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joined Aug 22, 2013

Ngl, I think this is too good to ever be adapted into an anime. It just couldn't be done enough justice I think.
Probably my favourite yuri manga of all time.

I can't disagree . . . but at the same time, I'd really love to see a clip or two of certain characters in action. For instance, I gotta feel Mahi-Mahi would be even more of a force of nature if they were moving and making noise.

Haha agree with both of you but definitely agree about the Mahi-Mahi comment… I feel like the manga club chapters might be good too, when we see their concepts drawn out and also when they’re the manga trope themselves…

That is some highly advanced flirting right there

Riiight? How did he even come up with this concept and the way he executed it is amazing. Also are we to infer that each color shot was a snap on Michiru’s phone? Sneaky sneaky

Yuu is calling out all your asses. Not me of course. I though it would be under bra.
Nah, I did not. This manga is too cute and (oddly enough) pure for this type of location. I expected somewhere on the back of her legs or something.

Im not sure if the time Ayano and Miyoshi painted pubic hair on their underwear supports or disproves the manga being oddly pure Hahaha… on the other hand yeah, that location would have been too direct for Airi…

Also loved the goodnight moon reference haha

joined Aug 22, 2013

Just listening MAMAMOO-Destiny while reading it, because I thought they would go well together.

I think "I Miss You" works very good as well.

Also, good art but "ugh" at that first chapter. So tired of seeing this storyline. But, I am going to read it. Sometimes I like pain.

Wow never thought I’d see fellow Moomoos in my yuri lol

joined Aug 22, 2013

Wait, did the series low key say that Anna (the granddaughter) was in a relationship with a woman? In the beginning she said she was moving in with another divorced mom and then in this last chapter Riri says her mom and the other mom fight a lot…

Thematically, not sure how that plays out? I’m all for more yuri, but I wonder if Anna’s relationship is also meant to be a mini foil to her grandmother’s relationship with Kiyoko?

joined Aug 22, 2013

That rain chapter though… as much as I like stories about the couples, the group chapters are my fav. Externally I’d probably be more like Kanae and check the weather, but internally I’d definitely be Team Adventurous Spirit… especially Miyoshi lol

last edited at Oct 10, 2021 7:39PM

joined Aug 22, 2013

Does anyone have the problem where they get to the last page of chapter one and they click next but it goes to chapter three?

joined Aug 22, 2013

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS I Love these sisters together! And you know what's the best? is like the honey and wieners, you wouldn't think they would be good together but once you get a taste, you can't stop! (but I won't try the recipe, I want an oneesan to feed me).

But yeah, emphasis in these sisters, they have totally different styles and taste, only thing in common would be their sexual orientation xD and yet Kaoru loves her sister so much! that's so cute! still waiting for the moment she sees Eli with her sister, she will realize immediately what's going on and that moment will be great.

Thank you very much for the chapter!

I just commented on their relationship myself, lol- I totally agree! As I mentioned before, the only time I really care for Kaoru is when she's shown with Honoka. And I totally agree about Kaoru picking up on things right away- she's got a sixth sense for those things, after all.

Also: can you imagine the chaos if Kaoru and Eli teamed up to get Honoka to admit her feelings? I have a feeling those two would hit it off IMMEDIATELY- which would of course be a disaster for Honoka.

I wish someone compile a list of Kaoru&Honoka chapters, they’re fun to see

When the tags were originally being set up I was wondering if there should also be individual character tags… sometimes I feel like when Character X shows up as background to another couple’s story it adds to Character X’s development/shows another side of Character X and/or you have non romantic interactions like with Honoka and Kaoru.

Also has anyone tried this? I feel like with Chinese/Japanese hot dogs it would work because they tend to be more sweet than savory… i wonder how it would be with American hot dogs which tend to be more savory…

joined Aug 22, 2013

I’m okay without the cleanup. Whatever is easier for you! The translations are already greatly appreciated!!!

Kill Switch discussion 13 Aug 09:16
joined Aug 22, 2013

Actually, what she's feeling is Envy, Jealousy is feeling like something you already have is under threat, whereas Envy is wanting something that you can't have.

