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joined Nov 19, 2017

Heke's keyboard is backward...

Actually it seems to happen in every chapter with them... Guess that is what happens when you just throw in a pre-rendered asset without drawing it yourself.

Naw dog. It's totally a pro gamer move. This must be what it takes to be good at these fandangled online survival games. Or some type of weird challenge like beating Dark Souls 1 with a Guitar Hero controller. Crazy kids.

I'm just joshing. It's an asset thing.

Image Comments 12 May 03:31
joined Nov 19, 2017

Likely candidate is probably the useless ancestor. Can't imagine Shamiko getting those kind of books at all. ... Yeah probably ancestor since she's the typical troublemaker

joined Nov 19, 2017

This is some mood. So the little sister started out as self-proclaimed brocon, then she got really upset when hime announced that she broke up with her brother 3 years later. Because imouto wanted hime to be her big sister at that point. Still fine here. But then when hime says it's because she's the gay one, imouto immediately wants to bang her? Hell of a jump from just wanting a big sister straight to lover. Not that I mind. It's just ... One hella of a jump

joined Nov 19, 2017

Well. Forget everything I said about the imouto being the sensible one. Breaking someone's window without raising an eyebrow? Holy shit girly, are you going to pay for that?

joined Nov 19, 2017


Oddman 11 discussion 08 May 02:53
joined Nov 19, 2017

Oh right, Ika-chan did ask Setsu to marry her. But Seigei did... quite literally bite off her head. I'd be a tiny bit upset at the person responsible afterward if I still have my head. Don't mind me. I'm just here pressing F for Kirara who has been really gunning for Setsu this entire time. And poor Fujou's not even anywhere on that top 5.

Oddman 11 discussion 06 May 20:40
joined Nov 19, 2017

Hold it. Ika Chan is numba 1 despite Chouko supposedly being the girlfriend. Seigi is also ranked 2, above Chouko. :thonk:

joined Nov 19, 2017

The issue can be summed up under the sentence "the author is not very good at handling tonal shifts." Mikanuji also is basically making up drama and new characters as she goes along. This was what, originally an online thing that can end at anytime, but then it got picked up to be serialized. Where you can longer play that fast and loose with plot. Got to have a direction of some sort. Except we don't know if it's heading for the cliff or somewhere sensible.

joined Nov 19, 2017

confused noises

3-3p route unlocked? Definitely interested in seeing the little sister again.

joined Nov 19, 2017

So we've got Astronomy Lesbians, Game Dev Lesbians, Rock Climbing Lesbians, Hot Spring Lesbians, and now Theater Lesbians. Good stuff. What will they come up with next.

I need cooking lesbians and food porn. Gimme gimme.

joined Nov 19, 2017

I can practically hear the Roundabout music come up at the end. Ghost lady got a bit yan at the end... Nigerundayo!

joined Nov 19, 2017

Hindsight is always 20/20. It sounded like a duck and quacked like one. You can act all high and mighty about how one party is worse or better than the other. But the whole situation is sketchy when you toss in alcohol and someone clearly in a highly distressed emotional state. Wow, people jumping in to defend someone who was super smashed to the degree of blanking out a good chunk of memories until plot convenience. Who da thunk? It's not like there aren't real life cases of people taking advantage of someone completely smashed by alcohol. Because that IS a thing. We are all colored by our own life experiences. I'm not surprised if that's the first impression people jump to, because that's also what the author wants the readers to think in order to pull the rug from under us. Anyway.

Doesn't excuse either one from being guilty of doing something stupid. Neither Nozomi nor Shion are squeaky clean of wrongdoings. Now shut up, sit down, drink your goddamn tea and talk it out like actual adults instead of running off in the middle of a conversation. Is the adults tag just for show or what?

joined Nov 19, 2017

I love the McDonald Sasuke and The infamous Sader figures Kyouka has. Forget typical, perfectly normal figures, I want one o' those.

joined Nov 19, 2017

No ring? So is this The Sign that signals romantic development?

Our Time discussion 03 May 01:40
joined Nov 19, 2017

I am a simpleton, I see Monster Girl tag I click.

Interesting premise, I wish it would get expanded on more rather than end on that melancholic note. Well. My yuri goggles indicate that the friend is interested in her and my imagination can fill in the rest.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Oh wow, the violent younger sister has more sense than the working adult. At least, a lot more eloquent. On a more serious note.

