ya know, I just did not like Notes from the Garden of Lillies. Somewhere after chpt 3, the shift in the story really turned my off. I guess it's just me based on all the rave reviews I'm reading.
What didn't you like about it exactly??
ya know, I forgot the main reason, so I stayed up last night to reread the whole thing. first off, I missed a bunch of the omake/side stories which after rereading were nice. next, sometimes a story can just "rub" you the wrong way and this particular story did. don't get me wrong, once I reread everything in context, I must confess, it's not a bad story. however, by chapter three I kept injecting my personality into the plot. for example, every time Fujiwara-san would say something smart-assed, I wanted Kurashiki to respond with something equally smart-assed like "die a horrible death," or "I cannot stand you. go away." this in my opinion would have made a more compelling reason for Fujiwara to continue picking on Kurashiki. third of all, I get seriously irritated with wussy protagonist. in this case, that is the character's trait. finally, the ending was ... OK. I think something was missing. again, this is just my opinion and by the end, my disposition to the story was jaded. I will say this, I did like that we get to see them after high school. it was a nice wrap up.
would I add this series to my favorites? probably not unless I constantly found myself rereading it. so far that has not been the case. I know I'm in the minority here, but sometimes, you just don't like something. and this was that something.