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WDTFS fans - off topic 24 May 16:34
joined Apr 3, 2016

It's actually a very common practice around here at diners and breakfast joints; you should definitely give it a try :)

Oh, that's definitely on the bucket list now. :D

Yeah I'd be over that pretty quickly lol.

/sighs/ Honestly, Blake did have her good points. In the end though, while I do like dominant women, she was just over the top. >_< Moderation is key. That goes for pretty much anything in life, really. xD

No garlic? :(((((((((((((((((((((

I know, right! D: It really is bad though. While she can sometimes ignore her allergies to sesame and almonds as long as there isn't too much of it in the food, only the slightest dash of garlic will make her cheeks swell like crazy and her eyes water so much she can barely see. It's not only annoying, especially the swollen cheeks are downright painful, so no garlic. Not when we share the food. xD

Yeah that's nice ^^ We used to do a lot more cooking together when kanojo had less crazy hours. Then her last job really picked up after she got a promotion and the new job is just ridiculous. Considering how early she leaves in the morning, I don't think it's so much to ask to have her back before 6pm -_-... Happens maybe once a week.

Aren't there any protective laws against working too much overtime in your country? In Germany, a normal work week is 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. The absolute maximum is 10 hours a day and, no matter how long or short the day is, 6 days a week. If you have to regularly work more than either 10 hours a day or 6 days a week, you could sue your boss here (and you'd even be protected by the law from getting fired if you do.)

last edited at May 24, 2016 4:36PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 May 16:18
joined Apr 3, 2016

Our king is not us
This is our blood
This lux for us, we want only the same kind of buzz
Let me kill your leader
You can call me nuts
In addition baby, I decide I decide I decide I decide
Let that fantasy live

I just put the song through a total of 20 layers just for the funsies. Suddenly, it seems like Lorde has written a death metal song. xD

This king bleeds
We bleed
Raping this certain lux is our wish of excitement
Permission for dominant mice
Call me impenetrable hornet
Added infant dominate dominate dominate dominate
Alive fantasy

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 May 15:28
joined Apr 3, 2016

Gimme gimme :) I like to cut muffins in half and grill each side with a little butter. Yum.

That is...unusual. I need to try this sometime. xD

Food preparing, picky eaters and etc.

The only really picky eater I've ever dated was Blake. xD She was practically obsessed with health and would downright refuse to eat anything, that didn't fit into her strange food plan. >_< She was generally extremely bossy though, so in retrospect, it didn't really surprise me, that food was just one of the many things she wanted to be in control of.
Su is a bit picky, but mostly only because she's allergic to a few things, one of them being garlic, which is a bit of a pain, because it usually means I can't cook my father's recipes the way they should be. xD
This is how pretty much any Italian recipe (well, at least the ones he taught me) usually goes:


2) Everything else.

So yeah. xD
One of the aspects I came to really appreciate a lot over the years is our habit of preparing dinner in each other's company. We both cook and we both prefer to prepare big meals on our own without the other getting their hands in the way. However, when we're both home and it's a relaxed evening and she decides it's her turn to cook, I usually accompany her into the kitchen and sit down at the table. Then she usually turns the radio on, loud enough to listen to the songs, but quiet enough to listen to me as well so I can either talk to her about whatever or ask her to help me with the riddles in that magazine I tend to busy myself with. When I'm the one preparing the food, she just entertains me with her ridiculously bad singing or whatever else comes to her mind. There are exceptions, of course. When either of us is running late, the other usually prepares dinner on their own so once we're both home, we can just eat right away. Sometimes we're also way too lazy to cook, so we get takeout or go out to eat. But generally, I've gotten so used to that little habit by now, that every time we don't prepare dinner in each other's company for whatever reason, I'll go to bed and won't be able to shake the feeling, that something has been off about my day, even if my day in general has been perfectly fine. ^_^;
.... Screw the proposal, we're already married, lol. xD

Lol this is cute, but I can't figure out the song for the life of me. I'll do one a little bit later hehe

xD That one was "Royals" by Lorde.

last edited at May 24, 2016 3:33PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 May 14:39
joined Apr 3, 2016

By the way, wanna guess which song this is?

Our king is not us
This is our blood
This lux for us, we want only the same kind of buzz
Let me kill your leader
You can call me nuts
In addition baby, I decide I decide I decide I decide
Let that fantasy live

It's a game me and my kids have been playing lately. You take the chorus of a popular mainstream song (so everyone should have heard it at some point at least once or twice, to remain fair) and put it through several layers of the google translator before having it translate back to English (or whatever the original language of the song is.) For the funniest results, choose more than 10 languages. Then post it and have others try to make sense of google's mess and guess which song was used. It's really fun. ^_^ You guys wanna give it a go? We can just play it as a side game to chatting about stuff.

last edited at May 24, 2016 2:40PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 May 14:16
joined Apr 3, 2016

Kind of suitable on the topic of food:


I don't bake much; too much chemistry and measurement involved lol.

