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joined Feb 17, 2018

Aww supportive momma love!

Also if she uses sex appeal on Tsukushi.. Oh god she's going to kill her isn't she?

TSUKUSHI has Fainted!

Tsukushi pretty much gonna be like

joined Feb 17, 2018

Maybe the way to beat the system is for every love interest to end up with someone other than Elsa , and once there's no possibilities left the system just stops
With 50 in the game it's gonna take a long time though. We're gonna have to ship them together for efficiency xP

last edited at Jan 23, 2023 12:07PM

joined Feb 17, 2018

Xiaoen is 27, she says so when she asks for a birthday cake from Xingyuan. I'd imagine Xingyuan is about 19, out of school and just drifting around for a while with her family pushing her to go to college. In this case, the age gap would certainly not be insurmountable but I could understand Xiaoen being a bit shocked about finding out that her crush is a teenager. As a 28 year old myself, I'd certainly have second thoughts in that kind of situation

A 19 year old hit on me when I was 28 and I gave her my number, only to find out later she was much younger than she looked lol. That definitely was the end of that

joined Feb 17, 2018

It's rough reading a slow burn when you don't want the main couple to get together lol

joined Feb 17, 2018

Where do I find one of these lesbian summoning shrines? Asking for a frenemy

joined Feb 17, 2018

Okay but like, does “I’m sorry but I can’t respond to your feelings yet” actually happen in real life to real people? Cause it’s such a yuri trope come on.

I've definitely told people before that I don't know them well enough to know if I like them. Usually they hang around for a while and then drop some huge red flag like finding out they just got dumped by their ex for cheating on them. Being slow to develop romantic feelings saved me from so many shitty relationships lmao

joined Feb 17, 2018

I love this chapter. Both sides of Mitsuki on display at once instead of (in Aya's perception) bifurcated in the two personas. integration. nature is healing.

Also I'm half convinced the artist put Aya in the costume last chapter so she could have the usual flowers at the confession scene motif but have it be diagetic

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 11:28PM

joined Feb 17, 2018

While the irregular release schedule makes the reactions here expected, I'd encourage people to reread the story.

This is both an expected and an inevitable reaction from Yuna. She's someone who is very neurotic, struggling with deep insecurity issues and possibly an emotionally abusive past. Her thoughts consistently show her lack of self worth, and she only seems to find it in being loved by Rena. Naturally, any hint of that wavering will send her spiraling, because she has nothing else to pull from. I guess it's fair to say the series is melodramatic, but it also feels like a pretty realistic depiction of someone who is entirely too codependent on their partner and has no healthy coping mechanisms.

This post nailed it.

This chapter was too real. I was like that with my first girlfriend. That's what growing up in an abusive homophobic family that you escape as a teen by shacking up with an older lover does to you. My life is a cliche lol

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 12:28AM

joined Feb 17, 2018

"you obtained everything you have now through your own hard work"

Elsa's like you're right, it was a lot of hard work pursuing you and stopping you from yeeting yourself out of my life, so I suppose I can take credit for all of that

joined Feb 17, 2018

Fake relationship is one of those weird life imitates art imitates life things. anecdotally I've heard people who role play characters in a relationship often end up dating for real because of the intimacy created in the process, so strangely this is neither a bad suggestion nor unrealistic that it would lead to them getting together lol

joined Feb 17, 2018

Jerkface sees Aya storming off in the last panel, so he knows or suspects she overheard them. He might really end up being the catalyst that gets them talking to each other huh

last edited at Sep 19, 2022 11:57PM

joined Feb 17, 2018

Again, like it's been pointed out, the "caricature" of the sexist man isn't even that unrealistic like the "but women wouldn't wear bikini armour even in that situation" complain, when again, it's been pointed out that women can be forced to wear high heels even when it's dangerous. There nothing quite as hilarious and infuriating (not to mention speak volumes about how that shit is deeply normalised) than seeing a barely exaggerated depiction of sexism decried by people as "unrealistic", even more when the most "absurd" elements, like the bikini armour, still has real life parallel.

It's not unrealistic full stop, and if there's exaggeration it's only in the framing. The society depicted here is actually significantly more egalitarian than a lot of real life societies where women are/were not allowed to be educated or touch weapons. I swear people who grew up in societies where successful feminist movements shifted the culture have no sense of scale about how patriarchal their own societies used to be or how patriarchal other existing societies are.

