I'm observing this manga setting as premise that some "curse" turns cis ppl into trans ("curse" is just metaphoric expression of some unknown power which we call supernatural because we can't explain it, having not enough info what is real cause of transformation)
That premise could easily be the truth (truth revealed to us in metaphorical way, through the riddle of one artwork)
Why I say cis ppl are turned into trans ppl in this manga?
We see only physical "shapeshifting", the essence stays the same
(both characters who turned into girls are still completely aware of themselves who they are/were).
There's no change on psycho-emotional level(characters never expressed "wishes", no gender questionings, etc.)
So, the theory that transgender ppl were cis before is very possible to be the truth. Why?
From where their awareness of being captured in wrong body comes?
It must be before that transformation/shapeshifting, like in manga.
It would confirm that we live more than one life, and that we have some abstract memories (awareness) on our being.
And that we keep awareness of changes through our being (essence) is passing, beyond the time.
Anyway, the word transition applied on trans ppl is telling all.
Let's say that we observe transition as "the journey from point A to point B" (ftm or mtf).
I'm saying here and now, that FULL transition cycle is actually (m)-to-ftm, and (f)-to-mtf!
Someone who was previously male is transitioning and returns to male again, and (previously) female is transitioning and returns to female.
It MUST be full cycle, by laws of nature.
It shows clearly that transgender ppl are not "insane" while being aware who they are from an early age. They just don't have the physical proof.
And I claim it's something before their current existence in transgender form.
So, we actually have to examine this premise given in manga as the truth, and resolve the riddle what is metaphor for "the curse".
(we could say the author is highly inspired, spreading the codded message to us to tell us something what is hidden and unknown for now)
Manga says, it's "the kiss" what FEMALE does to cis man (male), what can change his physical form into female (and it would be vice versa if it is about trans girls. We just have to invert situation).
And, of course, take "the kiss" as the metaphor for something else what cause "shapeshift".
I would also take this premise of "the kiss" as metaphorically given true statement.
Sometimes we are getting true info through visions (in riddles)
It can happen through dreams or through art.
How we will understand riddles, it's upon us and our mindsets.
I'm just saying that I believe that premises of this manga are true.
And I also know a lot that I can say something revolutionary here.
My next step would be to move backward from the conclusion, to find the logic thread which will make full cycle and explain why the conclusion is the truth (in reality of life, I would try to find the answers)
If I assumed correctly, the road of confirmations will become open.
When the cycle is full and confirmation threads connected without missing links, we can say that the premise is proven.
We are experiencing enlightenment in that moment, grasping everything at once.
Sometimes we must act on hunch and believe, before we are able to see "the proof".
Well, I'm now too ahead of time, writing these words.
And it's possible that many ppl won't understand me now.
But I'm curious how much time will pass until what I say here shows as the truth (as confirmed).
Future will tell, and I hope soon.
I would not like to wait too long, for freedom of all of us who have to fight society on gender or sexual orientation levels.
I'm bringing the good news to all of you, wishing you all the happy Day of Freedom and Acceptance!
Let's wait and see that Day soon.
(Try to understand my explanations here about full cycles)