Personally, I like baking more than cooking. xD But I only bake sweet things. Not to brag, but I do excel at making all kinds of muffins. ^_^

That bread just looked good enough to convince me to make dinner for myself, lol.

last edited at May 24, 2016 2:19PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 May 10:06
joined Apr 3, 2016

I volunteer to be the judge.

I don't know if that would be such a good idea. With your palate being used to simple foods like rice, water and veggies, even something as relatively simple as my baked salmon could probably kill you and send you straight to heaven before you'd even be able to judge anything. xD
/totally doesn't have a big ego/

WDTFS fans - off topic 24 May 09:47
joined Apr 3, 2016

We need to have a cooking contest one of these days, lol.

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 May 17:26
joined Apr 3, 2016



but my absolute favorite Gwen-Stefani-anything is actually an Eve song, "Let Me Blow Ya Mind"... Ugh... the strip teases I have done to that song lmfao... #TeamShameless.

I can imagine that. I think "Let me blow ya mind" is one of the most popular amateur striptease songs, right after "Lady marmelade" and "Naughty song" (after L-word made that one famous, lol) I actually prefer "Rich girl" when it comes to Eve collabs, though. The "nanana" part is too damn catchy. xD

Very fortunate. A friend of mine's car was outdoors during a bad hail storm and by the end of it her car looked like a golf ball with dimples all over it.

This happened to my very first car as well. >_< Back then, I was relieved I didn't necessarily need the car (there were regular bus and subway lines to the uni and when it came down to it, Luce would always give me a ride when I asked her) and it was a cheap, used one as well. So the loss wasn't too big, even though it was bothersome to not have a ride for a while. With the cars we have now though...I would probably rage for days. So thank whichever gods there are for garages. xD

Yeah that's... worse than just ignorant... Is she trans? If not that's extra annoying. Cisgender people shouldn't imagine themselves the authority on words used to label trans individuals even if they're queer in other respects.

I don't really know if she's trans, I didn't bother to ask and I don't know if she ever mentioned it at any time. I know she's in her fourties and she identifies as a lesbian. She's getting chewed out in the forum right now. The collective wrath of a group of pissed off lesbians. It ain't a nice thing. u_u

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 May 16:25
joined Apr 3, 2016

Seriously though, ice blocks the size of chicken eggs? o_O...Poor them who are walking on the streets, and those whose car are parked outside...

Thankfully, the chicken egg sized hail only lasted for about 3 minutes, then the pieces got considerably smaller (ice cube size and less) and then the hail turned into pouring rain after a total of about 7 minutes. So hopefully, the damage won't be too much and nobody got seriously hurt. :-/ But yes. Everyone who had their car parked outside during this is probably cursing Loki and Thor by now.

So according to one of the mods of that lesbian forum I'm signed up in, transgender = transsexual = transvestite. She also thinks alpha top and alpha domme are the same just as omega bottom and omega sub are the same thing. Oh yes, and of course, being polyarmorous is just a cheap excuse for being a cheater and it actually isn't a valid orientation.
....♫♪ Let me hear you say
this shit is bananas!
... =_=

last edited at May 23, 2016 4:25PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 May 15:07
joined Apr 3, 2016

Apocalypse in Berlin! O_O
Seriously, that is the most powerful thunderstorm I've ever witnessed here. There are freaking ice blocks hailing from the sky! Seriously. Hail the size of chicken eggs! Thank god our cars are safe in the underground garage, otherwise they'd be totalled by now. Jesus Christ...

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 May 13:06
joined Apr 3, 2016

Wow.. how do i look at yr dream?

I didn't see you as a person, just your username in this forum. xD I dreamt I was online here and you posted that notice about you being mom to a baby giraffe named Azai now. Someone even offered to move in with you and help take care of the giraffe like it's the most normal thing ever, but I've forgotten who it was.

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 May 12:07
joined Apr 3, 2016

Lol I love Gwen Stefani xD.

Me too! :D /offers high five/ I'm not a hardcore fan or something, but I don't think I ever disliked a single Gwen or No Doubt song I ever heard on the radio or seen on TV. "Just a girl" will always be my all time favorite though. Honestly, nothing beats that song. Nothing.