That's an interesting distinction that I can see being useful, but I don't think those words actually are distinct that way in either dictionary definitions or usage.
I have a similar thing--I like to see a distinction between ethics and morals, where ethics are grounded in some kind of philosophical principle, while morals are based in community standards, religious strictures and similar authority-based foundations, and may from an ethical position be completely arbitrary. Note that religious texts can contain ethical principles, like "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you". So in this scheme, for instance, disapproving of gays is a moral position, not an ethical one, since all the justifications for it ultimately come down to "God says" or "That's what the community thinks", but nobody ever advances any actual reasons why gayness is a bad thing.
I think it's a useful distinction and I think there's some basis for it in usage, but in the end I can't really defend it. Pity.

I completely agree with you on the separation of these concepts. There is also morality and spirituality. Many people also confuse these words. Sometimes morality and ethics are used interchangeably. I recommend looking at examples on this topic on [link removed] where, in addition to essays, you can read summaries and research papers on ethics. When a distinction is made between the two terms, speaking of morality, they mean mainly external behavior, and by morality, a system of intrinsic motivation. For me, ethics is a discipline that studies morality and ethics, and spirituality in secular vocabulary often means a person's cultural life.

How can we thumbs up a thread?

last edited at Jun 29, 2023 9:54PM by OrangePekoe

joined Aug 22, 2013

but what happened to Ise-san’s dog?????? Haha

But I’m kinda conflicted. On the one hand the way they live with each other is such a cute married couple vibe… on the other I really appreciate how they can be that close with each other (without the closeness being driven by romance… it’s like even more romantic that it’s not being drive by romance but something else… common goals? Similar outlooks on life (curiosity and wanting to explore new things)… Some of my best friends are straight (myself being gay) and there’s just no waaaaay I have that kind of relationship with them…. I don’t think I could ever live with any of them (even though similar life values… I don’t think similar life habits so we probably wouldn’t be good roommates and I don’t “love” them enough to make exceptions lol)…… and as I’m writing this out I wanna see conflict between the and how it gets resolved lol… I feel like that’s the biggest indicator of whether a relationship makes or breaks…. The last chapter seemed to add in a foreshadow so maybe I’ll get my wish haha.

Until then I’ll reread from the beginning…. Knowing what we know now about Shima and the fact that Ise knows puts everything else in a different perspective.

joined Aug 22, 2013

I’m sorry you lost your buddy. May your memories of him live on through you and may he Rest In Peace.

joined Aug 22, 2013

I think if they were younger it would be cute (and either both were not knowledgeable and/or one of them was knowledgeable enough to guess that it was impossible/but not sure……

But as it stands…. I don’t think it’s cute because it reminds me of this news about an adult couple in China who thought they could get pregnant just by lying on a bed together… and that just made me sad because it’s a huge sex education fail

joined Aug 22, 2013

Just marathoned this whole thing… if I had read it chapter by chapter I’d probably be teetering on frustration at the glacial pace of development between Kurokawa and Fujishiro, but being able to read it all in one go, it’s left me with the impression that the series isn’t just about them but also relationship dynamics.

I like how this series explores the relationship dynamics between each of the characters. It’s almost like the relationship dynamic is it’s own character. Since it’s yuri it’s usually about whether character A gets with character B and the obstacles they have to overcome (between them). But I like how we get to see how one person getting close to another affects the relationship dynamic with the people that get “left behind”.

The series does a good job of portraying each character’s motivation on its own (even though they’re all sort of directly/indirectly connected to Fujishiro, with the exception of maybe Iroha)

it’s also amazing at how all the characters have grown since. looking forward to some hopeful development from Miki and not just a foil to Kurokawa/Fujishiro

joined Aug 22, 2013

In the chapter 7 4koma was the original pronoun of the Sempai gender ambiguous or was it just translated that way?… too hopeful to be a female sempai?

joined Aug 22, 2013

I would like to remind to everyone that Mio have always had these tendencies as visible in ch9

By the way I love this pair so much

The shift in art style going back this far is almost strong enough to give me whiplash. It's like going back a console generation. Also there's somebody's underwear like every third panel.

Lol what an apt metaphor... can’t believe it’s been almost 10 years since the first chapter!! But even back then with everyone’s underwear I think it was still a pretty realistic slice of life for high school girls... I remember reading it and thinking wow reminds me of the silly antics my classmates used to get up to back in the day.. I’d say the “fan service” has leveled up too... if before it seemed like the underwear flashing was meant for the reader, now it feels like it’s more earned for the characters/the characters enjoy it too vs the reader just being a voyeur.

joined Aug 22, 2013

Jesus, that jumpscare on the credits page... Warn me next time.

