Managed to do risk 18 yesterday. Thanks for your Suzuran, myrrhmidon! Other 2 I had in friends had S2 set instead and I really needed S3 for my strategy to work. Setup and risks. Strat is definitely far from optimal, but idk how much higher I can go. This CC really is arts dmg check.
Congrats! And your welcome. I think this was before I max leveled her not that it makes much of a difference. I just wanted to max her. I am glad I managed to m3 her skill 3.
myrrhmidon posted:
Inevitably, I may end up doing the same when burnout sets in for me. I am still curious about where the story will go but alas, as with gacha games, story will keep going until the game dies.
You're getting bored of the game?
Not yet. But I think it's inevitable. I am still fairly invested tho and the fact that I went out of my way to use ops I like for my risk 18 clear is proof that I still like the gameplay as well. I still want to keep trying strats using favorite ops.
whatayuri posted:
Yuri Risk18
Gj! I see we used very similar strategies.
Not as good as this tho. My congratulations for continuing to spread the power of yuri with your risk 18 clears! I am always in awe when I see this.
Yeah, I'm going for the stunlock strat. That's a lot of pain ahead for me.
OOF I saw that strat. Good luck with that!
Thank you but I caved and let the golems go. Timing the sleep was really hard. Of my many attempts, 2 hours was the longest I got maintaining the sync before ultimately failing. Even when I decided to let them go, I still used the Weedy strat to delay them. Here's my risk 18 clear using ops I like. Iris' sleep was only crucial once which was when the 2nd golem arrived. Second attempt at syncing failed but by that point I could let them go. Just had to change from 1 HP seal risk to risk 3 HP debuff. I am proud that Eunectes could take on Big Bob and Mudrock.