I'm with Delphi. I hate that story too. It's about how two angsty teenagers manage to get others killed and then die themselves over the course of 3 days, more or less. It's not romantic, it's tragic stupidity. lol
It's supposed to be a tragedy. People who think the romance between R & J is a love for the ages are missing the point. When the story starts Romeo is totally emo over a completely different girl, and if he had managed to live another three weeks he'd probably be mooning over yet another pretty face he glimpsed from 200 feet away. It's not love, it's just infatuation, and if the adults hadn't made it this big dramatic thing the stupid infatuated teenagers would have done what stupid infatuated teens usually do, be briefly besotted and then realize they have nothing in common after five awkward minutes of attempted conversation. Teens are stupid for a reason, their brains haven't finished developing. What's the adults' excuse?