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joined Mar 20, 2014

The Yuri Manga I Was Interested in Wasn't a Yuri Manga At All

joined Mar 20, 2014

She just dug a hole in her own grave? I don't think that's quite how the saying goes.

joined Mar 20, 2014

I think I am getting more and more confused because it seems to me that both series are on different time line.

Me too. Like, Saori and Shizuku are dating now? Since when?

joined Mar 20, 2014

"Nineteen ice" is a reference to "Seventeen Ice." They're all over Japan, and I especially love their tea ice cream!

joined Mar 20, 2014

I guess it's rather tough to be a news reporter if you're not at all interested in anything.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Withholding affection from your partner as punishment or to “teach them a lesson” is a sure-fire way to destroy your relationship long term. In my opinion.

Indeed, and if I were Heke I would be out of there so fast you'd be smelling rubber.

joined Mar 20, 2014

What, not even a kiss? I want my kiss!!!

joined Mar 20, 2014

She’s devastating. We have an A++ handsome masc girl in this manga and still somehow Hinoka steals the show.

Really? I regard Tsukushi to be quite the stunner too.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Finally an artist who knows how to draw feet!

Now that I'm ... uhm .. paying attention to that .. or anything.

joined Mar 20, 2014

That J-Scent Hanamizake perfume costs about 100 Dollar a bottle.

Yeah, that had better smell like bliss, fo' sho'!

last edited at Nov 2, 2023 12:06PM

joined Mar 20, 2014

There's an easy way to find out the truth: a DNA paternity test.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Is it just me, or does anybody else get the idea that Shinohara doesn't really like Heke all that much.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Forgive her so much she want to ask where she live

Yes, because the proper response to someone disappearing right in front of you is "Oh, where does she live again?"

joined Mar 20, 2014

They're at the Sunshine Aquarium in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. Yup, it exists. Visit it if you have the chance! I mean, where else can you see flying penguins?

joined Mar 20, 2014

I still think Kon os a ghost.

Well, there's a surprising lack of interaction between her and other people, that's true.

My theory is that she is actually the monster, or is heavily influenced by the monster, set out to lure girls into the cave. But she also started liking Furuka for real, making her motivations rather muddled.

Now I still need explained why Furuka seems to have forgotten about Kon.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Holy crap, those people are nosy. Someone needs to tell them to mind their own business already.

joined Mar 20, 2014

They met in high school(?) and bonded over manga and have been together seemingly for a while, but now the blonde is leaving for somewhere else and she is breaking it off even tho brunette doesn't seem eager to do so. At least that's what I took away from it.

Why would you sleep like that with someone you broke off with?

joined Mar 20, 2014

I had a cat that would lie down next to me and start purring loudly when I practiced my classical guitar.

I wasn't even that good at it.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So they sleep together all cuddly-like before one of them just leaves? That's just ... weird.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So did Furuka just forget about Kon? Did we arrive in an alternate reality where Kon doesn't exist? What happened to Furuka's uncle?

I'm so confused.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Well, glad this nonsense is over with. Hopefully things will be a bit smoother from here on out. At least for a while.

Yamada should really get a bit of a spine and chew Kase out next time she pulls something as stupid as this. I mean, yeah, Kase is quite the idiot, and I can kind of get that Yamada realizes this and doesn't want to fret over every little detail, but Kase really needs to make amends over this gaffe.

joined Mar 20, 2014

60 chapters in, and still no actual progress?


joined Mar 20, 2014

What, no cat maid in a Zanka story? Shocking!

joined Mar 20, 2014

It's curious how it changes from a colored long-format format to a black-and-white page format. Why the heck is that?

joined Mar 20, 2014

Yes, some species of fish are solitary, and that's totally fine.