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joined Dec 13, 2018

seeing shen being effortlessly mentally dominated give me life

joined Dec 13, 2018

I dont care what happens, i want Kyou to suffer.

I enjoy the polar opposite responses to Kyou lol

Group A is "that poor bastard, fated to be caught and ground up by someone else's romance"

Group B is "that bastard, why the hell is he getting in the way of someone else's romance"

Both perspectives are factually accurate

joined Dec 13, 2018

My man Kyou about to spend this whole story getting jerked around only to end up alone in the end.

pre-emptive F for kyou

maybe he ends up with the mysterious ex or something but I find that unlikely

joined Dec 13, 2018

For a moment I thought it was going to be revealed that Shion was a skin-stealer or something

lesbian skinwalkers are the number one cause of death for young teenaged girls, right after giant eggs forcing them to commit suicide

joined Dec 13, 2018

nobody else mentioned this, but I wonder if he was gay

between him commenting on the guy as being very handsome and her mentioning that he often looked a bit sad

joined Dec 13, 2018

Poor little butch doesn't have a chance against hyper-femme president.

Is she even butch? Shortie still strikes me as the cute type rather than the handsome kind.

joined Dec 13, 2018

The cover page is so cute

joined Dec 13, 2018

Why do you even need to eat green peppers if you don't want to? I'm not aware of them providing anything irreplaceable or even remarkable.

joined Dec 13, 2018

wish I felt safer when in pain, then I'd feel safe all the time

Cat Love discussion 04 Mar 02:01
joined Dec 13, 2018

Honestly not even sure I'd call this cheating? It seems like a big lack of communication on what each other want in the relationship. Mao seemed to want something open, Hikaru wanted and thought it was more. Like, she didn't even hide it. She just brought it up with a "oh hey there's someone else here btw" like, that's not a thing a cheater does.

I dunno if I'd call it "cat love" either, but maybe it fits. Mao was acting in love to pleasure herself without as much care about the other partner's wants and feelings so I guess it fits. But cheating, I dunno. Almost didn't even look like they were dating, just fuck buddies and Hikaru wanted/expected it to be more.

Full disclosure that I myself, am polyamorous so my viewpoints on this might be a bit different than most people who aren't polyam (though if others agree with me I'd be curious!). But also if I'm doing ANYTHING with someone I let them know my boundaries, expectations, and what I'm polyam lol. Like, that's important.

It does seem "I love you" were exchanged, which is the point where most people expect the relationship to be monogamous and it'd probably be very highly recommended to clarify if that was not the intention

joined Dec 13, 2018

Otomes strategy is sus

honestly I wonder if it is deliberate

probably not, I don't think they're going with that trope

joined Dec 13, 2018

more seriously, we have a chance to see kyouto fight the ex a bit more, which sounds fun to me

I have complete faith in the mission

joined Dec 13, 2018

don't let this distract you from how the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

joined Dec 13, 2018

Pei Yu is a strategist, developing a long term seduction campaign, which she will likely succeed at because a) Liao is already head-over-heels for her (see: Idiot couple), and b) Liao is only capable of localized counter-offensives wherever Pei Yu overextends her supply lines, like in the body wash case. As long as as Pei Yu keeps developing her advance across the whole front as she has been until now, each individual "confession block" will inevitably end up enveloped and smothered into non-existence.

Also, love the supportive shipper mom. :-)

Ah, but will Pei Yu prove capable in operational art, thus avoiding the status of disaster lesbian, or will her offensive prematurely culminate into piecemeal attempts at flirtation, with long operational pauses to recuperate from embarrassment? We've seen a steady operational tempo with the seduction tempo so far, and Pei Yu seems to possess unity of horny command, but a lack of tactical experience may lead to failure to penetrate Liao Liao and her defenses.

joined Dec 13, 2018

Dat punch got me like

Strength and muscle and jungle work

Very satisfying

joined Dec 13, 2018

"worrying about material things like school is for straights"

-the buddha, probably

joined Dec 13, 2018

I took a look at the web comic and this gets pretty dark. I hope the serialization doesn't follow the web comic that closely. I'd prefer a little less suffering.

I have no idea what the web comic is but I support women's suffrage

joined Dec 13, 2018


joined Dec 13, 2018


joined Dec 13, 2018


joined Dec 13, 2018

I'm probably going to be alone on this but I think this is the first chapter that I dislike Asumi as a character. She's going to break poor Nanao's heart. It was cute she signed up for a date package and wanted to get advice which should have meant no sex. Well then the hooker with a heart of gold that's clearly also in love with Asumi took her a to a hotel and that one had nothing to do with finding said childhood friend. Great dating advice to try and get some and it end up with banging someone else a few days before the actual date.

I'm getting ready for Nanao tears.

nanao has bad taste

joined Dec 13, 2018

Thank you for your service, noble gull. While you have been troubled in your youth, as fellow sailors we have seen this ship from sea to port, and now we can find peace at last. Amen.

joined Dec 13, 2018


joined Dec 13, 2018

naw don't let em gaslight you, it's perfectly straight to make out with the bros and think about wanting them to yourself forever

joined Dec 13, 2018

The true mark of getting older here is thinking that 23 days left of 30 is only.

So effing trueeeee

The true mark of getting older is having kids and treating them in the same shitty way your parents treated you.

Bonus points if you even try to force your sexual orientation onto them.

"Whaddya mean you wanna date a boy!? Mama and mama are not happy, young lady!"

if my kids aren't trisexual I'm disowning em