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joined Jul 25, 2017

Noot noot
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)

joined Jul 25, 2017

Before anyone complains, it's from Souseki.

joined Jul 25, 2017

climate change

joined Jul 25, 2017

Nope... anyone who goes for my coffee like that is going to get slapped.

joined Jul 25, 2017

I'm too lazy to look through the entire thread. But if you would be so kind, could one of you tell me if, when she says "I love you", Matsuki says daisuki or aishiteru?

Matsuri usually calls out 'daisuki' or 'suki da'. I don't remember if she says aishiteru anywhere.

joined Jul 25, 2017

It changes Ohi-sama Company (Sun Company) to Ohoshi-sama Company (Star Company). I'm not sure what the story is supposed to be, but it's definitely not anything by Takasuka Yue

last edited at Dec 20, 2017 10:59PM

joined Jul 25, 2017

It's Ohisama Company by Yue Takasuka, it's a fairly old shojo manga. I haven't read it, but I tried reading Good Morning Call by the same author and it feels quite dated.

joined Jul 25, 2017

The ending is left very open - it doesn't reveal any concrete details about the nature of the Gymnasium.
I think that Monica's bouquet/wreath had become several metres long is to imply that Fine did live a fairly long life, while Monica kept working on her wreath, playing in the Gymnasium and waiting for her to come back.
The idea of Fine and Monica being sent there initially because they committed suicide probably is not the case, since it seems Monica died in a fire and Fine fell from a boat with other people on it and looks to have been reaching up for help.

joined Jul 25, 2017

Most black tea you should be okay using water straight from the kettle, but the flavour of other teas will get a bit ruined by boiling water.
Coffee is also very temperature sensitive; it really needs to be right at about 93 degrees or it won't taste good.

Stomach discussion 05 Dec 07:50
joined Jul 25, 2017

Koharu is ab goals.

joined Jul 25, 2017

I think the joke at the end of this chapter can be made to work in English. Some possibliities:

We toss around a bunch of different versions and suggestions for lines like this. In this case, I feel like no one phrase in English, on its own, really captures the meaning clearly enough. Because it's a kind of important line, we just keep it as something simple and readable and use the annotation to make sure that, in the end, it can be accurately understood by everyone.

I think your first suggestions is for sure a viable one to put in to the text in terms of how it reads aloud, but for things like that there becomes another concern of how well ESL readers can comprehend it when we get a bit too bendy with grammar and punctuation.

last edited at May 2, 2021 7:21AM

joined Jul 25, 2017

"If I can become a civil servant with a stable life and otome games, I guess I'll be happy."

( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

That line resonates with me a lot.

joined Jul 25, 2017


joined Jul 25, 2017

For anyone who likes visiting places from anime and manga, I'm 95% sure that's the aquarium near Shinagawa Station, Tokyo that is known for its dolphin shows.

last edited at Sep 3, 2018 2:49AM