Loooooool I was looking through the comments section to see if anyone would comment on the credits page... too adorable

joined Aug 22, 2013

We certainly are getting a lot of “trouble in paradise” style slice of life yuri lately. Are the lesbian mangakas ok?

Maybe regular day-to-day "relatable" stuff seems marketable now.

Maybe it’s a sign of the times? Ex, lesbian relationships becoming more normalized/mainstream. I kind of like how we’re getting more adult life Yuri instead of just school girl Yuri (lots of but it’s forbidden love, figuring out your gay (but the ones where they just go for it are refreshing))... it’s nice where it’s already established they are a couple, since previously it was a lot of will they/won’t they/confessing.

Lily Marble discussion 14 Apr 08:46
joined Aug 22, 2013

I wish there was an “MVP mom” tag or something so I could just read all the chapters with awesome supportive moms lol... I came out to my mom after I broke up with my ex and her supporting me was one of the best feelings ever... I know it doesn’t work out for everyone, but here’s a shoutout to all supportive parents everywhere! It really means a lot to your LGBTQ+ kids to be loved unconditionally

joined Aug 22, 2013

Sanrai posted:

I hope we see more of miss crazy eyes. Even though this is meant to be a series about the troubles of high school days. Maybe a spin off?

Yes! we now know that Torajirou has a lot of potential for adult life too

I'd say not just adult life, but this chapter shows how Torajirou is awesome at capturing slice of life... this was pet owner life, pet life, and sibling life all rolled into one... I loved it!

hmmm Yuu... I wonder where Pearl gets here tsundere habits..... lololololol :D

joined Aug 22, 2013

Kanae.... you sly dog you ;)

joined Aug 22, 2013

"Rainy Season in the Empire"

These two may look and act like airheads, but, when it comes to yuri, they are like giants towering over all the other couples in the series and smirking smugly at their collective uselessness.

Loooool I’m dying at this comment... but I think MahiMahi are too sweet to be smug. It’s more like they would laugh and giggle as they sprinkled Yuri feels across the land lol.

GET A ROOM YOU TWO!!!!!!!! lol.... chapter 176 is probably one of my favorite chapters, and one of my favorite Ayano/Miyoshi chapters. The details like the crumpled skirt that isn’t perfectly tucked underneath that hair tuck behind the ear all those facial expressions... aaaah it’s great I love it!!!

joined Aug 22, 2013

Oh my gosh! The doki doki effect in this chapter was off the charts lol...

And Kanae and Haruka... Daaaaang Haruka, get it girl!!! I thought it was just going to be the portrayal of a platonic cute friendship but dropping the “normal friends” event flag makes me think otherwise. Totally onboard with this ship hahaha

joined Aug 22, 2013


Awww I miss the paper clip dude... that guy would keep me company when I pulled all-nighters writing papers lol

joined Aug 22, 2013

White Rose posted:

I think the hottest scene of the whole manga was this without a doubt (first panel)

But, but... that's chapter 1!!!
Does that mean the manga has been going downhill since then? Σ(꒪ȏ꒪)

Sadly yes!! it went from a 100/10 and currently is just a mere 10/10 ............ lo/

ayano looks a lot more sexy in the older chapters - honestly ayano and miyoshi have kinda lost their sexual tension since its taking forever for them to even acknowledge anything romantic between them

Okay less lewd goofing around sure... but I’d say the stakes are even higher with all this feelings talk that’s been happening in the later chapters... and let’s not forget that lewd hand holding that was going on over here

joined Aug 22, 2013

Ah i finally caught up lol... so much to comment on... i don’t even know where to start lol

First, Ayano and Miyoshi, so rooting for them... it’s been so long since the first release that i have no idea when, but somehow they turned from typical high school girls goofing off to something hopefully potentially more lol

For everyone else... too much to say... lol, but I really like how KT captures the varying levels of intimacy between people

Taking a glance at some of the earlier chapters, I definitely like how the style has evolved... KT has always been expressive, but the expression and body language has definitely leveled up; it looks great!

Also, does anyone know what chapters the tankoubon covers are in? For some of them they’re in the first chapter, but for others? The covers are gorgeous too!

Image Comments 30 Sep 07:48
joined Aug 22, 2013

There’s been such a big gap between releases that I’m not sure when/how these two turned from two high school girls goofing off into something more lol... either way the last few chapters with them have been gold... they ended up being one of my favorite couples

Kishi Torajirou, was always good with facial expressions and body language, but looking back at the earlier releases and now... wow... definitely kicked up a notch... much improvement on something that was already quite good...