How many times hv u slammed yr head on the wall bco my posts? xD

Not a single time. xD Your posts are silly and funny, but not so unspeakably dumb, that it makes me want to hurt myself to see if I'm not just having a stupid dream. xD Talking about you and dreams by the way, you appeared in my dream last night. xD I was online and read one of your posts. You were saying you would be gone for a bit, cause you had bought a baby giraffe from the zoo and it'd require your whole attention for a while. Also, you named that giraffe after Azai for some reason. xD

U r still on sick leave... warm water usually helps a bit..

The "just take your meds and do what your body tells you to do" therapy my doctor suggested actually helps a lot. I've been sleeping when I want to sleep and just generally did whatever I felt like doing these past few days and except for having occasional stomach cramps and having to barf once in a while, I actually feel fine otherwise. No fever, fatigue or anything. I even felt good enough to continue writing my term paper. ^_^

last edited at May 23, 2016 12:19PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 May 10:01
joined Apr 3, 2016


On the topic of people making stupid comments, you wanna know something funny? Every time I talk to someone and they say something so incredibly brainless it makes me want to slam my forehead into a wall, my mind immediately starts playing Gwen Stefani. No kidding. xD "Let me hear you say this shit is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!" It's curiously calming, lol.

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 May 08:20
joined Apr 3, 2016


They're only confused about Su? I imagined Germany a bit more socially progressive even if your laws haven't caught up.

A lot of people really aren't. The young generation is very open-minded and accepting and others just choose to live and let live and thus simply don't get involved with anything, that doesn't directly concern them. However, while Berlin is thankfully not such a case, in Germany in general, there is an unbelievably large number of people, who are against homosexuality, a lot of them living especially in Bavaria and Saxony. That wasn't really what I had meant when I said people get confused over bisexuality though. xD Sometimes it just seems to me that people can't hear the word "bisexual" without rudely asking a fuckton of unnecessary, stupid questions, to say it bluntly. "Which one do you like better? Did you have your first time with a man or a woman? It must be hard to decide sometimes, right?" Su says she's into men and women alike and immediately stands out like a sore thumb. It gets really annoying sometimes. Same with when we say we're a couple when we've already mentioned our ages sometime before and people realize there's a 10 year age gap between us. There was one woman at a party, who looked at me with wide eyes and said "Wow, you could be her mother!" Granted, she was a bit drunk. But still: WTF!?


Good morning Lin! How are you feeling today? How is the weather there? Most importantly how is Su doing? She must be super bored on that hospital bed by now.

My gastritis is kicking my ass, but I'll manage. ^_^; Su's sister told me she really is bored out of her mind, but otherwise doing perfectly fine. She'll be transferred to rehab next week, which is what she's excited about.

WDTFS fans - off topic 23 May 07:03
joined Apr 3, 2016

Hello, ladies! ^_^

Thanks, and you're not missing out on anything lol.

To be honest, I think I'd rather have people freaking out over how cute and adorable we are than having to deal with the constant awkwardness whenever Su drops the bisexual bomb. I mean, seriously. We're in the 21st century. Things like pansexuality, demisexuality and other, much rarer orientations are absolutely a thing these days. I don't get why people still get so confused over someone liking 2 genders. Dx

WDTFS fans - off topic 22 May 19:14
joined Apr 3, 2016

Nope, no brick. One of the good things about living in a 25 storey building: the outer walls are 30 centimeters of solid, reinforced concrete. xD

Glad you had fun and nothing dramatic happened. ^_^ I can't really relate to what you said about people calling gay couples cute. Literally never happened to me. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 22 May 11:58
joined Apr 3, 2016

The only plants we have are a bonsai (Su's pride and joy. She's had it since she was 12, I think. She'd personally lynch me if I let that one die while she's gone. Luckily for it though, it's big enough to not be ignored that easily and it doesn't need much care. xD) and an ivy, that wildly grows on our balcony and makes it look like a jungle. The rain usually takes enough care of that one though. It's rare that we actually have to water it. xD Otherwise, our condo is blissfully free of any greenery. ^_^

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 May 19:14
joined Apr 3, 2016

Only thing I'm good at taking care of apart from adolescents with issues are animals. Plants? Nope. Nu-uh. I've once managed to let a cactus starve. It's like when something doesn't vocally ask for my attention, it just doesn't exist to me. xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 May 07:23
joined Apr 3, 2016


I'm a gentle soul :P

Said the person, who punched a woman in the face. xD

Take it easy <3

I'll try. ^_^; My doc gave me some pretty good painkillers and antibiotics, so I hope it'll pass soon.

