This one need an extra page with the blond girl saying "alright, but I invite you as my bride", then true happy ending. ><
I love this idea.... XD
Here is just something I am coming up with on the spot.
"....Yeah," I answered. I could feel the pressure begin to well up behind my eyes, but still Chinatsu just kept grinning. It's like she didn't even see my pain. It was all too much, and soon warm tears ran down my face. Of course, that got her attention.
"What's wrong?" she asked in that tone that had just the perfect amount of affection and energy.
I opened my mouth to speak my mind, but only air came out. I tried again, but only achieved the same results. Instead, I choose a lie. "I'm alright..."
"No you're not! You're crying!" She said, pointing out the obvious.
A few deep breaths and two wet sleeves later, I managed to control the tears, but still she would not let it go.
"Why were you crying?"
"No reason..." I shook it off. Just how could I tell her I wanted her to be my bride? My closest friend. No, my best friend. My crush. I could feel the pressure again, and I fought to keep it in control.
"I just wish I could meet the right guy already," and the tears spilled out again. "Eh? Something is obviously wrong!"
'Of course there is!' I thought to myself. The girl of my dreams is talking about wanting someone else besides me! Why wouldn't I be sad?
"Is it a guy?" I shook my head. "Than who is it?"
'You!' I screamed in my head, but only a whimper actually came out.
"Who?" she repeated.
It took every ounce of my strength not to yell her name, instead I shook my head.
"Tell me!" she begged and I felt myself lose control.
"You..." I mumbled.
"I want to marry you!" I shouted.
Her eyes were wide with shock as she stared at me in disbelief. I could see that she wanted to pass it off as a joke, but I wouldn't let her.
"I want you to be my bride..." I'd lost most of the courage, but somehow I managed to keep talking. "I love you... I am so very in love with you. I want to kiss you, hold you, and... love you..."
I couldn't look up. I knew what expression she'd be wearing disgust, horror, fear, or maybe all of the above; I was surprised when I did look up to find her looking down at me, not with disgust or horror, with interest in her eyes.
"Want to give it a try?" she said pointing to her lips.
I knew I was probably going to get hurt, but such thoughts were in the back of my mind. After all, she could like it too...
(Sorry if you don't like it. I just felt like writing, and I've got a case of writers block for my story. So I decided to do this.)
F. U. C. K. I. N. G. G. R. E. A. T.