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joined Jan 7, 2014

It was actually 3:30mins

joined Jan 7, 2014

The money at the end made me cry
please pay my tuition fee

joined Jan 7, 2014
Citrus discussion 31 Mar 11:38
joined Jan 7, 2014

In fact, the reason why I guess Harumin is so loved is because she is the only one in the story who seems to have a life.

And a loving charismatic friendly tone to her, someone who genuinely seems to care about the ones dear to her, regardless of her own inner troubles. Many people who have kept up with this only did so for Yuzu and Harumin.

Surprisingly, to me, the twins appeared to be more likable on the anime than the manga.

joined Jan 7, 2014

'Actual definition'? Like pedophilia? The love of young girls?

Yeah. Dumbfounded it's 2018 and we're still going on this.

Dynasty doesn't use it because this term doesn't exist in japan. Or to be more precise, it does exist, but mean pedophilia. In Japan Yuri or Girl's Love encompass all of possible romance stories between girls. W/e it has sex or not. They got 18+ marking for that. It was Americans that needed a clear distinctive term to separate those too, because of course they would need it, so they came up with that term randomly adding 2 jps words thinking they would mean "girl's love" without realizing they don't and in fact that exact phrase already has a meaning in jps.

Thank you so very much.

Now can we discuss how gay all this ear rubbing was and stop pretending it isn't gay?

joined Jan 7, 2014

Following that logic, all 3 of Nakatani's Éclair shorts aren't "Yuri". In all of them it's clear it's the beginning to a romantic relationship that is being portrayed and what situations led to that. Maybe you should take your friendship goggles off or learn the actual definition of 'shoujo ai' like the embarrassing plebians you are.

last edited at Mar 30, 2018 7:30AM

joined Jan 7, 2014

This is bloody great because I can easily put myself in both these girls' shoes and feel great about either situation.

joined Jan 7, 2014

Glad to see this scanned. When I first read this I almost burst into flames.

joined Jan 7, 2014

Gee, maybe because it's part of Éclair's short stories among many others, who knew.

joined Jan 7, 2014

And no, Citrus didn't look that awful, come on. Low budget yes, but for a new studio with supposedly limited ressources, the quality is fine. Not great, but fine. The NTR anime is what I call godawful, as it's clear absolutely no effort was put into it.

At least NTR was funny. And I didn't see any effort put into Citrus either, only the seiyuu were on point. I would never be able to conform to mediocrity after seeing it in Citrus, so to reiterate, Passione is better off far away from this.

last edited at Mar 26, 2018 10:20AM

joined Jan 7, 2014

Fumiyo Aya is beautiful.

joined Jan 7, 2014

I would be extremely apprehensive if we ended up getting an adaptation with the same studio as Citrus. Do the people who watched Citrus not have functioning eyes? Not even the OP managed to have decently, DECENTLY, animated kisses, one of the elements that is supposed to be portrayed as intense. OST? Forgettable. ED? Ah yes, the good old plain song slapped with a few slideshows, good job. Do we also have to go on about how Mei looked off in more than half of the frames the was in? This is not even subjective. Having enjoyed it is one thing, pretending sloppy looking visuals are nice is an entirely different level of lying to oneself. Anything but DEEN and Passione, thanks.

joined Jan 7, 2014

Apparently this shit got an anime announcement.

joined Jan 7, 2014

Who knows if the mangaka even had a firm cause in mind for the amnesia at chapter 7 (or had one and changed to a different one since then)? There are plenty of ways to explain away the apparent discrepancy—if you’re a creative writer.

True, but I was curious. Anyway, this chapter was a blast, Tamamusi is great even at plot twists - it fit the whole concept of the entire manga so far. I love her so much, I love Arisa so much.

joined Jan 7, 2014

But I'm wondering, if Arisa didn't call Mari for 3 days before Mari finding out she had amnesia for the first time, had this marriage proposal happened before that first amnesia? Passing out and then not talking for days would be unreasonable, since Mari would obviouly try to do something about her girlfriend passing out in front of her right away.

joined Jan 7, 2014

OK, I finally watched that, and you're totally right about Yuu's voicing--both of them, actually. I still don't long for an anime, but would gratefully accept one if it comes along.