Also, my kids just put a huge smile on my face. ^_^

Me: /posting notice in WhatsApp group/ Morning, everyone. Just posting a quick notice that I'm down with a gastritis and won't really be able to do anything for a while. Just like always when I'm MIA though, you can still call me, text me or mail me if you need advice or just an ear to listen.
Marco: Get well soon, doc.
Marco: Wait, gastritis means you won't be allowed to eat any dairy products or fatty stuff, right?
Me: Yeah. It'll be light food and medicine for me for a while. :-(
Marco: /posts picture of delicious looking cream cake/
Marco: /posts picture of equally delicious looking steak/
Me: Torturing the sick? You're a bad person, Marco. A bad person!
Marco: :P Sorry, not sorry. Trolololo
Ben: /posts picture of his video game collection/ Gastritis gets painful, so you'll need distraction. You can borrow some if you want. have a PS3, right?
Me: We do. :D Hey, that in the middle. Is that Bioshock Infinite???
Ben: /posts the same picture again, only this time with a black bar in the center/ No...?
Me: xD

Things I love about my job: ^ This. (n_n)

WDTFS fans - off topic 21 May 06:18
joined Apr 3, 2016

You said you're taller than her, right? Can't you just steal the blanket back from her? xD

So I just returned from the doc. I have a gastritis. Which means I won't be able to visit Su until I'm healthy again. Which, according to my doc, could take anywhere between one or two weeks. Dx

last edited at May 21, 2016 6:19AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 May 18:42
joined Apr 3, 2016

You and KK have too many marriages.

Agreed. They're both like Britney Spears and K-Fed, just without the surprise babies.

Any plans for tonight foxy peeps?

Trying to talk some sense into my stomach. "Look, either you stop growling or you stop barfing, it's either one or the other. Both just doesn't work." He's not listening so far. =_=

last edited at May 20, 2016 6:44PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 May 11:42
joined Apr 3, 2016

Similar thing happened to me and Su once. It was one evening just a few weeks after we had moved in together. Around 10pm, there's suddenly a knock on the door. Su, on edge as she always uses to be in suspicious situations like that, grabs her knife and answers the door while I stand behind her, armed with a broom (you know, just in case. In Berlin, you never know.) So we open the door only to find the grandma living next door standing there, looking terrified. And she goes: "Good evening. You're lesbians, right? Could you please help me out with something?" (It wasn't until then that I knew there was a stereotype about homosexuals apparently loving to help pretty much anyone who asks nicely enough. Live and learn, I guess?) Turns out what she needed help with was an absolutely gigantic, most certainly 100% lethal spider the size of my eye, which had sneakily invaded her home and was now menacingly sitting on the wall next to her couch, probably plotting how to cruelly murder her in her sleep. So me and my fearless, selfless, heroic girlfriend went over there and punched the spider dead.
(Su literally punched the spider, by the way. We went over there, she stared at the small black monster on the wall, then stared at the grandma like "=___= Really?" before pulling a paper tissue out of her pocket, wrapping it around her knuckles and then punching the spider. The lady stared at her like she couldn't believe what she had just seen and Su, while she put the ruined tissue back in her pocket, just goes "Better wipe that away before it dries" before swagging out of there. xD)

last edited at May 20, 2016 11:50AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 May 09:11
joined Apr 3, 2016

Hey Rainy. (^_^)/ Been a while. How are you?


What are you doing without the love of your life these days Lin?

Feel miserable? Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. When I tell Su what's going on with me right now, she'll worry. And when Su worries, she does it like she does so many other things in life: hard. I want her to feel fine and focus on making a perfect recovery as soon as she can, so telling her isn't something I can do to her right now. Then there's my brother to take care of, and my teens need me as well. I kind of feel like everyone is leaning and relying on me right now, and the only person I can confide in is my ex, cause she knows what I'm talking about, since most things I mention is stuff she experienced with me first hand when we were together. I actually did talk to her for literal hours after my most recent nightly breakdown, but her reactions make me doubt if that's really a good decision. I love her for being there for me when nobody else really is, but when she looks at me the way she does, I just know what she's thinking and I don't want to give her false hope. /sighs/ So for now, all I can really do is hold on. Not many other options, really.
Sorry. That was longer than I thought it'd be.

How is Su doing?

She's getting better and better. She says she can't wait to be transferred to the cardio rehab to really get the new heart pumping and prepare it for the lifestyle she's planned (which will consist of a looot of physical activity.)

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 May 08:38
joined Apr 3, 2016

Hey Thundercat, how's the intern sitch progressing?

WDTFS fans - off topic 20 May 08:30
joined Apr 3, 2016

Thanks, I hope so as well. Dx
So, it's Friday. You guys got any plans for the weekend?