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joined Nov 3, 2018

Thank you so much, sneikkimies and shades! We've finally got to this point, haven't we?

Lovely chapters, I especially liked Shimamura's side since she was the one who really had to figure some things out and come to terms with Adachi's feelings and I think the author wrote that whole process wonderfully. Now I'm just left feeling happy.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Wow, this is gonna be good.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I'm just waiting for Yashiro to show up.

joined Nov 3, 2018

A yuri anime getting a second season would be something to see

Still waiting to cross over into the timeline where YagaKimi has a second season. Any day now.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Fellow AdaShima Fans: October.

The character designs are pretty nice.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I like that the story is dealing with Konatsu's dad now, it was set up from the beginning that Konatsu tries to talk to him about her issues but she has a hard time doing so due to him being far away and busy with work. It's also following up on Koyuki's parents helping Koyuki sort her own problems out so it feels natural.

I wonder if they'll mention what happened to Konatsu's mom. If she died or divorced when Konatsu was little, it could easily explain why Konatsu is so prone to loneliness.

last edited at May 2, 2020 8:08PM

Lighthouse discussion 02 May 05:49
joined Nov 3, 2018

Bonus points for including the water gym trainer, always loved her slightly weird design.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Koyuki letting the new club members in isn't just for Konatsu's sake, it's so the club can thrive and keep going even after Koyuki graduates. It would make no sense for her as president (and for her father as supervisor) not to accept more people now that a few are finally interested.

I don't think there's a wedge between Konatsu and Koyuki right now, at least not nearly to the extent that there was one before. They are aware they need each other as they've talked about last chapter, in fact that should be what will drive Konatsu to want to stay rather than moving back to Tokyo with her father. It would be nice if Konatsu spilled the beans with Koyuki even before the next public exhibition of the club or if Koyuki noticed something is wrong and got her to talk, I think they'd have no trouble sorting it out. And I hope the author does it to show their character development, as Koyuki already realized in the previous couple chapters that she needs to be more perceptive and listen to Konatsu, so it should be time for Konatsu to become less reticent about her feelings in turn.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I don't think there's been nearly enough setup for it to end next chapter short of it getting axed.

joined Nov 3, 2018

It's so nice to see them playfully teasing each other now, it sure took a while to get there. As for the new club members, I wonder if they're actually going to be important or not since they didn't even get names.

I got a vibe from this chapter that the next one might be the last.

Same, but that would be really sudden. Going by the words of Konatsu's aunt to her father about not taking away the place where she belongs again, I think it's more likely that this situation will end with him realizing that Konatsu is finally doing well and that he'd be doing her a disservice by going back to Tokyo together with her before she graduates. Konatsu clearly doesn't seem ready to leave yet either.

After all, there'd be no need to introduce the club members if it was just going to end now with Konatsu leaving. Logically, they're there because Koyuki is the one who will be leaving first since she graduates in a few months and Konatsu will be taking over the club in her third year.

Oh, and I've always felt like the final chapter is going to have both Konatsu and Koyuki's names in the title.

last edited at Apr 28, 2020 3:28AM

joined Nov 3, 2018

She follows Nio Nakatani on twitter and she's drawn a whole bunch of doujins and fanart with girls kissing posted on this very website, I don't think her interests are exactly hidden, lol.

joined Nov 3, 2018

As long as she's doing well and there are no issues with the manga. I can wait.

VAMPEERZ discussion 21 Apr 21:15
joined Nov 3, 2018

Stalking Master Takagi-san

A funny, cute, poignant and mysterious chapter all at once. Ichika is usually a comedic character, but the way she's coming to terms with her growing desire is endearing before it is comical.

Hello, Westerners. Finally we have signed the translation request for the English, German and Italian editions of VAMPEERZ. Thank you for your support

Nice! I'm Italian, I'll look forward to the announcement in the coming months. There's one particular publisher who releases most yuri here so it'll likely be them.

Image Comments 21 Apr 21:02
joined Nov 3, 2018

^If only it wasn't just seven five-minute shorts.

joined Nov 3, 2018

She also posted a pretty nice FFVIIR fanart on her twitter so she must be doing okay. Maybe the magazine itself got delayed?

joined Nov 3, 2018

Wow. Grandma with that old school multiplayer tech!

But the real question is, was it a Super Famicom, PlayStation or Saturn? This is important to determine her exact level of awesome.

joined Nov 3, 2018

So proud of Shimamura. She did not answer Tarumi's call and always have Adachi on her mind. Truly loved the chapter and that "Kyou no Adachi-san" is the icing on the cake, we can never get enough of baka-Adachi. Haha

It gets better when you consider Shimamura laments in the bonus chapter that Adachi wouldn't let her end the phone call late into the night and Adachi says she went to comb her hair and considered makeup and changing clothes immediately after the call. She likely did all of that in the middle of the night.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I see, thanks. I'm glad you're not stopping.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Man, I suck at Bomberman, Shimamura's grandma would definitely beat me.

Also, just to make sure I say it here as well, despite the situation with the other version, I am going to see this project to the end in one way or another.

What is this about?

joined Nov 3, 2018

Yamada. ... You're on vacation. Your girl friend has a room to herself, Yamada. Yamada, your on vacation and your girlfriend has a private room.

Forget the fireworks, girl, arrange a sleepover.

To be clear, Yamada, that does not mean you should just sleep when you go over.

The senpai seemed like she was trying to play wing-girl throughout this chapter, but she'll need a bigger clue-by-four if she wants to make a dent in our protagonists.

But from how Kase was talking about it, her room seems to be the equivalent of Harry Potter's cupboard under the stairs.

joined Nov 3, 2018

I seem to recall she did, but hell if I remember the exact point. I hope someone else can either confirm or deny it since I might just be misremembering.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Would Tarumi really say she remembers seeing Adachi somewhere before so vaguely when she had gone to that same restaurant Adachi was already working at? Seems like a weird thing to forget.

joined Nov 3, 2018

Look at these characters being able to leave their homes and go on vacations, wouldn't it be nice if the real world was like that, haha...

VAMPEERZ discussion 24 Mar 05:36
joined Nov 3, 2018

This manga is unexpectedly comedy gold, but also pretty hot when it wants to be.

joined Nov 3, 2018

He also wrote the manga adaptations, including the currently ongoing one.