Is Yukari seeing an invisible Gaku at that last page? Like did Gaku just went God-Mode and was actually watching over Yukari?
From what I understand, after Gaku saw the Theory of Everything, she became a top-level observer and basically lost her physical body. She narrated the life of Yukari and since she's a top-level observer, her narration became reality. The Hatou Manabu that appears in the narration is a Manabu that's seperated from the Gaku Network, like the one that Tenjou killed.
At the end of the narration when she set up Yukari to be saved and Yukari woke up, somehow Yukari became aware of Gaku's existence and spoke to her directly. Gaku didn't expect Yukari to be able to "see" her so that's why she was suddenly surprised during her narraiton.
last edited at Dec 5, 2014 2:56PM