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joined Jan 6, 2017

I generally prefer BoKita but this was cute. Also, I think I just want Bocchi to have a loving girlfriend more than anything else, homegirl deserves all the happiness in the world.

How about 2 girlfriends? (3.5 if we include Yoyoko and Ryo)

joined Jan 6, 2017

I need to say, i want Nanao losing,xd

it's less about wanting Nanao to lose and more about wanting the prostitutes to win. Hell, forget about Mai, just let Asumi's true love be the lesbian brothels.

Yes. Absolutely. It's even in the title

joined Jan 6, 2017

two chapters ago Yuzu's personality inexplicably switched

Did you miss that part where Kamiya forced Yuzu to stop bottling her feelings? It is a very explicable switch

Long buried feelings begin welling up once more

I didn't miss it, I just don't buy it as an explanation :P

Well, in that case you're just deliberately missing the point

Yuzu's character changed in the exact same way as Minami's did at the start of the series for mostly the same reason (forced to acknowledge their romantic feelings after being confronted with the possibility of their crush dating someone else) and before that they weren't at all thinking about the way they were behaving toward one another, Minami because she wasn't aware of her feelings and Yuzu because she was repressing them.

joined Jan 6, 2017

two chapters ago Yuzu's personality inexplicably switched

Did you miss that part where Kamiya forced Yuzu to stop bottling her feelings? It is a very explicable switch

Long buried feelings begin welling up once more

last edited at Feb 10, 2024 2:17PM

joined Jan 6, 2017

The anime was a bit of a disappointment. It cut out a lot of fun stuff like Nelia wanting to make Komari her maid, the production quality was pretty shit, and it reduced a lot of good moments so they didn't really hit much (the entire finale for instance)

joined Jan 6, 2017

Well, a 4 person marriage is illegal so adoption's the next best thing

joined Jan 6, 2017

The implication seems to be that it's healthier because Nanao has feelings for her and their relationship isn't based on paying for sex, which sure, that is healthier.

Not really, there's nothing unhealthy about using brothels if you like it. If she wants to have sex with multiple partners and enjoys the relative ease of a brothel experience and is using her money responsibly then it's all perfectly healthy

They're being really intimate, and Asumi is still thinking brothels would indicate, if anything, that she has not become more emotionally vulnerable with Nanao.

Or Asumi could be fully in love with Nanao and still desire to have sex with more people than just her. Which is perfectly fine and honestly, regardless of who Asumi ends up dating (preferably Sayaka and/or Serina but sadly we're stuck with Nanao), that is the way this series should end.

joined Jan 6, 2017

Oh welcome back Mai. I'm sure she can rescue this trainwreck....

joined Jan 6, 2017

It's red and black. What's not to love?

joined Jan 6, 2017

Oh my god they're...Italians!

I'm not 100% sure what this means but for some reason, this gave me the biggest laugh.

Italians will say things like "Ciao, bella" while they kiss you on both cheeks

joined Jan 6, 2017

I know yearning for the poly route is a yuri trope at this point, but come on. That's really the ideal endgame for this series, isn't it?

only poly? she should just get all the girls!

...That is poly

poly has a different connotation from "having a bunch of girls you can fuck whenever you want", the former being a relationship and the latter being the wet dream of some incel who still uses 4chan in 2023 and thinks Fuck Quest is peak fiction

No it doesn't. Every relationship that consentually features more than two people is poly

joined Jan 6, 2017

I know yearning for the poly route is a yuri trope at this point, but come on. That's really the ideal endgame for this series, isn't it?

only poly? she should just get all the girls!

...That is poly

joined Jan 6, 2017

She's not using the press part of the French press so she's getting a mouthful of coffee grounds from that.

joined Jan 6, 2017

Takina's blush is so bright I love it

joined Jan 6, 2017

^ Personally I'd take Cockney over Americæn any day.

This is like if an American scanlator wrote every line of dialog from every character like a rootin tootin cowboy lmao

"Beautiful" is the word you're looking for

joined Jan 6, 2017

^ Personally I'd take Cockney over Americæn any day.

joined Jan 6, 2017

@Shina010615 Sucking each other's blood which is apparently the most intimate thing a vampire can do to another vampire

joined Jan 6, 2017

I believe it's from the new Fionna and Cake series

joined Jan 6, 2017

They did...

Sugary Days discussion 03 Oct 09:53
joined Jan 6, 2017

After the anime I was like: Bokita is the bomb
After reading the manga I'm like: Boniji is the real deal.

Close the triangle and throw in some NijiKita

joined Jan 6, 2017

^Communism ship

joined Jan 6, 2017

This thing needs a love chart. I will work on one. It feels like Renako has all these levels from 1 to 10 of infatuation and Mai is #1 but that doesn't stop other girls from being #2 or #5. I can see Mai casually telling some of them "I was her first everything, you know."

#1 Mai & Ajisai
#2 Satsuki

That's it

joined Jan 6, 2017

All the Kessoku Band ships are equally good.

joined Jan 6, 2017

I love them.

joined Jan 6, 2017

If you pull away you lose regardless of if the pocky breaks or not. The only way to win is to kiss