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joined Jun 22, 2018

She is the storm that is approaching.

Provoking black clouds in isolation.

She is the reclaimer of her name... born in flames, she has been blessed.

joined Jun 22, 2018 are we meant to understand that the prez somehow arranged things in the hope that she would get struck? because even by his standards that's a very roundabout and imprecise way of trying to kill someone

Not sure about his standards but isn't his way always been the opposite of Occam's Razor? It's just that apparently god works for him in mysterious ways.

Perhaps God was the real culprit all along.

joined Jun 22, 2018

Welp that was a strange chapter even by this manga's standards.

Agreed, I'm left more confused than average

joined Jun 22, 2018

"caught the homosexual disease" lmao I can't

tongtong's mom is mvp as always though, and I hope she gets the man she deserves before this is over

joined Jun 22, 2018

That pigeon death really was the last straw huh

joined Jun 22, 2018

What an infuriating woman.

You said it right

joined Jun 22, 2018

I guess he's the obsessive kind then.

joined Jun 22, 2018

I get it and all but something about this felt uncomfortably tense. I don't like anyone here. Oh well, thanks for the work regardless.

I honestly loved the tension here. Some good tense hatesex to soothe my soul

joined Jun 22, 2018

Man, life ain't easy for Tokiko.
Family tries to murder her, then her whole family dies, then she's attempted murdered again? Rough times.

joined Jun 22, 2018

Oh my god I need more of this

joined Jun 22, 2018

last edited at May 24, 2022 5:47AM

joined Jun 22, 2018

that is a really cute rabbit tho. hard to refuse the offer

joined Jun 22, 2018

"Could you please quit your job and become her wife?"

joined Jun 22, 2018

no way, they didn't even move in together?

joined Jun 22, 2018

This was pretty nice actually. The art seems a bit inconsistent in some places, but I kinda like the mature look they're given (maybe a bit too mature for HSers even?)

Feel like there's no obvious villain here, there's just two girls who both have their issues to deal with. I think the romance between them was the right choice, but they definitely have a lot to work on, so the ending and how abrupt it was felt a bit off to me. And the apparent resolution that Rin's now completely diverted her attention to Momoka and essentially reversed the role of being the possessive, I think it's a bit unsatisfying.

After Rin walked past her friends and clung onto Momoka all day, I thought to myself that I hope she doesn't just abandon the friend she had, but I guess that's exactly what she does in the end.
On top of that, her convincing herself that Momoka will eventually leave her if she doesn't give her enough attention seems to me to go directly against everything that happened before this confession. I mean, Momoka literally said a day before that she was with others only to make Rin notice her (even if, as others have stated, that statement doesn't make sense), but Rin just completely ignores that? It makes me wonder what the point even was to spill it out like that.

I don't mean to say that I would've wanted a somewhat more "clichéd" happy ending, because I don't, but I think if the author really wanted to go down the "yandere Rin" route, they should've given the resolution a bit more cook time (I'm not sure it was ended by author choice or something else). Otherwise, an ending where Rin is still not entirely sure but they're both still willing to give it a go would in my eyes be a more fitting ending without adding additional chapters, where they obviously still have issues to iron out but at least are starting to be more open towards each other. Being on the right path, basically.

Still a nice a read though.

joined Jun 22, 2018

Damn, setting themselves up for the incest route without incest, huh.

joined Jun 22, 2018

Even with very little going on, plot-wise, I really like these chapters where they just hang out. It's nice and wholesome, and it's clear how much they care for each other.

I think we often forget that they are also other relationships we can have than just friendship and romantic relations. Just being connected to a very deep level without having to be sexually attracted to each other is also a very beautiful thing and this manga portraits it very nicely!

Yep, pretty much exactly my thoughts

last edited at Apr 21, 2022 6:22AM

joined Jun 22, 2018

I would've taken the hot teacher in a heartbeat. Need a mature and elegant woman who's actually super horny on the inside in my life

joined Jun 22, 2018

Looking forward to them not having a hot making out session and then not having steamy sex afterwards

joined Jun 22, 2018

"Wow so you traveled into the past, changed the future and now have amnesia as a result? Damn, that's crazy. Anyway, wanna fuck?"
I'm glad the manga ended just as quality as it started. Looking forward to the mangaka's next work.

This is too true, lol.
I'm just happy to see Seto having become the dom. Best ending I could've hoped for

joined Jun 22, 2018

Surprised to see people be so harsh on TongTong's mom (or well, not really). I mean, she's practically oozing with love and affection for her daughter, even if she's a bit of a scatterbrain and really bad at this "let me just talk to this woman"-thing. She's doing her best, and that's what matters, I think.
And there's nothing wrong with her seeing men at her own pace, anyway. I found it pretty refreshing to see.
I'd take her over Li's mom any day.

joined Jun 22, 2018

Honestly a great chapter to read in the morning. Gets me right going for the day

joined Jun 22, 2018

That position at the end does not look comfortable, but it's a cute sight nonetheless.

joined Jun 22, 2018

Nah, you should absolutely prioritize getting an education over being an idol.

For sure.
But there should still be room for yuri!

joined Jun 22, 2018

threesome with yourself POGGERS