This manga taught me more in 20 minutes than my biology teacher in 5 hours.... Makes me sad hoe bad sex ed is in general. I had a discussion with a group and most agreed on that statement. I think it's too outdated. There should be a new program with more information and text material.
Anyway, this made me so happy when I first started reading this. I am transgender and can relate to this woman, though my parents aren't as accepting as hers. She's lucky to have such nice parents. Some transgender people aren't out to their parents because they fear they won't be accepted, or get into trouble because of it. I've seen a friend cry on my shoulder because their parents didn't accept them. This is not ok. Being transgender is not by choice, and anyone who is reading this and needs help, please feel free to call the transgender suicide hotline in your country and get yourself the help you need. You are not a disgrace, you are not a bad person at all, you are who you are.
FtM, bind safely and do not use ace bandages or tape. There are cheap binders you can buy. But even with those, do not bind your chest for over 8 hours.