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Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I approve of this pairing. I like KyoSaya especially when Pikachi does it, but there's something a bit more mature about KyoMami. Maybe it's because there's less of Sayaka's bravado getting in the way.

joined Jun 28, 2012

hey hey...i don't like where this discussion is going..hmm..???

Only now?

Okay, in all seriousness this is the place where you go "sorry" and change direction.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Thiaguinho-sama and ChocolateCake Lover:

Tone it down or take it to some chat space or Skype or something, boys.

joined Jun 28, 2012

... I feel I my have contradicted myself somewhere.

Please feel free to make use of one of my favourite quotes:

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"

-- Walt Whitman

joined Jun 28, 2012

Just getting a bit tired of people dancing around it on a site that contains significant quantities of porn, for fuck's sake.

joined Jun 28, 2012

hmm...that'll just make me feel out of it really not suitable for my age to know what BDSM is????

Bondage Domination Sadism Masochism, basically. There's a little of those in stories on the site, but mostly it's pretty mild stuff. I personally found bondage kind of dull, reall. You get tied up and...that's it? Wait, that's supposed to be the fun part? Domination/submission, aka D/s I've seen in action but never tried. Now S&M, that's more active and fun. Lots of happy chemicals being generated in your brain, lots of creative ways to inflict sensations without actually injuring the other person, great fun.

And the fashion sense is pretty cool too.

joined Jun 28, 2012

oops, sorry that was a totally misleading question..what i meant was if you are boys i mean get the point..
thiaguinho-sama, just got my avatar from google..XD

Embarrassing, re-reading your post, it makes sense.

I'm a guy. I think Gengar is a gay mexican BDSM dude, but I'm not sure.

99% sure Nez is a girl. Who else has been here?

Been BDSM? I played a bit, although it's been a bunch of years ago now. The wonders of endorphins. ;-)

joined Jun 28, 2012

This child knows no fear

just like your cat


No, seriously. Unless you're writing a headline, stop using the headline tag so much, please.

last edited at May 5, 2015 8:58PM

joined Jun 28, 2012

Christ, this is becoming The Choco and Thiaguinho Show. You two really know how to flood a comments section, don't you?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

If you want something fun and adventurous that's also kid-friendly (in case you want to share it with a younger relative or something, then I highly recommend the Zita the Spacegirl trilogy of graphic novels. Equally fun for adults, very much rollicking space adventure. Cleopatra In Space is good too, i think the second volume is out by now.

Oh, and if you can find it, the reMIND graphic novel pair by Jason Brubaker is pretty great too.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Adachi is the master of sports+romance manga. I think I learned about the thing called Baseball because of Touch.

And about yaoi, I find the whole "balance of power" thing between the characters (seme x uke) annoying and it's difficult to find some without.

I like Katsu a lot more than Touch, which feels kinda dated. But if you want to stick with baseball, Cross Game is really good.

joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm more interested in romance and how it's told, than in girl-on-girl-is-hot. I found myself thinking quite often that some of the pieces here would have been better without NSFW.

In addition to relating, I think yuri romance offers more feels and food for thought.

This is more or less my view on the subject too. Though I'm not against reading het or yaoi if it's actually decent and there's more to it than just sex. I don't mind sex scenes and fan service in my mangas so long as it doesn't feel forced.


I read and enjoyed Kimi ni Todoke and Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, for example, even though they are het, and there isn't a shred of sex, because the romance and the characters are interesting and it gives good feels.

Yeah, I love Adachi Mitsuru's stuff which is het but cute as hell, and Mainichi Seitan which is yaoi but has respect for the characters' intelligence and doesn't really get rapey (or big-handey either).

joined Jun 28, 2012

I remember reading a couple of interesting pieces on the popularity of yaoi among girls, and two things really stood out. One was the ability to see male characters in more romantic, less threatening contexts than a lot of het fiction tends to be, with a lot more focus on emotions.

I don't know how this train of thought comes about but a lot of Yaoi is rape central or "push down dat little boi and he likes it, nolube420yoloswagblazeit"
Maybe the fact they don't identify as any of the male characters compared to girls in het romance they don't feel the threatening scenarios?

Yaoi manga might be, but yaoi fanfic, not so much I believe. I never saw much of it back when I was hanging with yaoi writers a lot, and "non-con" as it was called then was very niche. But then, even in manga someone here pointed out a little while back how the seme/uke roles tend to mirror the "push the girl against the wall" relationships from shoujo.

The articles I've read do tend to focus on fic more than doujins in any case.

I see this online quite often in forums, be it gaming,books related. The women posters would not care much of a male character that has a shitty life, but if a woman gets it bad it suddenly becomes horrific and demeaning, and they all "relate". I often ask myself why the gender of the character really matters. What's your thoughts on this?

My thoughts are it's totally irrelevant to this conversation, a much bigger topic than I want to get into at the moment, and the topic is prone to a lot of strawmanning which is a pain in the ass to deal with.

On the lesbian point, I understand that kind of thinking from a LGBT point of view but I'm sure a lot are less than happy that they're own homosexual romance is less valuable money wise compared to male on male.