I will only believe an anime announcement when I see one. As for Touko's voice, I found it pretty nice but the way her voice fades into whispering is still something I haven't managed to understand whether I like or not. What do you think?

joined Jan 7, 2014

What is this, an actual yuri couple in my yuri mango? I think it has the potential to be a cute okay thing so far. Not very interested in any character but the main two, sadly. I wonder if blonde 2 and glasses-chan could have possible dated in the past?

edit: ah okay, it was this short lol, meh

last edited at Mar 15, 2018 12:29PM

joined Jan 7, 2014

This person's art has improved tremendously well over the years.

joined Jan 7, 2014

The story doesn't actually say that. The blonde is attracted to her now, regardless of their prior relationship. The one with the dark hair only seems concerned that one of them being a guy is the expected arrangement, and that she made such a ridiculous mistake when they were kids. She demonstrates that she's attracted to and is very comfortable getting physical with the blonde in the present, who doesn't resemble her child self at all.

I suppose I misinterpreted it. You're right.

Nowhere does it say that either is settling, not attracted to the other, or "forced" to have a relationship because of their childhood attraction.

Isn't settling just accepting to go steady with one another? I actually like that sort of thing and thought it was like this in this one-shot. I did not claim they weren't attracted to each other nor that it was forced (I intended to put it as a "well lol shouganai" way), they very clearly were into one another from beginning to end.

Also there wasn't even a single hint of any settling

Well, fuck my English and what I think words mean but then don't.

She didn't say anything like "Oh well, it can't be helped if you are a girl" or "I guess I'll have to get used to it.". In fact she specifically said, they should go out after other girl said, she was her first love too and doesn't mind how cute she got

That's how I had perceived it at first. Then overthinking me (but by no means worked up, I was simply voicing my thoughts on it, I enjoyed this short) assumed what I already mentioned earlier.

Actually, now that I think about it, if she was already looking for relationship, her immediate respond to hook up make perfect sense. Damn, you are making me overanalyze this 4 page manga...

Meh, I don't see anything wrong. It's silly but fun, so why not? Write a 10 paragraph essay about it for all I care.

I don't know what else you guys want.

Specific niche yuri stories with niche characters and niche storylines pandering specifically to me and only me with no exceptions outside of what I do not approve of. And my favorite yuri getting an anime adaptation while everyone else gets nothing at all.

joined Jan 7, 2014

Remove "that was just for the guys" and there you go, a better doujin.

Dosen't make it better that she likes guys but feel that she can only be herself with that girl?

You see, I defended a similar point with a female character who is in a romantic relationship with another woman who, upon asking her if she preferred men or women, she just answered that she preferred her (female) lover. I found it cute, even if it's an overused trope ("ohhh I'm not gay but I would date her as an exception!") Now, in this case it comes off as implying she probably would rather have her childhood friend as a boy but now that she found out the truth she has no choice but to just settle for her because she was her childhood love. Not a big deal, but it doesn't pander to me. Yes, I know it's comedy. No, it didn't fluster me much. It's a comedy one-shot.

Remove "that was just for the guys" and there you go, a better doujin.

How so?
Why do you believe that?

Because it sounded off to me.

joined Jan 7, 2014

Remove "that was just for the guys" and there you go, a better doujin.

joined Jan 7, 2014

I just think that after hearing Yuu's voice in that PV 2 years ago I have never wanted someone to be given animated life more. Rather than benefiting, I like to think I wouldn't be losing anything in the first place, we already have the blessing that is the manga. But, of course, some studios do give off this vibe that they are pursuing to ruin things on purpose.

joined Jan 7, 2014

They wouldn't make a whole new website just for a drama CD. But do leave your expectation low, even if it gets greenlit, we'll still have to wait to see the studio & director choice to be sure the anime won't fuck up. If it gets the same treatment as all the other yuri anime we've been getting so far, it's gonna be shit.

Anime gets announced

It's Studio DEEN or XEBEC

it's sidonia level CGI

joined Jan 7, 2014

KADOKAWA has acquired the domain of "" There is a hope.

yep, saw it a couple of days ago

realistic/pessimistic me is saying "maybe it's a drama CD series coming out"

joined Jan 7, 2014

They decided to cancel the series because too many people were asking for an anime.

hello can anyone ban this user from the database