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joined Dec 18, 2018

I-I smell a bittersweet ending. Based off the last few chapters it seems to be leading towards Michiru and Mocchi being together and Maya moving on with her life. Sigh, it’s kind of heartbreaking

The story finished off at 6 volumes, so we're only about half way through. Hard to make predictions yet how it will end.

joined Dec 18, 2018

I was not expecting this little comic to be so divisive.
I mean, I do hate subtext with a burning passion - after all, gay subtext exists to avoid alienating homophobic readers, not for the benefit of gay people. But a confession isn't subtext and it's a little strange that's what people's bar is above, now. I don't think every gay manga needs to end in making out, and I thought this did a well enough job for being a short one-shot.

I think the main part that is causing annoyance is that we got a confession, but not the reaction. Basically getting kinda blueballed on the yuri. That along with the oneshot itself being rather..jumpy like the story was going on overdrive and then just ended when it got to the good part.

Suito-to! discussion 15 Jun 12:43
joined Dec 18, 2018

I believe it might be an error on my side, but chapter three and four both seem to link to chapter four?

Nah, I got that too, so I think it's on dynasty's side.

joined Dec 18, 2018

Because of them talking how Masaki is easy to fool and that she's Mihiro's puppet I assumed it was APD or something like that but if it's instead split personality and we're seeing Mahiro's personalities talking with each other, then I'm not really sure what's the purpose of manipulating Masaki then?

That might just be related to the cheating, if we assume it's two of her personalities, to her they would be like two completely different individuals. So it doesn't really make her any better of a person if true, but would make for an interesting twist.

joined Dec 18, 2018

Well she's accusing her of cheating, but we don't know if she's cheating or not at this point. It still could turn out that she's not, but adding tag would ruin that suspension. This way you can still read it hoping it'll turn out she was telling the truth about not cheating (and she was).

I think spoiling it for a few is a small sacrifice considering how much trauma the subject matter might bring up with people.

Unrelated to above, something about this story has been bugging me, besides the obvious. Second comment on this thread (now deleted it seems) mentioned multiple personalities, which would fit in mental illness category. Obviously if that was the aim of this oneshot then it failed to bring it across miserably, however one detail makes me think. the name on the door. She's an adult woman, who lives with her lover, why would she have her own room? If she does, why would she have her name on the door like kids usually do? This might be a nod that the cheating is actually happening in her head between two of her personalities.

I don't know, it's a stretch, and as I said if that was the aim, then the author miserably failed to make the connection clearer, but I think assuming this angle is the only way I can keep myself from almost throwing up when this oneshot pops into my head.

joined Dec 18, 2018

Okay this is brilliant.

More please.

joined Dec 18, 2018

Regarding the TL, the name of the anthology is rather straightforward

The stories attached to it don't really seem to match though. Only one has something that could be attributed to a mental illness, other two are just about manipulative cheating bitches.

joined Dec 18, 2018

I regret the Cheating tag was not here so i would have not read it.

Same, though I understand it's a spoiler, feels like such a heavy topic that it's worth it to be spoiled.

Lily Marble discussion 12 Jun 21:20
joined Dec 18, 2018

This was probably my first or second favorite ship and now ... it crumbles, what are we supposed to do no

I wouldn't say it's crumbled, I have a feeling that we'll have an intentional or unintentional Risa intervention into this.

joined Dec 18, 2018

you just DON'T tell someone to confess their feeling to your girlfriend no matter how much you trust your girlfriend

But it's was because she trust Nanoha that she ask Mai to confess.

I don't even know what to say anymore than I've said. Chidori trust Nanoha. But that does not mean that is ALRIGHT to ask Mai to confess to Nanoha who is her girlfriend of all people while she could just let it be. Before you replied 'But then Mai wouldn't be able to move on then', it's not Chidori's problem. It's not even Nanoha's problem. It's Mai's problem. Call me heartless or whatever you want but I say it's just stupid that Chidori ask Mai to confess to Nanoha just because Mai wouldn't be able to move on otherwise.

You're kinda missing the point, Chidori isn't asking Mai to confess, she's simply asking if Mai is alright with leaving things as they are, and giving advice based on her personal experience. She even makes a huge point about how she's not telling Mai to do anything, and that she hates the thought it might damage her relationship with Nanoha.

All she really did was make Mai realize that it would serve no one if she just ran away.

last edited at Jun 12, 2020 10:28AM

joined Dec 18, 2018

Manager x Mai ship is setting sail.

joined Dec 18, 2018

Is done?!

I think ch80 is volume finale, but not series finale.

joined Dec 18, 2018

After this chapter anyone is going to have a tough time convincing me that Shino isn't into Nozomi...

last edited at Jun 10, 2020 12:06PM

joined Dec 18, 2018

If they were trying to get me to feel bad for Tazune here, then it was a poor attempt.

I think it was an attempt to show there might be a chance to salvage him, that this might be his first step on a path to becoming a better person.

joined Dec 18, 2018

Im worried about the mom. What if she contacts Tazune and he snaps?

Considering it's Maki's mom, I don't see why she'd do that.

joined Dec 18, 2018

This chapter is a real good cartharsis ;_; I wonder what the last two chapters will have, but I can hope they'll be good and just feature Midori and Maki being happy.

I kinda hope they'll address the relationship in high school from Midori's perspective (IIRC they haven't done that yet?) especially why she chose to break it off back then.

joined Dec 18, 2018

Oh for fucks sake flips table

joined Dec 18, 2018

Less of a sequel, more of midquel I guess?

joined Dec 18, 2018

What did you guys expect from the previous chapter?
"I understand, ill just bury my feelings"?

Considering it was Yukiko who pursued Konomi, and seemed to be head over heels for her, I think most people expected her to turn Fuu down, or at least for it to take a bit more for her to break.

joined Dec 18, 2018

Well that was a disappointing development.

I hope Konomi gets to kick some ass once the story remembers she exists again.

joined Dec 18, 2018

Ugh what pride? If he had “pride” to begin with he would’ve never hit her just because he had some ptsds about girls bullying him, he never acted like a man of pride so why should he now? Tazune has been so full of himself lately most likely because he only hurt women and never really actually faced someone to put him back in his place, Surprisingly.

I think you're mixing up "pride" and "honor" here. Pride isn't necessarily a positive trait, too often it leads to shit like what Tazune does.

joined Dec 18, 2018

Literally from that link:
"-it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead."

¯_( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )_/¯

Literally from earlier in the link:

"The most frequently repeated remark about it is that "there is no such word." There is such a word"

¯_( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )_/¯

joined Dec 18, 2018

I was gonna say they were acting like teenagers with their first love, but they beat me to it lol.

This manga never fails to lift my spirits.

joined Dec 18, 2018

You nailed it Credits Page.

Yuri Yuri 2 discussion 29 Apr 18:44
joined Dec 18, 2018

I kinda feel like everyone who's completely surprised by this darker turn forgot about Namori's "Truth" doujin. Still, those two chapters do seem out of place in this anthology.

Yeah, personally it's mainly because every story in Yuri Yuri 1 and first 3 in this one all had happy endings. Also since these stories have the series tags attached to them, they can be quite...misleading.