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joined Feb 18, 2015

Cute as heck! Can't wait for meowr.

joined Feb 18, 2015

So now the boss is going to fall for her... LOL!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Waiting for sis and her new girlfriend to come home all hot and bothered and interrupt them, letting Kasumi know that her sister has similar tastes to her in lovers, then to have the girlfriend say that the movie they're watching is one of her all time favorites! (Because, after all, sis is attracted to girls that are similar to her little sister... She's a bit of a siscon... You can tell, right? LOL!)

Eh... Who knows... I just want to see sis and her girlfriend more!!!

I also want to know if Acchan is going to be confessed to by the girl from the bathroom because Kasumi denied that they are dating thanks to her sister's advice...

last edited at Apr 6, 2017 12:34PM

Image Comments 04 Apr 22:11
joined Feb 18, 2015

I pity the partner of anyone who thinks that "Foreplay" refers to golf! (You'll notice that only one of them still has panties on as well...)

Elena discussion 04 Apr 20:34
joined Feb 18, 2015

I never knew how much I wanted Theme Park x Schoolgirl Yuri until now.







+7 omg lmao

joined Feb 18, 2015

No more? Too bad, it was kinda cute...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Unintentional yuri...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Hmmm... Shades of Fuuka... Please, no trucks in this one!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Too cute times two!

Kase-san discussion 03 Apr 12:53
joined Feb 18, 2015

Happy to see they reached this point. I just wish that Yamada would've actually said "Yes" or something when Kase asked if they wanted to do it. It's not that I think she was forced into it or that she wasn't ready. She loves Kase and wanted to do more than kiss. But it woulda been nice for her to actually verbalize it.

Also wish that they both woulda said "I love you" or similar at some point. Woulda been nice and romantic, and it was the perfect time.

But, again, very satisfying nonetheless. Though I would like to see the continuing adventures of Tomoka and Yui after this.

Different cultures work differently. Affirmative consent is a very western concept, and even in the west is a very very recent concept. Many cultures even in the west still don't practice it. I wouldn't be so judging about it.

And, frankly, those smoldering eyes in the bottom right panel of page 10 are SCREAMING yes! (And Tomoka's track suit and bra got removed somehow, without Yui's bra coming off all the way. That really suggests that Tomoka didn't step back and undress. Otherwise Yui's bra would have fallen off. Nope, I think Yui was taking her cloths off for her... I think we the mangaka just skipped a few steps to keep things pg-13.)

Beloved L discussion 02 Apr 22:53
joined Feb 18, 2015

Chapter 12 is kind of heartbreaking... I don't know if they would be able to to make it work in a few years, but it is clear that the age gap is too much right now.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Well, that is a crappy rule they have! Take a huge number of people who actually would use donated sperm and prohibit hospitals from assisting them with insemination! Brilliant! (Not just Lesbians, but also single women and, very technically, anyone who is serving as a surrogate.)

joined Feb 18, 2015

That was much better than I expected...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Okay, sis... Time to go ask your little sister for some advice about how do deal with this?

Kase-san discussion 02 Apr 02:14
joined Feb 18, 2015

Well, it wasn't the most swellingly romantic consummation scene ever. But it also wasn't a done-to-death cliche scene. It felt kinda real. I know my personal such scenes have not generally been heavy on the dialogue, you know?

I thought the same.

I actually thought it was hella romantic because of the realism.

I hope, as people have mentioned above, that it isn't the END end, though it wouldn't be a horrible ending to their story. They are on a clear path to happily-ever-after. But I just want to see more of the cuteness...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Leaving work at 7pm is normal!? Those 10-11 hour work days, ouch! At least they get paid overtime~

From what I know about the Japanese work ethics, this is normal.

Except for the getting paid overtime part probably...

joined Feb 18, 2015

That may be the least surprised I've ever been for a "they're actually dating" reveal, but I'll take it anyway.

Same! It was pretty obvious, but cute as heck!

The fact that Mari didn't actually figure out that Takagi was talking about herself is funny, since they have actually known each other the longest, but she is clearly supposed to be kind of a clueless wonder... (Nearly as clueless as Takagi herself...)

joined Feb 18, 2015

Wow, yeah. Senpai needs a punch or three. Way too predatory and entitled for my taste.

Exactly! And I realize that she's their Senpai and they are supposed to be respectful, but both of them need to tell her to back off! (Especially Fu-Chan, since it looks like she's still trying to get her to go out on dates alone with her at the end...)

Frankly, if it wasn't presented so lightheartedly, I would be concerned about Fu-chan and Non-chan's relationship. (Like if this was in a serious story and not something that is essentially a gag comic.)

joined Feb 18, 2015

Chapter 8 has to be one of the sweetest I've read in a while. Misunderstandings cleared up... They're officially dating... Now they will both be sick by Japanese convention because of getting caught in the rain, but such is life... Perhaps they can spend some time together in bed recuperating?

joined Feb 18, 2015

Finding out that her idealized image of her sister doesn't match who she was to her friends on the student council, thus her attempt to be "just like her" isn't really succeeding, other than how she appears to the teachers and her parents, is obviously messing with Touko's mind... It is sad that she wants to go to Yuu for comfort, but is afraid to, since she thinks that Yuu's patience with her is of limited supply, when in reality, she really loves her and would rather be there for her.

That clear look of jealousy at the end is so telling... I can't wait to find out what happens next! The tension between the three of them so intense!

BTW: On page 14, the "She's so sweet..." is Touko's thoughts, right? It is kind of odd because it is on top of Yuu, but It the next page seems to indicate that it was Touko...

last edited at Mar 29, 2017 4:18PM

joined Feb 18, 2015

Way to go!!! Great advice!!! (Is that her big sister or her mom?)

EDIT: DUH! Re-read it and saw her call her siiiisssss... OOPS!

last edited at Mar 30, 2017 10:41AM

joined Feb 18, 2015

The track suit was a pretty soft lob. Easy to catch... But it still made me chuckle. This is such a funny series... Now let's return to our regularly scheduled yuri vampire action!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Ah... Now she'll have to figure out a way to win her back now that she's crushed her fragile little heart....

joined Feb 18, 2015

That was funny as hell!

joined Feb 18, 2015

The bike thing is hilarious! And all of the various ribbons are great too...