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Image Comments 05 Jun 04:35
joined Jun 13, 2012

I did not expect this crossover, but I love it :)

joined Jun 13, 2012

I'm sad that we reached the end. I really really really loved this series and was always looking forward to new chapters! It was really refreshing to see a manga that critically tackles the Magical Girl genre and is not only well written but also very funny. A huge thank you to the author and translators for providing us with such a cool series. It will always have a place in my "Master Piece" folder :)

And on a side node, I really liked how Minami confessed her feelings to Azusa. At least that's how I interpreted it. In my point of view, she straight out confessed and Azusa realized it, but did not know how to respond. I'm really impressed that Minami did not pull the "let's be friends forever" strategy like Ruby did but went all the way out. But again, that's how I interpreted the story :) For me, the story ends with Azusa being loved by two adorable girls.

last edited at Jun 4, 2021 6:37AM

joined Jun 13, 2012

Focus of the next phase of the story -- azu's abs. IDK, just anything but ending please.

A chapter focusing only on Azu's abs sounds marvelous :) That would be very appreciated!
But I agree, as long as the story is not ending, I would be fine with nearly anything the author comes up with.

joined Jun 13, 2012

Wow, I did not expect a continuation of "Transient Dreams of Transient Things" in this book. But I am definitely not complaining :)

joined Jun 13, 2012

I see Mira, I see S&M, I feel blessed! Thank you translators!

joined Jun 13, 2012

So adorable! I really loved it. However, I'm still hoping for a special with the neighbor and her delivery girl :)

joined Jun 13, 2012

Ruby really appreciates Azu always pointing her "reliable back" at her, huh?

Yeah, Ruby is clearly staring at Azu's reliable back there, definitely not at something tempting bellow :)

last edited at May 7, 2021 11:04AM

joined Jun 13, 2012

I think this crazy train has finally fallen off the rails. Its reached such levels of absurdity that following has become a chore.

Meanwhile I'm still here, enjoying myself and looking forward to new chapters.

That's exactly what I am doing right now :) My story memory is pretty good, therefore I don't have too much trouble keeping up with multiple series where there is only one update per month. But I will definitely read this one again after it got finished. It's just too good!

joined Jun 13, 2012

Never expected to get a yuri side story of sadistic beauty. I'm surprised and happy at the same time :) I dropped the main story of sadistic beauty because it was too much het for my taste. I have now high hopes for this one. I'm already looking forward to the next chapters!

joined Jun 13, 2012

I was actually surprised that Rinna did not remember her meeting with Haruno in the past. I thought she fell in love back then as an idol and her love grew stronger when she met her again at school. That would have explained why she fell for her that quickly. But this outcome is also nice.
However, Rinna probably remembered Haruno unconsciously, because I didn't really believe her when she said that she only fell for Haruno because of her looks (correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think I remember her saying that as a reason). Rinna did not make the impression to me to be that shallow.

joined Jun 13, 2012

That was so sweet! I also wish there were more stories about happy yuri families. I'm always exited when I see a work with the wholesome tag and got not disappointed. That's just perfect after a day at work :)

joined Jun 13, 2012

Ruby and Azu are just the cutest! I cannot express how much I love this series!!!

joined Jun 13, 2012

OMg Is ThaT a pOkeMon referENCE?! it's so cute that the lovebirds were blasted together ... ahhh this side couple is my treasure!

"Team Rocket is blasting off again!" XD
I was smiling so hard when they blasted off like Jessy and James always did! Pure Gold :)

joined Jun 13, 2012

I really liked this one. The jokes were spot on, the characters were lovely and it had the right length for a fun one-shot (however, a serialization would be welcome at any time). I already started shipping vice-president with Kaede after it was mentioned they were eating lunch together. So cute, that vice-prez could not read the mood at all and made them cannon!

joined Jun 13, 2012

This oneshot had some serious April Fools' energy to it, had to double-check my calendar... but nope, seems official to me. :D

After reading the first page I thought exactly the same. I even went over the tags again to make completely sure that I did not missed any info about Aprils Fools. But after some pages it got clear why they used the Japanese words. I have to say, translating this must have been a challenge. Kudos to the translators, it was really fun to read!

joined Jun 13, 2012

With every new chapter I die again from diabetes :)

joined Jun 13, 2012

I also think this chapter is way better than the last few ones. It really shows how Marika gradually learns to accept the concept of homosexuality. And we even see that she starts to understand Aya better.