Yes I'm gonna die mad about it

joined Feb 17, 2018

God I love the art. I just want Arai Sumiko to tell me my art is good. Is this... is this what it feels like to want senpai to notice you?

Kirin DID take some liberty in picking this expression for the TL, but I think it’s fitting.

The og title is 訊けない同士の新学期, which (according to Google lol) translates to “A New Semester Between Us Who Can’t Ask”. Pretty much stating that the new semester means a continuation to their misunderstanding because both parties avoid having a straightforward conversation. (At least for now)

Man that tracks with the literal meaning of the words don't ask don't tell but as an idiom it conjures up the opposite meaning to me. As a policy it was as long as it's not explicitly acknowledged we're going to pretend it's not there. That's not a miscommunication that's an implicit agreement.

Also everyone in this chapter is very dramatic about som cobwebs getting in hair lol

joined Feb 17, 2018

Can't we appreciate just how fucking long it took for her to realize that was the same person?
Like, they have the same height, build, mole and presumably the exact same voice(Unless she was talkin' in some kind of weird Bane voice while wearing that mask)

Not to mention that Jerkface-kun recognized her instantly the first time he saw her in the store.

It is beyond credibility but I dunno some part of me also thinks it's not so odd. As someone who is very androgynous and regularly confuses people, I've noticed that after the initial " hello ma'am, er sir, er ma'am, er sir" people decide what gender I am and after that they just don't update with new information. It takes a lot for them to switch later. She thinks onii san is a man and that expectation colors her perception of store Mitsuki in a way she doesn't experience when interacting with her at school

last edited at Aug 24, 2022 11:48PM

joined Feb 17, 2018

I love this chapter. It's refreshing to read something emotionally grounded for a change and I hope they explore Aya's feelings more rather than quickly move past the misunderstanding.

Also I hate to say it but it feels like a platonic ending fits this series better, much as it pains me because this comic had the best yearning expressions art ever.

last edited at Aug 21, 2022 10:39PM

joined Feb 17, 2018

This comic never struck me as anything more than an excuse for the author to talk about their vtube nerdery. It'll probably be hijinks until the very end with a quick wrap up

joined Feb 17, 2018

Ugh I can't wait to see more. Aya has good reason be both hurt and also feel like crawling into a hole out of embarrassment, this would be some very justified drama if the author decides to go there

joined Feb 17, 2018

I favor the villainess any% best ending speedrun world record

last edited at Aug 9, 2022 12:09AM

joined Feb 17, 2018

Never has a useless lesbian been simultaneously so smooth

joined Feb 17, 2018

That feels like something she'd notice sooner, rather than later, especially if Mitsuki keeps doing things like accidentally kabedoning her or whatever you want to call the way she gave back that earbud in the fourth chapter.

"Haha oh my god I just accidentally kabedoned you again. Crazy how that keeps happening, this is what the fourth time? I swear I'm not doing this on purpose please believe me"

last edited at Jul 22, 2022 12:31AM

joined Feb 17, 2018

Chapter 11 back on the first page. Don't think I've ever see something fall off and then come back again, everyone clicking next on 10.1 eh

joined Feb 17, 2018

Teruko should be like "so my friend who I have a crush on started watching my stream should I tell them who I am" on stream so she can watch Sukoya spontaneously combust

joined Feb 17, 2018

Wasn't really debating. I guess I was just a bit incredulous about two Japanese highschool girls bonding over a 30 year old American rock music. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty cool. I always like seeing American culture in manga. it's just weird

We haven't taken this discussion back to the mangaka. I mean, it seems like it would be exactly as unlikely for the probably young, female Japanese mangaka to be interested enough in that kind of music to want to make a lead who was into it, as for the character to exist. And yet, here we are.

The artist is fluent in English, obviously I don't know their circumstances but it wouldn't surprise me if they had some mixed cultural influences growing up. Maybe a third culture kid

joined Feb 17, 2018

Is this whole story a recursive commentary on gay women escaping into fiction as an outlet for their self repressed sexuality lol

joined Feb 17, 2018

I see a guitar too I'm sure she can use that to woo Aya
You bet she will

Oh snap
God the artist is good a drawing longing expressions
It almost moves something inside my dead soul