I have to echo some of ronasokily's points about the violence in this series. The vibes I get from Mikanuji is we are only supposed to treat the violence from Minami's parents and that one bit involving Shizuku 'kidnapping' Minami as actual abuse. Abuse that carries physical AND emotional scars. The physical smacking Iori does to Minami? Mikanuji's take on the decade old tropes of lovers' quarrel in anime. It's usually very one sided. There will be one crazy ass mofo who takes out her frustration on the more masculine partner. Emphasis on masculine, because people's perception that the more masculine types can handle abuse because... social expectations. Usually such lovers' spats and physical violence towards each other are greatly exaggerated and cartoony so you know "oh, it's not serious. They'll make up by the end of the episode/mini arc." If the emotional cues that prompt such acts of violence afterward are apologetic (rare), typical tsundere shit (common), the abused character venting to friends/others about relationship woes (common,) followed up with gags (also common, such as the KFC + sushi combo), and whatever other things I can't remember right now. It's considered "safe." It's "safe" because it's resolved. It's "safe" because the author didn't intend for this to be taken seriously. It's only serious when the mood after the fight is followed up with a tense BGM, or the abuser being sad/regretful. The author wanted to evoke that "teehee slightly violent couples's spat" trope, but due to probably cultural gap or just a terrible way of portraying the thing, a good chunk of readers here react with "OMG, DOMESTIC ABUSE!" ronasokily mentioned telenova kind of feel. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Japanese TV shows also adopted a very anime approach to their acting as well. Everything becomes greatly exaggerated. Iori overreacting to Minami's insecurity by trying to smack her out of it? *One of the oldest anime trope ever. See tvtropes for 'Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!' Yes, that mouthful is what it's called. (Too lazy to look up formatting guide for this. Google this yourself)

If you look at other examples of violence should not be taken that seriously in the Mikanuji's universe when it involves close friends/couples, check out the younger sister and Shizuku combo. "But Minami is hurt enough that she needs to wear bandaids on her face!" We are still meant to take it as "it's not that serious. Just a typical anime romcom moment."


Anime. Romcom.

TL;DR version. Mikanujij didn't intend for us to see this as DV.

Otaku Kimo discussion 25 Apr 02:00
joined Nov 19, 2017

Ew what. I gotta preorder collection's edition from Gamestop? Damn guess I have to at this point.

Cute oneshot. Guess someone's a real diehard fan.

joined Nov 19, 2017

All I see is 2 useless lesbians on a date~

That's also one heck of a deal for complimentary coupons. Now I want some BBQ too. Also, always check your coupons!

joined Nov 19, 2017

Mustache twirling evil people: "Join us in our quest for world domination!"

Basier: "yeah no tnx"

Got to hand them evil brownie points for trying to deal with the loose ends immediately. Although their ego will certainly be their downfall. Evil mascot does seem serious in world domination as well. Still got questions if these things aren't just QB in black and white colors.

joined Nov 19, 2017

In my half awake morning state I read the title as Our Pastas Are Beyond Our Control. Reading through it now, yep, I can't get ahold of all these spaghetti~

I also need to clean my glasses, and then eat food. I'm getting some JoJo whiplash/moment. "You thought it was ____, but it was ____!" It was fun though.

joined Nov 19, 2017

You thought it was going to be adult sexy time, but it was instead hard boiled movie explanation time. Nice psych out.

joined Nov 19, 2017

There's always the off chance "the author didn't think that far ahead at the time" option

joined Nov 19, 2017

Should've had Ugalu eat the fish instead. Damn QB wannabes. Unsure if letting Ogura have the fish is a good idea. But it's Ogura so anything is possible. You know what, this is fine. Everybody should get an Ogura button.

The magical girls so far are all really reasonable bunch. I kept expecting some extremely bloodthirsty point starved magical wackos to show up. But even the latest stalker is actually very reasonable and only has a vendetta against Lico. Thinking about it, if a magical girl is that warped, Shamiko's 'brainwashing' would be the perfect antidote to that. Just replace dark sludgey things with... whatever's the opposite of black oppressive goo.

joined Nov 19, 2017

Hot diggity that's some cover art! This looks to be a very promising collection

joined Nov 19, 2017

Is Heke a super space cadet or does editor have a voice changer like Detective Conan's built into her headset? Moshi Moshi?