Well, most of what I've seen doesn't seem to be too concerned with the money angle, so much as the fact that there's so little good femslash out there by comparison. Most yuri fans I've run into are mainly concerned with getting more yuri, and it's frustrating when there isn't much to be had.

joined Jun 28, 2012

I'm more interested in romance and how it's told, than in girl-on-girl-is-hot. I found myself thinking quite often that some of the pieces here would have been better without NSFW.

In addition to relating, I think yuri romance offers more feels and food for thought.

I remember reading a couple of interesting pieces on the popularity of yaoi among girls, and two things really stood out. One was the ability to see male characters in more romantic, less threatening contexts than a lot of het fiction tends to be, with a lot more focus on emotions. The other, which I thought was interesting especially in light of how many lesbians are into or even create the stuff, is the desire to see homosexuality portrayed at all, regardless of whether it's your brand or not. Which I think ties into what you're saying, at least from my point of view of simply liking homosexual romance even though my preference is for the girl-girl side.

joined Jun 28, 2012

Hell, a lot of the pornier stuff is intended to be read by straight males.

Dat triangle struggle ending yo...

I'm not sure the whole "tampon" thing was intended to be read by human eyes...

For your visual reference: tampon...
But it's recommended to first watch the actual thing though

To yuri_girl: whispers seductively oh oh oh oh . . . oooo oven toaster's always welcome

I saw the full thing a little while back, it's brilliant. Dat U-Haul, tho

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

wow this was really amazing

Off-topic. Where is your avatar from? Looks familiar.

Ooh! Ooh! I know this one!


joined Jun 28, 2012

Hell, a lot of the pornier stuff is intended to be read by straight males.

Dat triangle struggle ending yo...

I'm not sure the whole "tampon" thing was intended to be read by human eyes...

joined Jun 28, 2012

Hell, a lot of the pornier stuff is intended to be read by straight males.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

What I wish I could find is some lesbian-oriented urban fantasy, especially stuff that draws a lot from folklore (of whatever sort). One thing I really like about Japanese stuff is there's such a huge amount of folklore that pretty much everyone is familiar with, like oni, tengu, 7 legends of whatever location, ghost stories, etc.

I will make it my life goal to write this Nezsama.

Well, I've got a couple of projects to get through first, but there's a serial idea I have in mind where the "fantasy" aspect is inspired by the Mi'Kmaq folklore of eastern Canada. I still need to finish the novel I'm working on now, plus a Miyazaki-inspired one before I get to that, so it'll probably be at least a year before I start.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

What I wish I could find is some lesbian-oriented urban fantasy, especially stuff that draws a lot from folklore (of whatever sort). One thing I really like about Japanese stuff is there's such a huge amount of folklore that pretty much everyone is familiar with, like oni, tengu, 7 legends of whatever location, ghost stories, etc.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

If you like romance, anything by Karin Kallmaker or Georgia Beers. There are a couple I might tentatively recommend but they're ebooks so your library probably wouldn't have them.

My libary has some collection of ebooks, not sure how much they have. Will look into it.

I should note (and amended my comment) that the ebooks are by other authors, not the ones I mentioned. Namely Graveyard Sparrow by Kayla Bashe and The Second Mango by Shira Glassman.

Will check it out, fantasy is my favourite genre afterall.

If anyone has fantasy books with female protagonists I'd enjoy it. Especially the medieval kind ( inorite ).

Bonus point if the romance is a small part of the plot or not all. Even better if it's a morally ambiguous FeMC. Most often than not in fiction we see the female gender incapable of evil, I hate it. Nothing more sexy than a woman who looks out for herself, at least to me.

The two ebooks I recommended both have lesbian main characters, and there's some degree of romance. Neither are what I'd call great books, but both are enjoyable. Graveyard Sparrow especially is much better than the author's previous, Bluebell Hall, which seemed to be in an awful hurry to get finished.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

If you like romance, anything by Karin Kallmaker or Georgia Beers. There are a couple I might tentatively recommend but they're ebooks so your library probably wouldn't have them.

My libary has some collection of ebooks, not sure how much they have. Will look into it.

I should note (and amended my comment) that the ebooks are by other authors, not the ones I mentioned. Namely Graveyard Sparrow by Kayla Bashe and The Second Mango by Shira Glassman.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

If you like romance, anything by Karin Kallmaker or Georgia Beers. There are a couple other books by other authors that a bit more fantasy I might tentatively recommend but they're ebooks so your library probably wouldn't have them.

last edited at May 4, 2015 2:37PM

Nezchan Moderator
Anime season 04 May 13:42
joined Jun 28, 2012

This gif hurts so much
Idk the name of the anime btw

Hand holding is lewd, you don't wanna show that to kids.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Anybody else remember when cell phones looked more or less like this?

Forgive me if this sounds rude, but my estimations for your age seem way off.

Please don't kill me.

tbh I had one like that only 10 years ago, they aren't that old (although it was a couple of years old when I got it, from a friend). Remember that the iPhone only came out in what, 2007? That's only 8 years ago.