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joined Nov 30, 2017

Lol the denial is hilarious in last page.

I think it's less denial and more that Sanda is so socially inept and naive on some subjects that she has no idea what love feels like nor that what she just said is a common way of phrasing a love confession.

I think that Sanda is just saying what is on her mind without actually thinking about what she is saying. It seems like even if there were actual romantic feelings within her she is just too unaware of those feelings, causing any thoughts of "being together forever" or other romantic thoughts to pass her lips unfiltered by normal mental considerations of the implications such words suggest. I'd like to think that her feelings aren't strong enough for her to register them properly, but they are at least strong enough to influence her thoughts and her choice of words.

Simply put I think Sanda unknowingly wears both her heart and her mind on her sleeves, to the point where she probably says a lot of embarrassing or serious stuff non-nonchalantly without thinking.

Alternatively she could just be lonely at home, and due to the other woman's friendly nature and the amount of time they spend working together Sanda has grown attached to her. However, because of her nature Sanda didn't think her words through before she said them, making it seems like she was confessing and blowing the entire thing out of proportion.

I like the "subconscious romantic feelings" idea better though. :3

joined Nov 30, 2017

Oh Hana you're just as naughty as Kuki!

Hana's just as naughty with twice the competence. A dangerous combination.

But that implies Kuki has a competence level above zero. 2 times zero is still zero, and if Hana is twice as competent as not-competent-whatsoever Kuki then Hana is therefore not competent at all. :P

last edited at Dec 19, 2017 6:50AM

joined Nov 30, 2017

I agree that Tsubomi was acting on her injured heart and the anger/jealousy that spewed from the cracks. Everyone else has someone right now, whereas Tsubomi no long has someone for emotional support. As it stands Tsubomi not only got attached to someone who only saw her as a replacement, but after breaking up with said person she unintentionally bumped into them and their lover whom Tsubomi was a replacement for. Not only was she yearning for her ex despite being 2nd choice, she was also emotionally unprepared for a confrontation with her ex and their current lover.

Tsubomi was being a right bitch, but I feel sorry for her rather than feel angry at her. Just as others have pointed out, I too think she went to find some corner/alley to cry in, assuming she didn't go straight home to cry. Hopefully someone will find her crying, try to comfort her, and then we end up with Tsubomi's romance story that eventually leads her to a healed heart and cordial relations with her ex and Sayo.

(I legit forgot Sayo's sister's name. I know Tsubomi calls her Daidou-san, but I thought that was Sayo and her sister's family name. Did they ever mention Daidou's first name?)

last edited at Dec 19, 2017 6:41AM

Rapunzel discussion 13 Dec 04:34
joined Nov 30, 2017

I honestly found nothing wrong with this, and I feel like it is quite romantic in it's own twisted sorta way. I certainly don't think I'd allow this to happen to myself nor subject my love interest to such a "compensation," but considering they're both not all there and have eyes(HAH) only for each other I feel like it's a fitting story. Honestly though, the stupidest thing that occurred wasn't the eye gouging but the impulsiveness of the girl with the lighter hair. I mean seriously, the girl you love happens to mention that "someone has been calling their hair beautiful" and you attack her due to your own misguided assumption that their words mean they like someone else? You even went to the trouble of confronting her about it but you're so impatient that you don't even wait for her to finish talking? At the very least actually, and properly, ask her and then wait for her fucking answer before you shove her to the ground and cut her(hair).

Yandere are one thing, and I kinda like Yandere so long as it doesn't necessarily lead to bloodshed, but Stupid Yandere is another thing entirely. If I were to have a stalker psychopathic girlfriend I'd at least like her to be intelligent enough to not jump the gun every fucking time I happen to say something ambiguous that might suggest I'm interested in someone else, or worse they assume anything I say to anyone other than them assumes the same thing. Just fucking ask me before you go stabbing people! Is that so hard to ask?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

last edited at Dec 15, 2017 6:03AM

Their Story discussion 13 Dec 03:47
joined Nov 30, 2017

Considering the fact that both of them were worried the other would catch a cold, and that Qiu Tong has Sun Jing's jacket when Sun Jing went back to get that drunk girl, it seems pretty story-driven towards Sun Jing actually being sick. I'm thinking 85-90% chance she caught a cold due to not having her jacket, and she is either so sick she is physically unable to call Qiu Tong or Qiu Tong forgot her phone at home/turned it off for school. While I agree some drama will likely occur depending on the story/author, it doesn't always have to be super-serious relationship drama. The whole basketball fiasco was actually supposed to be drama filled, but it wasn't the typical hostile-type of drama that could have occurred and ended with both sides being on somewhat amicable terms with each other.

We of course won't really know till a later update, but I'm almost positive that Sun Jing is just sick and is unable to inform Qiu Tong for one reason or another.

Their Story discussion 30 Nov 16:35
joined Nov 30, 2017

I'm a bit late for the party, but FUCKING FINALLY! I couldn't stop giggling and ended up shouting "YES" out loud!

Did you make this? It's awesome! I'd like to know how it was made as well.

last edited at Nov 30, 2017 4:36PM