But still, Aya's methods were a bit over the top. I would never convince (or even force) someone to watch gay porn just to make them more accepting. Encouraging them to read soft yuri manga is fine, but I think that introducing them to actual gay people is a way better method, since then they can realize that those people are humans like everyone else, with the only difference that they love people from the same gender. So, in my opinion, Aya should have done this right after the manga session without the unnecessary porn part.

joined Jun 13, 2012

Was really hoping the young miss would have be killed in a peasant revolt, guess we can't all get happy endings

Uh, no. It's a bad end you're describing.

If you think about it, she left her estate to go live with Maria, so the peasants are rid of her.

And Maria and her are now happy.

Can't have a more perfect end.

Maybe the peasants even encouraged her to finally leave :)
Like "don't you want to run away to be together with your maid who lives far far far away from here?! So, like that you never have to return and bother us again? Wouldn't that be really nice for you...?"

No, but seriously, since the last one-shot of this author was lacking a bit in pace and storytelling in my opinion, I was positively surprised by this one. The feelings of the characters came across much better. Hope Mikanuji continues this in their future work.

Image Comments 17 Apr 18:01
joined Jun 13, 2012

I love these two! I was also shipping them like crazy! It's a shame that they did not have that many scenes together in the anime.

joined Jun 13, 2012

When they confessed to each other and kissed, I was expecting the parents to come home and discover everything. But I was surprised that everything went so smoothly. Considering the drama so far, I assume that even more drama is waiting for us after this cute little break. I just hope that whatever the bully is planning does not go according to her plans. And since MC likely knows now about her girlfriend's parent issues, I'm rooting for MC to support her girl!

joined Jun 13, 2012

So far, I got the same bully vibe from Pito's "Her Pet" manhwa which also represented well how a bully acts and justifies themselves.

God forbid that i hate this bully with all my might since she had no good qualities whatsoever.

Yeah, she is a really cruel person, but that's why I think "Her Pet" represents a bully pretty well. From an outsider's perspective, their actions seem mean and unjustifiable. But the bullies themselves think what they are doing makes sense. They bring up reasons to justify it so that they can believe their doing the right thing. Like the bully in "Her Pet" bullies the MC to get revenge on another girl that was able to beat her. And to the end (if I remember correctly, it has been a while since I last read this manhwa) the bully did not change their viewpoint.

The bully from this story has a similar patter. She thinks it is unfair that the MC shows kindness to her even though the MC likes another girl. Therefore, even though she knows deep down that this is wrong, she thinks of herself as a victim and uses this to justify her actions.

last edited at Apr 12, 2021 6:41AM

joined Jun 13, 2012

Wow, this story really blew me away! Sometimes, certain stories just captivate me and this story is one of them. I really like how well the characters' feelings are presented. The pace of the story also kept me on edge the whole time. I'm really looking forward to the next chapters!

I think this manhwa also shows really well how a bully can scare the shit out of their victims and prevent them from saying or doing anything to protect themselves. Our MC's bully can look really terrifying when angry, so no wonder our MC gets scared easily. I can't blame her here. This story also made me question whether I would be able to stand up to the bullies from my childhood if I would go back in time. One could say "you're an adult now, so you should be fine" but is that really true? Especially when everyone is ganging up on you. I'm personally not so sure if I would do a better job than our MC here. So, she has my respect!

So far, I got the same bully vibe from Pito's "Her Pet" manhwa which also represented well how a bully acts and justifies themselves. But I haven't read that many Korean works yet, so I just speak from what I have read so far.

joined Jun 13, 2012

It's nice to see a work from Kodama which is not sad or includes twisted characters. I mean, the dark Kodama stories are also nice, but having something wholesome like this one once in a while is also very refreshing to read. I also like that this work mixed starting college life with moving together for the first time. Like it was already stated before, a story that combines those two elements and draws them out into a nice story line that surpasses the length of a one-shot would be very appreciated.

joined Jun 13, 2012

Tamamusi never fails to please me :) Again a nice work. This clueless couple is very cute. And even though Senpai is new to all of this, she realized the most important thing related to sex in my opinion (aside from safe sex, of course): Practice makes you better, don't give up if it does not work as planned the first time!

Only I Know discussion 10 Apr 14:13
joined Jun 13, 2012

I thought it would go the yandere route when Kanna stated that she now has the address of the guys talking about her GF... I mean, why would she need that if she was not planning to attack them at home to protect her girl. But fortunately, it ended very sweet, I'm relieved :)