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joined Sep 6, 2018

That was great! A partner is conscience, confidence, courage, and cheerleader for the other.

Carry on!

joined Sep 6, 2018

Oh to be that bold.. I wish I could

She’s either a player or desperate. Then again, it’s best to have the courage to be honest from the beginning instead of the end (of the relationship).

joined Sep 6, 2018

That's a sexy final shot.

You can say that again

Hehehe, the last sidenote reads: "How will Rin react to her pupil's tears...?"

It should read: "How will Rin react to DAT ASS???"

With her luck, kohai strikes out even while wearing her lucky underwear (it’s gotta be Victoria Secret—can’t you see it?! Look again for the label!)

joined Sep 6, 2018

Yuri for the sake of yuri. Relationship development was barely there, the characters have no depth to them, and the grown up of the two asks to go out while having sex?
Not my cup of tea, but nothing wrong with that. The artist just wanted to make a short yuri.

Can’t have expectations too high for a one shot.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Maybe there should be a yuri denied or het for the win for the het yuri crossovers that have depressing het endings.

I think “Old School” fits your definition. Wikipedia (Yuri) mentions the common tropes of “Old School” plots waaaay before they became more mainstream in 2000’s. It’s interesting that, to me, “Old School” is another form of censorship back in those days.

joined Sep 6, 2018

I hope Dynasty Reader have a "good ending" and "bad ending" tag. So I know which one to skip. =_=

There is a tag for it, but it’s left only for one yuri manga because there’s always one that isn’t perfect (the rest is, mostly).

joined Sep 6, 2018

Wow, I’ve been wondering of all the tags on this website besides the obvious, which tag(s) would prevent a translated manga from being picked up for further publication overseas? (I’m talking about licensed for mainstream publication)

I mean, the only way this manga can be picked up stateside is when it’s part of an anthology and leaving it out would make the anthology appear too thin.

My opinion on top ten tags (besides the obvious) that will prevent the manga from being sold elsewhere beyond its originating country:

  1. “Old School”
  2. “M Night Shyamalan”—Taking a dump on the plot
  3. “Animated”—I’ve yet to see a single yuri flip art book.
  4. “Bad End”—Taking a dump on the audience then crying on the way to the bank.
  5. “Incomplete”—The mangaka will finish the manga once he/she finishes their joint and remembers to finish the manga afterwards.
  6. “Nice Boat”—CENSORSHIP!
  7. “Cross Over”—Who gets most royalties after conceding their treasured intellectual property ends up being a bottom?
  8. “Image Set”—Better left printed on postcards.
  9. “Onions”—okay, this needs some help... when artwork gets really lazy like cabbage drawn in anime... only this time it’s onions here.
  10. “FREEDOM”—I’m tired of giving out punchlines!

last edited at May 8, 2020 1:33AM

Onions discussion 08 May 01:10
joined Sep 6, 2018

The description was very helpful, thanks!

joined Sep 6, 2018

^ That... actually makes a good amount of sense. :/
Oh man, if you're right, next chapter is going to be high on the DRAMA.

Nah! Mangaka shouldn’t explain her way out of conflict. The audience expects a brawl worthy of “FIGHT CLUB”!! Mangaka has gotta cave into the demands of the fans!


Problem is, Tazune is a big strong guy, and he looks very fit. Otoh, Maki is woefully out of shape and frankly I don't think she has too much of a chance in a fistfight against Tazune.

If things turn violent, I sure hope she finds a lead pipe nearby at hand.

Even if you have two people half the mass of the aggressor, they’d have a 66% chance of kicking the bully’s ass. I mean, how do you think wolves manage to take down prey that’s ten times the mass of a single wolf?

joined Sep 6, 2018
  1. She can be my podiatrist anytime! I won’t need second opinions...

  2. So that’s how you get foot and mouth disease!

  3. I’d rather have the nibble fish clean my feet instead of her.

  4. For foot lovers, does Victoria Secret sell socks? Maybe the sock has a hole for the big toe! Hell, I’ve got my own fashion line of Victoria Secret socks in my drawer!!

I’d like to thank the mangaka for giving me the inspiration for the previous punchlines.

last edited at May 7, 2020 10:13PM

joined Sep 6, 2018


Image Comments 04 May 22:18
joined Sep 6, 2018

^^ Writer’s block. That’s what it takes to overcome writer’s block.

Subject is a bit chunky, yes?

last edited at May 4, 2020 10:19PM

Image Comments 04 May 21:31
joined Sep 6, 2018

Oh No! She’s been friend zoned! At least, that’s what Chris Rock (comedian) would say...

Image Comments 04 May 21:28
joined Sep 6, 2018

This is good.

First Place!

last edited at May 4, 2020 10:22PM

Image Comments 04 May 21:25
joined Sep 6, 2018

^ Yes, she’s definitely a handful!

joined Sep 6, 2018

Okay, I need some confirmation here: Did the younger lady runaway from home to be with her “teacher”?

joined Sep 6, 2018

This chapter was hilarious. But yeah, they need to have sex and we have to witness it

^ I second this motion! Any opposed? Motion carries...

“Thanks Time Skip!”— Now that’s a great joke on a cliche manga formula. Awesome writing!

joined Sep 6, 2018

where exactly does it come from?

bad writing

I believe the chapters are too damn short... no chance for story arcs. This is all a comic strip series to me. The novelty of this manga is wearing thin.

joined Sep 6, 2018

If she stops going commando, she won’t be bitten there!

joined Sep 6, 2018

I wish Kaoru would soon realize that Reiich was cheating on her with With so-called friend Risako.

I wish we had actual evidence that this so-called cheating happened.

Check comments. The evidence was inferred by mangaka. It happened after she broke her ankle and she made a text to her husband then she was called immediately by a co-worker of her husband.

Image Comments 02 May 06:15
joined Sep 6, 2018

Hindu goddess Durga in middle school. Don’t worry, the last set of arms grow in the final growth spurt of puberty.

Image Comments 02 May 06:05
joined Sep 6, 2018

Now for a little bit of FULL METAL JACKET crossover: “Private Pyle! What is this yuri pair doing in your wall locker?!”

Image Comments 02 May 06:02
joined Sep 6, 2018


Image Comments 02 May 06:00
joined Sep 6, 2018

Great drawing. Although I wonder what her, umm, uniform is supposed to do? It’s a funny way to stay within “Ecchi” bounds... and this hasn’t been tagged “Ecchi” yet.

Image Comments 02 May 05:51
joined Sep 6, 2018

“Damn! I gotta get this commission done by deadline and I haven’t even started outlining! What to do? Oh, what can I do!? Wait, I’ll draw four squished balloons in a hurry, then scribble in the rest of the peripheral background like faces and hairstyles, then Vwalla!—I finished this on time! And it’s a pretty good drawing because it’s the boobs! It’s The BEEEWWBS!!!”