the 13th chapter here)

joined Jan 30, 2019

Therefore, homosexuality has almost nothing to do whatsoever with biological sex

I disagree. But then again, it would depend on your definition. If homosexuality had little to do with biological sex, homophobia would not be that big of a thing. The reason homophobia exists is because conservative societies cannot fathom the idea of people being attracted only to the same sex (i.e., society's definition of homosexuality). You cannot "see" someone's gender identity as it's psychological but you can usually recognize their sex. It's sex-signaling. Your brain identifies these sex characteristics and you can't help but be attracted to the same (or opposite) sex, or at least to people who appear to have characteristics of the same (or opposite) sex (like trans people who transition). It's just a visual thing that's innate. Similarly, for heterosexuality; it has a lot to do with sex given how it also involves sexual reproduction.

last edited at Nov 14, 2020 10:05PM

joined Jan 30, 2019

lol this manga made me feel nothing
I just kept reading it with an expressionless face

joined Jan 30, 2019

I don't think I was expecting much from the ending and this is along the lines of what I was but I still hoped the author would at least show Uta with Kaoru or someone else, you know, living a more obviously happy life.

joined Jan 30, 2019

help me out guys I may be remembering things wrong but I think Adachi mentioned liking a boy once in a certain chapter?

joined Jan 30, 2019

What even happened?

joined Jan 30, 2019

There's an official cover for this series now:

Lovely pun 木になるあの娘

(if you don't know, 気になる (ki ni naru) = (girl) on your mind, 木になる (ki ni naru) = (girl who) become(s) a tree)

joined Jan 30, 2019

The pace of this might only make the ending more satisfying.

joined Jan 30, 2019

Is this manga an accurate representation of non-binary people?

No, Mogu is never referred to with gender neutral pronouns or makes any claim that he/they prefers the "he" that is used throughout, though considering how they feel about masculinity would pretty likely use something neutral and speak up on the matter as everyone using "him" around them (mogul's boyfriend included) obviates it a lot.

Dude, I'm not sure what you mean but I don't think that's the manga's fault? I haven't read the raws but third person gendered pronouns are not as common in Japanese and afaik, people prefer using the person's name (with a suffix). In this case, they say "Mogumo", "Mogu-chan" or "Ryuu-chan".
Like, gendered pronouns aren't a strict thing in many languages.

last edited at Sep 5, 2020 3:53AM

joined Jan 30, 2019

As a trans woman, this ending feels unsatisfying.
They didn't need to make her so much bigger than the cis girls, Japanese people are not that disportional....
Welp, another one to not recommend.
Go read Wondering Son if you want a good transgender story, hell Girl meets Girl is leaps and bounds better.....

After reading all that your primary complaint is that Akira, who is physically male, happens to be taller than her biologically female counterparts?

Although perhaps being a westerner has skewed your perspective, just because Asians tend to be smaller in stature than Caucasians doesn't mean that there is no physical sexual dimorphism in Asian people when it comes to height. In fact if you look at the stature ratio between males and females in Japan vs the United States they are either exactly the same or there is a slightly greater difference in height between men and women in Japan depending on which study you look at.

Not that this was some great work of literature or anything, but I think people are just completely missing the point with this story. For starters Akira is not the main character. Secondly, this was not a romance manga so much as it was a preachy coming of age story for various lgbt minorities.

Akira's story arc was learning to be comfortable with who she is. In the end we see she is happily single and no longer defining herself by what others think. She has made piece with her inner femininity and has a job that reflects that. She has outgrown her codependent tendencies and the need to have others reaffirm her self image. She is simply a happy single girl doing what she loves.

Not surprised. It was terrible up until the very end. Dunno why I kept reading.

As the old saying goes, you are what you eat.

Trans women aren't male

And your point is? At what point did I ever suggest Akira's gender was not female? Notice the pronouns I used were "her" and "she" not "him" and "he." Are you referring to my statement about Akira being biologically male? Are you perhaps confusing the difference between "gender" and "sex?" The terms are similar but not the same. Gender is a psychological state of being, sex is a physical and biological state of being. Akira is physically male, but her gender is female.

As a trans man, I agree. Thinking I'm perfectly, biologically male would be dangerous for my health even. I am trans precisely because my sex is female.

Anyway, this manga felt like a waste of time.

joined Jan 30, 2019

suddenly math people

joined Jan 30, 2019

It's not I'm pretty sure. Blade is ブレード, but the title has バレッド. The author himself spells it as "gunbured", with "red" highlighted in red, likely a reference to "red sisters", and I think the first half is meant to come from gun bullet.

What if it's also ガンバレ (ganbare) in ガンバレッド (ganbareddo / gunbured)? lol

School Zone discussion 15 Aug 18:36
joined Jan 30, 2019

I know people like Hiiragi so I really feel bad for Tsubaki (assuming she didn't do something ridiculous in the past to piss her off like this)

joined Jan 30, 2019

Does this come out sporadically, or does it just get scanlated sporadically?

It's released in a quarterly magazine, and we're up to date with the raws!

Quarterly WTF! I mean, waiting 3 months for 12 pages doesn't sound that exciting. I just don't know why they'd bother writing it in the first place.

Can someone who follows the author closely explain this?

joined Jan 30, 2019

I've never seen a depiction of a stone in a comic before. I'm not in touch with the stone identity so idk if it's a good depiction but it's cool to see

There are quite a few characters in Murcielago, I think.

joined Jan 30, 2019

Wow, I love stories which aren't primarily yuri.
This, like Urasekai Picnic, is refreshing.

joined Jan 30, 2019

I am a bit... confused?
And was the epilogue related to the main story?

joined Jan 30, 2019

I guess this is an unpopular opinion but this manga bores me. Sure, there is progress but every chapter feels the same.

last edited at Jul 7, 2020 7:59PM

joined Jan 30, 2019

unrealistic stories like this made me delusional in my early teens lol

joined Jan 30, 2019

why in this anthology? lol you don't normally refer to your classmates as coworkers

joined Jan 30, 2019

Fun little toxic relationship, but I question having 'yuri' in the title

well the protag is in love with her sister, so it’s yuri. you could draw a different interpretation but the author obviously must have intended it to be so if they put it right in the title.

Where's the yuri tag tho

or the (tw)incest tag?

joined Jan 30, 2019
joined Jan 30, 2019

I don't know why but the "STRONG! STRONG! STRONG!" on the last page made me laugh.

First time I've actually read anything by this author, and is it just me, or is their drawing style really similar to Nakatani Nio's?

Yeah, I find it similar in a few panels but it's still overall pretty distinct.