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Twins discussion 11 Mar 11:09
joined Jul 23, 2017

So cute!! I love the shopping dates mangas

joined Jul 23, 2017

Def needs a wholesome tag! ;v; I love family stories

Age 15 discussion 11 Mar 11:06
joined Jul 23, 2017

I liked this at first... but it seems the further we go into the manga, the more everyone has turned into a sexual assaulter (or rapist)...
For anyone who has the raws, is this a random phase the author suddenly decided to take the manga in or will the rest of the story be based on assault?

joined Jul 23, 2017

and can y'all stop complaining about the whole BDSM and assault thing like dude this is a nsfw BDSM manga honestly the only difference between this and hentie is soooo little
so obviously you are not going to get a good love story where its pure and sweet

so just stop being vsco girls and boys pleas

I feel like that's a common misconception that BDSM can't be "pure and sweet". Good BDSM is exactly that- a relationship built on trust and consent, which is pretty much the first rule anyone who's interested in it needs to learn. The BDSM community is actually quite harsh on rape and assault because so many people will see Fifty Shades or fanfic and assume that it's the norm, when it's really not. Practice "clean, safe, consensual" not assault.

joined Jul 23, 2017

Ugh... rape

For real? Making a move is not rape. She had the opportunity to vocalize her non-consent, or to physically resist, but chose to go with it. She was not restrained, and nothing was against her will. Sure it was somewhat sudden, and a little more warning would have been more appropriate, but no crimes were committed here.

It's a tricky situation. I'd put kissing Rin as "making a move", not sticking a hand in her vagina without warning, especially with no pre-established romantic relationship. The majority of rape and sexual assault is also conducted by close friends and families where the victim might not register it as rape at first because "this person is my friend, they'd never do something like that to me!" mindset. Forceful relationships are a common yuri trope but it still feels wrong.

joined Jul 23, 2017

This series is excellent, but it's a bit frustrating how little the plot advances in each chapter.

It's definitely a story pace that benefits from reading a few chapters at a time, rather than every release. Still, it's a great story, and worth waiting for

last edited at Jun 10, 2019 9:49PM

joined Jul 23, 2017

This hit all the right buttons, from including the little sisters to Aqours looking up to Muse. And ofc, the Hanayo outfit at the end is her initial UR card copied down to pose.

joined Jul 23, 2017

Adult life is one of the best tags

Koineko discussion 08 Jun 15:27
joined Jul 23, 2017

Well I didn't need this in my life

Surprised it isn't from Subaru Homura though, this is right up her alley

joined Jul 23, 2017

This is the pinnacle of romance

joined Jul 23, 2017

I love that the new chapter is literally "Ten-chan is a GOD"

joined Jul 23, 2017

Ah yes, another "Everything I don't like is bad!!!!"
If you just want fuwa fuwa pure heart yuri there's no lack of it on this site, just go somewhere else. No one's forcing you to read this. Kodama has a preference (/-_-/)

Image Comments 24 Feb 17:27
joined Jul 23, 2017

Never thought of either Chika nor Zura as gyaru but... they pull it off nicely

Image Comments 24 Feb 17:26
joined Jul 23, 2017


joined Jul 23, 2017

gah this doujin was so cute and fluffy but Kougi always draws Chika noticeably masculine, it's kind of odd

joined Jul 23, 2017

phew buddy we really don't need this kind of development

joined Jul 23, 2017

Perfect, hope we get more original works from Aoi!

Image Comments 16 Feb 16:15
joined Jul 23, 2017

Official tag is always nice

joined Jul 23, 2017

Never seen rice crackers for valentines before

joined Jul 23, 2017

404: Men Found
I hope we don't get hit with family drama

joined Jul 23, 2017

Would a 'fashion' tag be alright? We already have swimsuit as a tag, but more for works like Collectors or Reversible! where fashion is a major theme of the story, or for the fancy date chapters involving lots of clothing changes. It's easier to have a fashion tag similar to the cooking tag than digging through slice of life manga chapters looking for that one fashion chapter.

last edited at Feb 15, 2019 5:44PM

joined Jul 23, 2017

There's both a het and yaoi tag... and no yuri tag despite there being sex scenes? There aren't even yaoi sex scenes and the tags there?

joined Jul 23, 2017

Even without reading this just the cover image alone tells me this is going to be the best doujin to be uploaded to this site

joined Jul 23, 2017

RIP Nico, I hope she suddenly booms in popularity like Kizuna

joined Jul 23, 2017

She's doing her best, the little axes femme warmed my heart